Purple Hugs - Babe in arms!!

we got a flexcell foam mattress, I was all for just getting a memory foam topper, but hubby said, quite rightly, that the bed hadn't been comfy for ages, so went whole hog and got new mattress and new bed (the bed is being hand whittled by pixies in ireland and we won't get it til late november!) so have been sleeping on the mattress on the floor. It has been so much fun trying to get off the floor for a pit stop 2-3 times a night, I must say! Find i have to roll onto all fours, shuffle to the radiator and use is as a hand rail! but anyway, I digress, since we had the mattress I have had no problem with sciatica and though not 100% comfy I think it is the best I can do with bump. It means I can sleep on my side without my leg going numb and i got a free cushion from matalan so tuck that behind my back whilst lying on my left side...it seems to stop me rolling on my back. I do have an extra pillow to put between my knees, but to be honest it doesn't feel right. So in short, I think a memory foam mattress or topper can help too
Thanks all ((hugs))
Am going to try a cushion tonight but might use a smaller one than a pillow.

We bought a new mattress last year - that was a fair amount of money - didn't go for memory foam as hubby gets warm and they can lead to overheating a bit.
I can relate on the 'all fours' as we had our mattress on the floor recently as we're doing our room up! lol I had to ask DH to get it back on the bed asap as was struggling to get off the floor! lol

Fingers x'd I sleep better tonight.
well my goodness we've had a day and a half.. gutting out our daughters bedroom! lol Youngest has 3 cupboards of toys. you know the usual ones that they outgrow etc etc.. well we've whittled it down, got rid of the old cupboards, moved furniture, tv mount, shelves etc, all in rediness for a new bed for eldest (high sleeper with wardrobe / desk under it). :) She's still camped out in the babies room so hopefully she'll go back at some point! lol
Also got rid of a chest of drawers out of our room - which we 'fitted' the contents of into our wardrobes to allow room for the cot etc in our room when we've finished decorating. :D

Can't wait to see our room finished - still a fair bit to do but the groundwork is laid now.

I can't believe I'm 27 weeks tomorrow - 3rd trimester according to some sites anyway! :D So.. between 10-15 weeks and baby will be here! lol I'm allowing 2 weeks after and the 3 weeks before that you class as full term. :D Amazing!!
I'm really feeling pregnant now at times, can't bend over for too long, am SHATTERED from 'helping' today with DH - can't say I did any lifting or anything as I didn't, but just organising things, clearing etc etc has worn me out. lol
wow you have been busy :eek:
I have also been soooooooooo tired I cant remember the last time I had a full night ,im tossing and turning up for a pee ,mind working overtime so if I wake thatys it im awake for hours im shattered ,hope you get a good night soon x
Aww not much wonder your mind is on the go! lol
nightmare isn't it!!
lol thanks :)
Hope you're feeling well - congratulations on your pregnancy!
thanks hun - all good here, am up early this morning (6am is not like me) as dustmen woke me, hips were hurting and baby was awake in me! lol Couldn't win!! lol

Can't believe it's only just getting daylight and I was worried about changing my bedroom curtains to some lighter weight ones as part of our decorating. We are getting a black out blind too but haven't got it yet and wondered if I was wise to wait, but I won't. I am normally up at 7.30 DH at 7am.

Anyway.. today we'll be mostly wallpapering! Yeah!!! can't wait to see it extend in our room as we've been tied up with the girls rooms since we made a start in ours.

Spoke to my sister last night (vet nurse by 'trade') lol She is sending me some meds I use on my dogs skin condition and he hurt his paw running yesterday (nothing serious) but we were nattering, anyway, I mentioned that I'll need to think of a way of comforting or 'chilling them out' while I'm in labour as planning home birth and I know both my terriers will be upset by my 'pain' and she is going to sort out some valium for them would you believe! :flirt2: She said it won't hurt them for one night or section of the day but they'll wake up with the munchies!! That did make me giggle! I'll have the munchies by the time I've given birth I reckon too! lol
DH when I told him made me giggle.. asked me if she could work out the dosage for a 17 stone man!!!:gen147: lol Think HE wants drugs!!! :roofles:
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lol at dogs and hubby :D
think we wil need the valium ,your so lucky havig a home birht .i have no choice and have to go to hospitaldue to previous tear woul dhave loved to have a home birth .
We are decorating at the moment ,we have 3 bedrooms to do work seems never ending ,dp has a week off so getting a bit done at least x
OMG!! They STOLE them!!! nightmare!!

Well I'm glad to say 2 whole rolls of paper are up on our walls - about 5 drops more to go and painting the entire room now needed. New blind from Dunhelm Mills up on the window - curtains ironed and ready to be hung when wall painted. :D
It's really coming together now I must admit and I can't wait to see it fresh, light and airy.. with a cot and moses basket in the corner! ;)

Flooring needs attention desperately. We want to put down real wood flooring but time wise and money wise we'll have to wait till after xmas I think.
But for now, it'll be 100 times better and that's a good thing! :D

Must be my babies time for being quiet now though as she's been quite for a couple of days now. :( Am hoping she picks up later, she did around 9.30pm last night for an hour or so.

