Purple Hugs - Babe in arms!!

oh and add to the above that I was awake from half midnight till 4.30am this morning I'm going back to bed in a bit! lol
Well mechanic has been.. I've had to cancel my MW appointment next wednesday as he'll be taking the car first thing int he morning and bringing it back the next day. Petrol has to be LOW and he'll drain the tank and remove the tank to find out what is going on with the leak. He says it's coming from the top of the tank and as it's plastic it hopefully is something simple.

Really could use it being something simple. We have limited funds as it is. :( I'm threatening to trade the bloody thing in, but we paid out a few hundred at the end of August getting the MOT done so that we'd have a car for baby / winter etc we can trust. Blooming annoying!!
Oh no, sorry to hear about the car - gutting you couldn't go away because of it.. Hope it's not too expensive!
Thanks hun, am in a better mood now! lol Just gutted earlier as we were all looking forward to it so much. :(

Am off for my Anti D shot tomorrow.. sore bum cheek will be lovely I'm sure! lol
Hiya Purple, sorry to hear you've been having car troubles, but great to hear about your maternity allowance. Out of curiousity, who is eligible for that?
You look lovely in your pic too hun! :D xx
Hopefully you wont have to shell out too much for getting the car fixed.
Thanks hun, feeling better about it all today - was too much yesterday even DH was really dissapointed bless him.

MA is for self employed people, whether you pay NI contributions or not but is easier if you do. Also for those who are in temp employment, made redundant or sacked etc or new employment. so basically not the same job all the way through - after a certain period of pregnancy. There is a website if you google it that gives great advice and the helpline staff are fab.

I'm relieved that I have paid my NI and MA was ok as it really will help. We will 'get by' having DH home from fostering finishing due to our pregnancy till the summer now. Which given that he went back to work at 2 weeks with Erin is lovely. :)

Off for my Anti-D jab this morning :D.
No prob kirsty :)
Hope you've had a good night - off to check your thread before I leave.

Have had a full on pampering 90 mins! lol
Bath, hair washed and blow dried, even had a good old shaving session! lol though I had to stand in the bath to do my legs as I couldn't reach!! :p Baby was kicking around and enjoying my mp3's and singing.. that or she was telling me to shut up! lol

Feel fully groomed after doing my nails and make-up :) Bliss.

Will see how the car goes next week.. blooming thing! lol
Aww poor OH! You're rotten telling him baby doesn't like him!! Hope he knows your not serious or don't know what you're talking about! lol :p

Well anti-d was a walk in the park.. it was the 2 blood tests they struggled with before it! Got one done then vein went and had to get an SHO as the other arm wouldn't show itself. lol She went in for the tactics with a rubber glove used instead of the usual soft tournequet and went lower than the crease of the arm. Got it first time though - I just feel like a pin cushion! :p

MW did check up too, am showing trace protein - so will still keep my appointment at clinic in 10 days in case it's a UTI coming on or anything.. better to be safe than sorry. Graham was great in the check/bloods etc and kept me laughing with the MW so no passing out which was good - with Erin they took a load of blood at the start and I passed out! I did warn them they didn't believe me though! lol

Your spray tan sounds lovely, not something I've ever had, but would be lovely to be tanned! lol
I did think about breaking my waxing virginity for the lower regions and legs, as am struggling this time, but not sure if I could stand the pain! lol we'll see how money goes. :) I've had my eyebrows done loads and might well treat myself.
:eek: waxing! Ouch ouch ouch. Horrid experience with self-waxing strips and the bikini line lol.
that's a bit weird not doing it if your pregnant!! :( and had to lol at Shell - ouch indeed!! lol hope they weren't too hot! OUCH!! lol

I don't know if I'll be brave enough to be honest, that's why i've never had it all done before! lol Just that I feel like i'm 'blind' with a razor in my hand at the moment.. :p too much info I know! lol

Have been reading up on pre-eclampsia and never knew you had more chance of getting it if 10 or more years in between pregnancies.. and if over weight.

Have you seen the cute xmas range in M&P website?

How cute are these!? Guess they're a love or hate scenario, but I love them! lol just wish I knew for sure bubs would be here for xmas! lol
I found a really funny story a couple of weeks ago regarding bikini waxing, I'll to find it and post it so you can all read. It was sooooooo funny! :D
Ooooooooooooooooooft, bikini waxing when pg - no way!! I find it much more painful! However I will do the strip at the top for when I have my section so that I don't have to suffer itchy hairs that have been shaved off!

