Pregnancy and Slimming World

Awww honey she's so cute, I honestly can't remember what else I have read sorry. Hugs Crystal xx
Won't be long Fern.
How often are your midwife appointments now? Mine have moved to every 2 weeks now.
Won't be long Fern.
How often are your midwife appointments now? Mine have moved to every 2 weeks now.

erm i think at 30 weeks saw mw again at 33.. then they went to fortnightly so il see her again on the 9th... 10 days from due day.. unbelievable. Some days it feels like its dragged but when i really consider how long iv got to go im like wow.. i remember saying i was 4 wks preg only a second ago..
Being thirsty and weeing lots is perfectly normal in pregnancy. I was drinking 8 pints a day!! :eek:
I can't believe I've forgotten already but I think I had my glucose test at around 26 weeks so you still have a ways to go Leanne.

Fernie measuring is when the midwife runs a measuring tape from just below the middle of your breasts down to your pubic bone. I know, I expected something more scientific lol! Generally you should measure in inches the same as the number of weeks you're pregnant. So at 30 weeks you should measure 30 inches, 35 weeks 35 inches etc.
ah yes then in that case, she felt for baby from 12 weeks to see when it was palaple and over the pubic bone yet.. but i wasnt measured untill after 20 weeks .. i forget exactly when though.

.. iv been measuring a week behind for the past 6 weeks.. nothing to worry about though.. although i do:D cos im a silly worrier.. but im not majorly behind so its safe. xx
The baby event is on at asda again, so grab yourselves a good bargain :D

Orginally baby was head down but on Monday he waslying across my belly - so have to wait and see. I asked what would happen if it stayed like that at the end and she said they would give you a musle relaxant cream and manually move the baby around. Fingers crossed though the baby will move around again :)
thanks so much ladies
Hi Ferny!! Not long to go now eh?!! How exciting!! Glad everything's OK!! Lotsaluv Hevz XXX

Nope!! Counting down the days now, believe me!!! lol Thanks for the well wishes xxx

curvalicious, how you feeling? The early days can be a bit rough, physically and emotionally!

Lexie, i hope if you pop on to see this- that you are well and no more bum shunts or monster in laws :)

Rosie i hope all is going well with you also.. and cheeky- i hope your dizzy izzy is giving you a bit of a break!

i hope the rest of you are keeping well also? and that your pregnancy hormones arnt taking over! lol.. i felt quite in control throughout the majority of my pregnancy, but this past fortnight or so i literally cant help the moodswings and floodgates opening! it may sound strange, but my body feels like its completely overun with emotions and hormones that i feel quite overwhelmed inside by it all.. like my body cant quite cope. i find myself getting a bit shakey sometimes if i need to eat also.. think this is all very normal towards the end. xx
just wanted to ask for some opinions, if you had an issue that was present before pregnancy but has changed and is getting progressively worse would you discuss it with your consultant or make an appointment with a gp?
depends what it is i think tbh hun.. if its muscular, or to do with your lady parts.. mw is way forward as your mw will make referals.. anything else will be your gp x
Lukasmummy said:
just wanted to ask for some opinions, if you had an issue that was present before pregnancy but has changed and is getting progressively worse would you discuss it with your consultant or make an appointment with a gp?

Hiya, when I was pregnant, I told that if there is a concern with the baby and pregnancy you see your mw, if there is an issue with you then you see your Dr.
Hi Fern Izzy and I are doin well.

Izzy is a little poorly with a virus. Her sister abbie and my OH have got a cold and its passed onto Izzy. Its come out as red spots all over her body, she has a temp and fussy.

Her feeds are starting to go to every 3hrs but she still not a sleepy baby, so only ever get 5hrs quite time during the day.

Don't worry abt baby being not engaged, some babies dont become engaged until they are in labor.

Hope everyone else is well xx


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I just eat a box of orange matchsticks - I am having a hungrey day oops. Strange as yesterday I was feeling so sick and did not eat much due to limited appitite!!!
just replied cheeky, sorry for delayed reply- OH stole the lappytop.. grrr!

bunny my eating is all over the place, either stuffing my face or not fussed at all..

iv eaten crap every single day and i feel ***** for it but cant seem to stop!
Fern - exactly in the same boat, abit mental as somedays I generally can stick to SW and other days it goes to pot.

If anyone is like me suffering extremely bad heartburn that it literally makes you sick and the whole of you stomach contents is down the toilet you must try Gaviston. You can get this from your GP, which I did as I was against anything like heartburn tablets as the chalky base maked me puke. But this little beauty is more gulpy and milky taste and is a instant cure. It is that good I now can have my evening meal without fear of being sick (which would of happened) and it is very quick in settling my stomach down :)