Am planning on relaxing now to try and coax her out of herself.
My goodness here I am.. 28 weeks pregnant!!
12 weeks till EDD which means.. 16 weeks have passed since that wonderful 12 week time when we all breath a sigh of relief! :p

Baby kept me awake from 5am this morning for about an hour, she lays transverse and punches or kicks the bed.. and then the other side of me! lol while I lay on my side!! She was that active DH said this morning he could actually feel her kicking the bed!! lol

We had a wonderful day today, weather was warm this morning but clouded over for a while. We headed off early to pick up Erin's school friend and then went to the country park for a 'dogs day out' which was a huge event including a classic car show (DH and I are secret petrol heads), steam ralley and dog shows.. including displays, shows etc and loads of stalls by charities / rescue societies etc etc.
Great fun had by all! :D Adele's favourite was a bouncy castle but we all had good fun, and the amount of dogs there was untrue! lol we left our boys at home as we weren't sure what to expect and our Jack russell has hurt his paw so didn't want to risk it really and they are very seldom apart from each other so couldn't risk one going without the other.

Am SHATTERED now! lol but it was great.
wow sounds like you have been busy ,glad you had a fabby day ,sounds fun and im glad lo has been kicking away I just love it :D
Hmmm, the reason I have been awake since 3.50am is that
Miss Bump has been doing the can-can on my bladder! have had a cuppa tea and a small bran muffin and really should be heading back to bed as have work in a few hours....

I could do witha massage as my right leg/buttock keeps going a bit numb...but where to get one when its quarter past 5 in the morning and hubby is fast asleep lol
Thanks girls, was shattered but slept pretty well - think I must've worn out baby yesterday too as only got up twice to the loo and she was asleep! lol

Angie - had to giggle at your 'seeking massage' in the early hours. Useless hubby eh! lol ;) it's hard when we're on the prowl at night and they're asleep, but good prep for when baby is around! lol

Well today.. I'm feeling fat.. weighed myself - must stop doing that as it's bad for your PMA. And I'm only 8lb away from my 'start weight' when I started CD in January.. i know there is a bubba in there, but she doesn't weight 2 stone.. unfortunately! Guess I'll be starting new year as I started last new year.. Still could be worse I suppose, could have gotten preg at my start weight.

Had my hair cut today! :D Feels much better - just a bob nothing dramatic but feels good.
College have rung and it's cancelled tonight so slightly gutted.. :( Was looking forward to it. Ahh well back to the washing and housework.. joy! lol
lol will get a new pic done later then :) haven't had one for a couple of weeks now anyway. ;)

And yes, at least we had lost weight. I'd have been gutted to fall preg at the weight I was. Even if I go past that now it SHOULD be baby so be lost on having bubs. Fingers x'd anyway.
Have had a healthy lunch and trying to be good - again! lol
oh that sounds lovely!! DON'T tell me about it! lol
Had tomato pasta with fruit salad and a fruit corner on top. :)

here's pic as promised! I can't believe how crap my smile is in it but hey ho I was smiling honest! lol he must've took it as I faltered! lol

lol thanks hun, should've put a little pic in I think.. i look scary! lol
here I am!
Sorry Kirsty, been up to my eyes in things. We were planning to go camping this weekend so been running around shopping, paying bills (as it was payday and you know what thats like, money for one day gone by dinner time). collecting avon orders etc.
Well.. this morning got up and went to a nearby retail park (5 miles) can smell petrol in the car.. not good! So DH had a look - we've got a bloody fuel leak! :(
we've only just had it mot'd after some work, so now we're expecting the mechanic out (mobile) to look at it and give us his verdict. F**** up our weekend entirely as we haven't got the money now that we're paying for him to come out and whatever repairs. :( We've a kitchen full of camping food and had everything planned! :(

Bloody typical! As I said to DH we'll have to have a camping tea in the garden or something! lol girls will still love it - and we'll get to be warm for bedtime lol. Just a shame as we were going to try and see the baby seals on the rocks - and doing it this year so we didn't have a baby in tow. We'll have to try and go in a few weeks even if just make a long day of it.

I did get some good news today in that I definately qualify for my maternity allowance £123 for 39 weeks. Have to ring them monday to start the claim then and wait 2 weeks (or 4 if want it monthly) for the money.
So that's good news as could use the money as I have had to turn away all new enquiries and have no work from existing clients (admin wise) at the moment as they know I'm going on mat leave.

Also laughed with DH and said well if we're off the road car wise for a bit he'll get fitter going on his pushbike to check my pony for me, and we'll get the decorating finished sooner rather than later! lol We picked up the paste we need to finish off the papering today and have the paint already thankfully.