That hat/gloves set is very cute!!
lol ((hugs)) hope the top strip goes well! I think you've all convinced me to put up and and go blind or get DH in on the act! :p lol

really is a cute hat, just not sure bubs will be here for xmas and I have a few bits for her to wear if she is. lol

DH has just had a letter through about jury service for 11th Jan - it was postponed a while back so he was hoping to be off the hook.. me personally I'd love to do jury service but he's not one for sitting around waiting and it'll drive him nuts if it's not something interesting.
How exciting for me though a bit of one on one with baby as the girls will be at school :) amazing to think I'll have my own baby by then.
Yay 29 weeks today! Last week of the 20's.. really am in the 3rd Trimester now officially! lol
Feeling good - had a bit of swelling in the privates yesterday made me think maybe I was getting a UTI as per the protein in my urine on Friday but nothing come of it, had a little discharge (TMI sorry) but has stopped and no more. So fingers x'd something and nothing and protein gone next time tested.

Baby has been awake since 4am she woke me up with her dancing - perhaps she was doing a happy dance for 29 weeks! lol She's settling now so hope to go back to bed soon. I gave up and got up for a glass of water at 5am. lol

Officially have no jackets I can wear that do up now so definately getting bigger. My size 18 body warmer from Sainsburys' (now about 3 years old) won't do up now and that was my last hope! lol I'm not buying a winter coat though, I have a bundle of cardigans and even a big shawl type to put over things, that I'll use and stear clear of the rain! lol accept for when seeing to my horse this should work and up there I can have dry clothes to change into. DH and DD are doing most of the 'leg work' when it comes to mucking out - I do the shovelling and they do the trip to muck heap etc which takes more effort pushing the barrow up the slopes etc.

Anyway.. thats about it - for my ramblings! lol
Yay for third trimesterness!!

We bought a mahoosive fleece when I was pg with jocels (about an XXXL or something silly) - fitted me right up until I gave birth but has been great since because we've both had a fleece we can wear with her in the sling, it still fits even now going round us and a 16 month old! I don't know if you're thinking of sling wearing but if so it might give you an idea! (I think you were from the sling pics thread?)
I am planning on baby wearing yes! :D partly why I bought the big shrug thing too as it doesn't do up so will go over baby.
Will have to keep an eye out for a HUGE fleece. I had a HUGE denim shirt and a HUGE fleece I lived in with Erin lol I was gutted when the denim shirt eventually became too big! lol I have pics of me somewhere in it looking drowned and then realised I really needed to get rid! lol It was from Warner Bros and was an XXXL or something american sizes. lol
lol at the size 10 that's a pipe dream for me, but my size 16 waterproof is now an 'open only' affair! lol

Sorry not around much, decorating our bedroom (still trying to get it finished) today and tomorrow - car with the mechanic tomorrow so we're housebound.
Trying to finish the papering today and get painting tomorrow but we've left the hard bits till last and can't see us having it done by the girls coming home later to be honest we'll see.
Feel SHATTERED today too which doesn't help. didn't want to get out of bed this morning. lol
Aww hope you can find something - I picked up a t-shirt (baggy 80's style) from Peacocks in the normal section the other day, its only a 14 but given the baggy style it fits well - is snug over bump but makes me look pregnant rather than hiding fat. lol Is a longer line so goes well with leggings. Might be worth a look in the normal section if you get the chance.
whatever you wear I'm sure Alan will still love you! ((hugs))

We're on lunch break now.. another 2 strips up. lol really only 2 to do now but 1 of those needs to be cut and done in 2 lots. Definately not organised but getting there. The whole room will need painting next and then the glossing. All that and add the flooring is needing done desperately. Graham saw some laminate we liked the other day - I've gotta admit it's nice but the upheaval at the moment is a nightmare but better I suppose before baby arrives than after. :p

I'm feeling really tired though, need to do my BP as its feeling low. I've been eating and drinking water, but guess it's just one of those days.
I freaked Graham out a bit yesterday. had a lay down as was up at 4am again - did my BP and it was 75/55 which is really low.. did it an hour later after mopping the kitchen floor and it was 111/55 so he felt a bit better. lol
off to start again in 10 mins, BP on our monitor is 92/52 likely why I'm feeling shattered. lol
hope you find something lovely - I'm sure you will :) retail therapy has a lot to be said for lifting our spirits eh! :D

Fan fair... wallpapering is FINISHED!! yay!! :)