Pregnancy and Slimming World

I didn't get a scan picture as their was no point as the baby had it's back to us and was curled up with its hands between it's legs,lol. Got told to have some chocolate and walk around and then it got more wriggled up and was asleep, lol.

Got told by the scanner women that next time come later, which is now 3pm and eat a chocolate bar before 3pm - ooo I do like being told to eat chocolate without the guilt, hehe.
Ha ha looks like we really are having the most similar pregnancies!!

Baby was very naughty and wouldn't stay in the right position so even after a wee and a ten min walk around and another check, I've got to go back and have another scan... Just to do two of the heart checks. We stuck to our guns and asked the sonographer not to reveal the gender. Feel much better now, was feeling quite anxious last few days. Will post a pic a bit later - was really lovely though, baby wriggling around and scratched its head!
My Bmi was overweight to start with but now it is obese (don't know number) but I am currently 13.8 and growing! I try to eat healthy but struggle now and again with cravings like brown bread and cheese (s**t) but have started swiming three times a week to help keep fit and try to reduce my gaining if necessary. I don't even know about birth yet as it is something that is not discussed probably to early and this will be my first and also going for a glucose test. What will be will be I suppose, no point added stress when all you can do is your best.

Gonna ask people a question. What was ur starting bmi?

Mines 32 and each day I keep thinkin bout it and hoping I don't gain much weight but am still healthy eating as I have a fear of c section. And after my first birth didn't go well and ended in forceps this time I really really want to give birth naturaly without drugs. An possibly have a home water birth. I want it so much I'm worrying myself sick over bein fat.

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
For our 4d Sacn the advice was a sugary drink/choc a hour before hand. Hope that helps some.

Leeann - when I found out I was pregnant my BMI was 32.82, so say 33 for the sake of rounding.
Leeanne my BMI was 28 which placed me in the overweight brackett but to be honest I take no notice of the BMI as I am a size 12/14 so cant see how I am classed as overweight?

I honestly wouldnt worry about your weight! You just need to make sure that you are putting plenty of healthy food into your body and you are eating enough to make sure that you and baby are fit and healthy x
My BMI was 34 I think pre pregnancy, but I'm not too worried about that now, just try and get all the nutrients you can.

I don't think a sugary drink or chocolate would have helped earlier - baby was wriggling around and turning, just not in the way she wanted!! Oh well it's not all bad - at least I get to see my baby again and get more pictures!
Here's my scan pic


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I can't wait for a first scan :) that magic moment I can share with other half!! Can't remember what it was like as I was pregnant exactly 5 yrs ago :) but it wasn't very magical! Lol

Feel a bit poo today. I was hoping for no sickness. And guess what. It's started! And I'm only 4 weeks :( last time it lasted my whole pregnancy n even labour! But at least I didn't get it till 8 weeks! :( not 4!!

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
sarah how far along are you now? great pic!

off to our 2nd day of hypnobirthing. Hope i remember all this info when it comes to it lol!
FernXx said:
sarah how far along are you now? great pic!

I was 20 weeks on Friday!
Although looking at my scan notes, the baby measured 19 weeks so I'd better prepare myself to go a bit over!

Did our first bit of baby shopping in asda today - a couple of cute babygrows, a sleeping bag and comforter blanket. Feels a bit more real now!
I was 20 weeks on Friday!
Although looking at my scan notes, the baby measured 19 weeks so I'd better prepare myself to go a bit over!

Did our first bit of baby shopping in asda today - a couple of cute babygrows, a sleeping bag and comforter blanket. Feels a bit more real now!

Baby shopping! Love it! Lovely scan pic btw :)

it's 3 am and I'm only up because of horrible nightmare. Thrashing about bed hyperventilating and sweating night-terror style. Dream has absolutely no meaning in a 'normal' context but was bloody horrible. Can't sleep - trying hot milk. :':)cry:
Lovely pic fern, you look fab!
Fern you're all baby but its not like you've got huge. I think you look lovely X

I'm due my 31 week pic on Thursday, so will update then. I've started getting fat knees and face now. Not braw!
Fern you are glowing!

I'm starting to get a little impatient now.

I'm still feeling energetic and bright but sleeping is now getting uncomfortable. I'm waking up feeling stiff and got back ache where I'm finding that I can only sleep in one position.

I'm still enjoying every moment baby moves as I know that this is my likely to be my last pregnancy and want to enjoy every moment.

I'll put a pick up in a bit too.

Hope you are all doing well and had a good weekend x x