Pregnancy and Slimming World

Bloody hated that jab it's ok when you have it! Doesn't hurt at all, but I found my arm was really swollen and sore for a couple if days afterwards! Glad everything went ok :)

Hows everything going your end, are those injections making you feel better or just the same x
Hows everything going your end, are those injections making you feel better or just the same x

Ummm well after doing the first one last night I have mastered the hang of it! But the first was traumatic! Anyway my levels seem to have stabilised so that's good! But I don't actually feel any better if anything I feel more tired and light headed! I'm seeing my consultant tomorrow afternoon to discuss birth plan now that the diabetes team have changed my treatment he may want to induce me earlier!!! Eeeek to be honest as long as its safe I hope they do! I've swollen up like a big balloon my ankles well they are cankles now my knees are huge I'm totally full of water! So I will be relieved once I have her!!! X
Ummm well after doing the first one last night I have mastered the hang of it! But the first was traumatic! Anyway my levels seem to have stabilised so that's good! But I don't actually feel any better if anything I feel more tired and light headed! I'm seeing my consultant tomorrow afternoon to discuss birth plan now that the diabetes team have changed my treatment he may want to induce me earlier!!! Eeeek to be honest as long as its safe I hope they do! I've swollen up like a big balloon my ankles well they are cankles now my knees are huge I'm totally full of water! So I will be relieved once I have her!!! X
Aww that must be awful and the heat doesnt help much too does it. They might induce you at 37 weeks than so you dont have long left at all x
Had my midwife check today and everything is looking good. There were 2 midwifes and the first one couldnt find the heartbeat because little madam was nicely tucked up behind my placenta so the second midwife took over and felt her position which is head down and on the left side of me which explains the left side rib and back pain. She got her neck too and gave her a jiggle lol which she didnt like because i got quite a few kicks, After she knew the position she got the heartbeat straightaway. My tummy is measuring big but when she felt her she said she was small but because of my history of smallish babys she was fine with that. Also thought i would get away with the whooping cough jab but she reminded me to book it on my way out so i have that on tuesday x

Glad yer m/wife app went well hun, I'd my app yesterday n I wish I hadn't bothered goin! My last app 5wks ago they said I was measuring 2 small (21cms @ almost 26wks) n now they'r sayin I'm 2 big (36cms at almost 31wks). There's no way my bump's got 15cms bigger in the last 5wks n it's certainly not a big bump anyway! It was a dif girl 2 the last time n she measured it completely differently n I had 2 keep referring her 2 my notes cos she never even opened my folder until I asked her 2! She complained bout my blood pressue bein low n I started 2 explain 2 her than I naturally ave low pressure n asked her wat the readin was. She looked at me as if 2 say "wat wud u kno bout it anyway!?" When I eventually got the readin out of her I told her if was actually slightly higher than at my bookin in app n she just came out n asked "how do u kno that!?" I said "well cos I actually read my notes!!!"

I'l try 2 post a bump pic n see if u girls here think size-wise....

Anyway I'm sorry 4 whinging on when others ave much more serious issues. Gemmalina I'l b thinkin of u n wish u the best. Slinky I good luck wif the jabs n I'm sure u'l get the hang of it soon. Missy I'm glad yer getting the help n support u need 2 hun x
Aww that must be awful and the heat doesnt help much too does it. They might induce you at 37 weeks than so you dont have long left at all x

It is awful, feels like tiny needles all over my feet, cankles and knees :-( Yeah it's definitely something to do with the weather! I'm going to shoe him my legs and mention it tomorrow hopefully I will be induced earlier! They said that baby's are full term at 37 weeks so fingers crossed :) when people have said its really difficult towards the end I was like Nah not me I'll whizz through it! But since about 7 months I've struggled but hey ho the end is in sight! X

This pic was taken on Tues as in day b4 yesterday - does anybody think I'm 2 big 4 almost 31wks!?
Glad yer m/wife app went well hun, I'd my app yesterday n I wish I hadn't bothered goin! My last app 5wks ago they said I was measuring 2 small (21cms @ almost 26wks) n now they'r sayin I'm 2 big (36cms at almost 31wks). There's no way my bump's got 15cms bigger in the last 5wks n it's certainly not a big bump anyway! It was a dif girl 2 the last time n she measured it completely differently n I had 2 keep referring her 2 my notes cos she never even opened my folder until I asked her 2! She complained bout my blood pressue bein low n I started 2 explain 2 her than I naturally ave low pressure n asked her wat the readin was. She looked at me as if 2 say "wat wud u kno bout it anyway!?" When I eventually got the readin out of her I told her if was actually slightly higher than at my bookin in app n she just came out n asked "how do u kno that!?" I said "well cos I actually read my notes!!!"

I'l try 2 post a bump pic n see if u girls here think size-wise....

