Pregnancy and Slimming World

Thanks so much Britmum, I really appreciate your help. I have to have a c-section because I had a myomectomy almost 3 years ago to remove a pretty big fibroid (grapefruit size) that was embeded in my uterus. The dr that operated on me said I'd have to have a CS for future pregnancies. To be honest C-sections are all I know of childbirth, every woman I know, including my mum all had C-sections lol. I'm just worried about being in so much pain and trying to look after the baby at the same time. With my myomectomy (which is essentially a CS with no baby) I was in bed for a week!

Thanks for the rec on the lanisoh nipple cream, that's the exact one I ordered from Mothercare! YAY!
Thanks so much Britmum, I really appreciate your help. I have to have a c-section because I had a myomectomy almost 3 years ago to remove a pretty big fibroid (grapefruit size) that was embeded in my uterus. The dr that operated on me said I'd have to have a CS for future pregnancies. To be honest C-sections are all I know of childbirth, every woman I know, including my mum all had C-sections lol. I'm just worried about being in so much pain and trying to look after the baby at the same time. With my myomectomy (which is essentially a CS with no baby) I was in bed for a week!

Thanks for the rec on the lanisoh nipple cream, that's the exact one I ordered from Mothercare! YAY!

Although the recovery is still sore, planned sections are meant to be so much better than emergency ones, as you haven't got any wearing out to your uterus through contractions etc. Plus it is a good excuse to make people wait on you :p

My mum had a c section with me too, due to a low lying placenta, so I kind of anticipated me ending up with one with my son. LOL.
cor honey, im exhausted just thinking of what you got to do and pack etc!!
C-sec is my worst nightmare, even though your scared im so proud of you!

.. day 3 with no sickness.. 1.5lbs off at fat club.. whoo lol xx
I had an emcs with my little boy 16 months ago, the best advice I can give is get up for a walk as soon as you are able, keep on top of the painkillers even if you don't feel too bad and take a pillow for the car journey home, just to hold against your scar, bumps are painful!!

I'm going for a vbac this time but if things don't go to plan and I need a csec then so be it.

Thanks guys! I spoke to my mum today and she's super excited. She's coming over in the first week of Feb to spend a couple of months with us to help out with housework, cooking etc cuz DH works long hours that involves travel at short notice. He cleared his calendar for 2 weeks but they're in the middle of an important IPO so things are pretty intense. It'll be great having my mum with me, I'd be a wreck otherwise! Oh and she also said that on the bright side, a C-section keeps your "bits" honeymoon fresh hee hee :D
lmao honey, that cracked me up!

i wonder if il stay honeymoon fresh!? this may be TMI but im always 'tight' every time we DTD, i worry im not stretchy enough down there! i honestly dont think il get away with no tearing etc. not worrying loads atm, too early! lol
FernXx said:
cor honey, im exhausted just thinking of what you got to do and pack etc!!
C-sec is my worst nightmare, even though your scared im so proud of you!

.. day 3 with no sickness.. 1.5lbs off at fat club.. whoo lol xx

Hi fern, do u go to a slimming world group?
Hi all, I am just over 5 weeks pregnant with my second and I am desperate not to gain too much weight this time. I gained a huge amount last time and felt so uncomfortable and depressed towards the end. It also took me a while to lose it afterwards.

My OH and I have been trying for 8 months and unfortunately I gained a bit of weight during this time (think it was due to stress!) so I would like to lose a few kilograms before I get to 12 weeks. Thereafter, I just want to minimise the weight gain! I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy so I do really need to try and stick to this plan if I want to avoid getting it this time.

I have done SW before and enjoyed it so thought I would give it another go!
Why am I soooooo hungry?

Its like BOOM! yesterday and today I cant get enough to eat. Trying to limit the damage by filling up on lentil and vegetable soup, and just had a bowl/packet of sugar snap peas. Was making wee grunty noises eating them too :eek:.

I ate a WHOLE pineapple for breakfast.

Took fruit in my bags going around the shops today and a bottle of water.

Still but, STARVING! And bloated.

Dont know if its maybe nerves as my big scan and midwife appointment is tomorrow?
Hi just came accross this thread :)

Congrats to u all :)

I'm leeanne I'm 24 and I have a little boy who is 4 next week!!

I'm so broody right now and me and partner ate trying for a baby in sept :) can't wait to join u all :) I'm trying to lose 3 and half stone till then :)

All the luck in the world to u all it's the most amazing thing in the entire world!!
when it could mean avoiding a 3rd degree tear though, I think I would try anything.

Have to say I agree with BritMum over this - no matter how squeamish you think it's going to be it will be worth it if it prevents you from tearing.

Lexie - I can 2nd the starving thing - just can't get enough to eat at the moment - I have been snacking on white toast but have now changed to get back into SW gear so am making extra portions.

Tonight so far I've had my tea - massive plate of sw shepherds pie, with cabbage and carrot and parsnip on the side!
And I've just had another big bowl of it as well and I'm still starving now - am trying to work out what to have now!!

Any ideas - I've used all my syns today as I had a blip with white bread again - so need to find something with no syns - no fruit in the house as it's shopping day tomorrow and son and hubby ate the last of the fruit earlier!

Many good luck vibes to those who are trying for a baby.
For those newcomers to us - many congrats and loads of good vibes that all goes well for everyone.

My bump aches a lot today! Mostly at the bottom, don't know what he's doing in there but it hurts! He moves so much, my last one was a lazy baby so it's strange having all these jabs and pokes almost constantly.

I hope it's not a sign that he won't sleep when he's out! Eek!

Don't know what to do for the best with the aches. It's not bad enough to take a tablet but it's enough to make me uncomfortable. I'm stuck in work so I can't slap a hot water bottle on there. Think I'm going to have a diet coke and see if some burps will shift things up top. Ha ha! I love how much stuff we share once pregnant!

Hope you're all doing well?! :)