Purple Daisy's Exante Journey

Hi purple glad you doing ok, I feel now such a big step that im commited to it till the end now!! Cant believe my own will power!
Wait till we all be skinnie minnies with people saying...you need to eat something!! (ok then maybe dream in my head but you get my drift!!
Have good weekend!
Cant wait Dawn. Well done on being so determined!

Well, day 2 and im still going strong! I did have some chicken last night but I was absolutely starving. Thought it was better to have some chicken than blow the whole thing. Im prepared to have some protein bits if need be but going to try and not to today. Just looking forward to ketosis starting.

The boullion has been my saviour though. Its so nice and really hits the spot.

The soup was okay but it was a little sickly by the time I got near the end.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Daisy x