Anyway I'm sorry 4 whinging on when others ave much more serious issues. Gemmalina I'l b thinkin of u n wish u the best. Slinky I good luck wif the jabs n I'm sure u'l get the hang of it soon. Missy I'm glad yer getting the help n support u need 2 hun x

A few midwifes can be cows usually the inexperianced ones! I have also noticed some midwifes like the first one I had cant figure out the top of the baby which is where the measurement needs to start and the top of the pubic bone where the measurement ends so its a pretty inaccurate way to measure baby. Also i just realised i measure big not only because of my big tummy but because my placenta is at the front which makes my bump bigger! So dont worry hun by the sounds of her she measured you wrong unless baby chose that time to stick its bum out and make your bump bigger like mines likes to do x
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This pic was taken on Tues as in day b4 yesterday - does anybody think I'm 2 big 4 almost 31wks!?

You dont look big at all, a really nice neat bump, she measured you wrong most likely but you will get a better idea in your next appointment x
It is awful, feels like tiny needles all over my feet, cankles and knees :-( Yeah it's definitely something to do with the weather! I'm going to shoe him my legs and mention it tomorrow hopefully I will be induced earlier! They said that baby's are full term at 37 weeks so fingers crossed :) when people have said its really difficult towards the end I was like Nah not me I'll whizz through it! But since about 7 months I've struggled but hey ho the end is in sight! X

The last few weeks are always difficult, i feel like i am carrying a watermelon and the pain in my ribs (her bum) wakes me up several times a night! x
You dont look big at all, a really nice neat bump, she measured you wrong most likely but you will get a better idea in your next appointment x

Thanx 4 the reassurance hun! I almost feel like they take advantage of my lack of experience in this pregnancy lark! lol! x
Well think of it in this way if they keep on measuring you bigger than 3cm than they will have to give you a scan so you will be able to see baby again but from your pic you look small so most likely she measured you wrong x
The last few weeks are always difficult, i feel like i am carrying a watermelon and the pain in my ribs (her bum) wakes me up several times a night! x

I'm the same but my pain tends to feel like its in my lungs! I get a crushing feeling then wake up gasping for breath! Your right though these last few weeks are a killer, I'm still working too but only doing bits however think I'll have to give it a rest in a week or so and try and have at least 2 weeks to myself :)
Well another turd nights sleep!!! I've been sat watching Jeremy Kyle for hours normally hate this show but sod all on!

Did anyone who has breast fed before? Find having a kindle helped through the night feeds? I'm debating whether to buy one because I'm seriously struggling now to sleep! And feel that most breast feeding is done on demand so I may need something to get me through the night :/
Well another turd nights sleep!!! I've been sat watching Jeremy Kyle for hours normally hate this show but sod all on!

Did anyone who has breast fed before? Find having a kindle helped through the night feeds? I'm debating whether to buy one because I'm seriously struggling now to sleep! And feel that most breast feeding is done on demand so I may need something to get me through the night :/

Aww hun atleast you will be well prepared for sleepless nights x
I didnt breastfeed my 3 but bottlefed them and with all 3 i had my books ready so when they woke for a feed it would be baby in lap bottle in one hand and reading a book with the other hand because they take ages to drink their milk at the beginning and i would assume thats the same with breastfeeding. Lol newborns also like to fall asleep at the bottle or breast so always trying to wake them to finish off milk so thats another reason why it takes a little longer to feed them. So this time i have invested in a kindle because i get through so many books and its not practical buying books or going to the library all the time. Only thing i would say with the kindle is if your a mad book reader like me it wil take time to get used to it (i've had mines 2 months and still trying to get used to it!) so i would get it now to try x
Allimack, you look fab! Although I'm no expect myself I don't think you look too big or too small, just nice and compact. I hope I look like that at 30 weeks and not like a beached whale, am kinda concerned that I will as I seem to have a little bump starting already at just under 13 weeks!

Talking of not wanting to be a beached whale, I went to SW last night (had to drag myself there as I felt awful) and I've somehow lost the 4lbs I gained last week! It kinda unnerved me tbh - part of me is like, how can I have lost that weight with eating what I have been eating and being pregnant!? Worries me that something is wrong with baby! Then I thought - I have eaten ever so slightly better although still not on plan and I have cooked a couple of SW dinners, as has husband. So perhaps it can be explained...
Gemmalina - thinking of you today and hoping for better news from this scan xxx

Cake - I already said on your diary I know but I'm so delighted for you! Little baby cake is a cutie <3

Slinky - on of my friends invested in a kindle for when she was breastfeeding and said it was an absolute godsend for long feeds being able to read and still have her hands free. Think I'll be looking into getting one myself :)

Me? I'm off to see a perinatal psychiatrist today! Wish me luck! It does seem though that my mood has lifted no end since I found out I have a scan on tues, bet they will decide there's nothing wrong with me after today...
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Gemmalina - thinking of you today and hoping for better news from this scan xxx

Cake - I already said on your diary I know but I'm so delighted for you! Little baby cake is a cutie <3

Slinky - on of my friends invested in a kindle for when she was breastfeeding and said it was an absolute godsend for long feeds being able to read and still have her hands free. Think I'll be looking into getting one myself :)

Me? I'm off to see a perinatal psychiatrist today! Wish me look! It does seem though that my mood has lifted no end since I found out I have a scan on tues, bet they will decide there's nothing wrong with me after today...

Hope today goes well for you Missy!
Hope today goes well for you Missy!

Thanks, I'm a bit nervous but more nervous about the scan on tues so this should be easy I hope xxx