Puggso_32 - The diary

21 January - 2 in one day!!!!!

I haven't been following my BMI, just my weight. But I just looked there. And am no longer "morbidly obese" by its standards. Just obese. And compared to my BMI when I started dieting way back when I was my heaviest it has significantly dropped.

New aim is to be just over weight :D

...thought this required a new entry.
22nd January - Need Some Advice

I'm strongly considering letting some of my mates in on this whole diet thing for mine. I have 1 at the moment, who gets texted every Monday regarding how I have got on. I told her before I started it and she seemed quite worried about it and the effects it may cause so I have kept her informed throughout.

But is it time to tell others? It really doesn't get in the way, minus the no drinking for which a simple "I'm off it" can suffice. But I don't know, at the same time I kind of want to tell people so they have an interest - and hopefully - that can help add an additional motivation behind it.

...so any advice or thoughts?
25 January - New Motivational tool

This is all I need as motivation (and I'm not shorter, just slightly further back!!!)

And I'm gonna update this picture more often to hopefully see a gradual increase. I think from now on I will aim to wear that t-shirt though when doing it (no idea where the trousers are...under my bed somewhere most likely).
You're looking good my friend. The tummy has certainly shrunk ..... impressed .. moi? Heck yes I am!!! :D

Well done :clap:
Wow - you can really see a difference from those photo's!
Thanks Cha-ching and yoyo :D

28th January - We're Going Through Changes

Another week down and everything is still going well. 4 more pounds dropped and it is all starting to be noticed by me in different ways.

Example - Had to pipe at a couple of Burns Suppers this week and I wore my red kilt (I got from an old band I was in). I was 18 when I left the band and about a year later the kilt didn't fit. Last summer, after the year on the last diet, I got into it again...just. I wore it at New Year as well just past and it was a bit tight but ok. This week I had to wear it in a few notches (think kind of like belt straps are what keep it together). Never been able to do that.

Also my waistcoat, this has always been too big for me but last summer my mum took it in a fair bit so it looked better, was a little tight though. Now again it is very loose. I'm liking these changes.

It has given me more confidence subconsciously as well now. I notice myself acting in ways I wouldn't before. Saturday was an all day drinking session with people I know from piping and I just seemed to carry myself in a more confident manner. Especially around girls and people I didn't know. I am a generally open and friendly person but around people I don't know - especially female - I have to wait until they know me before I can act myself.

Also on Saturday morning was looking for my dressy black shirt. It was in the wash! Last time this happened I went out with one of my wee brothers (he is much taller, not as fat) which was the only one of his that just fit me and wasn't clean. This time I had a choice from most of his shirts and picked a nice one, if I do say so myself.

Don't know exactly when I should buy new clothes, as if I keep losing then they will become redundant, but at the same time mines will just become more baggy. Think I'll just borrow the wee brothers :D

So with the more weight I loss the more reasons I develop for continuing it. The picture I posted is still the big one, I love it and hope it will be the main spur.
wow.. those pics are good.. esp in the short period of time.. :) glad to see you doing so well..
Love Cat x x

Thanks a bunch, yeah I surprised myself with it too.
29th January - *Drags back on topic*

I've just noticed this has become more just my ramblings. Although I always intended it to be a large part of that I barely actually mention what my diet entails at all.

So first off I have made some changes over the last month or so. Basically I now have a cereal breakfast with skimmed milk, 1 or 2 shakes during the day (depending on when everything else occurs more than anything) and my main meal is 600 calories. So at the worst I could take in about 1500 calories in a day, minus whatever I burn off as I am actually a fairly active person. This has helped stop that mad night hungerness that has blighted some areas.

Also as of today I went back to uni. However I am only in 2 days a week (and thanks all you taxpayers for letting me) on Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesdays is the long haul day as I am in at from 9 to 11 then a 1 hour class later in the day. However I have pipe band practice that night and if you knew everything about how I get to uni, where my practices are etc you'd understand it makes no sense for me to head home. Instead I sit and get work done, like the bagpipe blowing swot I am :D

So on these days I have my breakfast at the crack of dawn (she's lovely btw...oh I made a joke...*cough*) and take Tesco sushi - which I have falling in love with - and some sandwiches made of danish bread with cold meat on them. Plus I take one of the Tesco ready-made shakes. This got me through today very well actually, along with Tesco's own caffiene pills as I had only had 4 hours sleep.

So now we all know what my diet actually consists of, now on to phase 2 of this post.

29th January - 2 posts for the price of one!!!!! :O :O :O

I saw on someone else's diary that they had 2 tickers. One for the overall and one for almost "mini" goals they had set themselves, and they had achieved one very early and were very pleased. So I thought "hey...that's for me!"

It can be an extra motivation to try and achieve something within a certain period of time. So I am going to go for it right now. I'm thinking of working it for a month so I will have to weigh in on the odd day which isn't a Monday also and as we are near the end of January I think it could be a good time to try this out.

So this first one will run until a weigh in on Saturday 1st March (which oddly I'm going to see a band...just checked my colander). I'm going to make it simple, from today I want to see if I can lose a stone in a month. I think it is possible, I have nearly lost 2 since being here for about 5 weeks.

Wish me luck everyone :)

Edit to add - I will update this ticker on the Monday with the other one.
1 Febuary - The End...sort off

No not really the end. But the end of this thread. On Monday I am going to start a new - uni based - diary. Everything else will stay the same, tickers and goals etc. I'm just thinking I need to start fresh with uni being back.

This week has been a bit of a struggle. On Sunday night or Monday morning I will sit down here, with a new - fresh - thread and make a plan of how to work around everything and the weird times and what not.

This weekend, well I will enjoy myself a wee bit, but nothing major as I still weigh in on Monday, regardless of what the result is!