Purpleds Pregnancy Food Diary

You think I need to have bread, crisps, that sort of thing instead?

I just think it is crazy how a body can change so much. I always thought pregnant women exaggerated and made a fuss over nothing...but my body feels so alien.
Maybe try cornflakes or something similar for breakfast and maybe white bread or wraps something less heavy and see if it makes a difference, I dont think it would b sensible to say eat junk but just normal pasta ect

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Might give it a go in the morning. I have a croissant I may have with jam.

I just found this photo on my phone.... ImageUploadedByMiniMins.com1396808737.501061.jpg
The day before my birthday in Harrogate. We went to cinema and refused to pay £20 each to see a film so headed to the pub for a drink. Back to our hotel. Then we randomly made a baby. Went out for an Italian that evening and decided to start trying for a baby after our trip to Dubai. I took a photo of our drinks and did a facebook post saying 'this is how I like to spend my Friday afternoons' that was the first status I did in about 3 months, as I forget to go on it.

Some things really are life changing....if that cinema wasn't way to expensive I wouldn't be 20 weeks pregnant lol

Same with my hubby, if I never broke my foot then we probably wouldn't be together right now.

If it didn't rain one day I would never have met him.

Sometimes life amazes me.

I'm just feeling really lucky at the moment. Also a bit petrified for my 20 week scan.
It looks like a diet reversal after and before lol.

Before - When I got to 11 and a half stone. Don't have any belly shots from when I weighed less.

After - 20 weeks pregnant. My cute little belly :) baby is 6.5inches from crown to bum. That's massive really if you add the legs onto that. My app says I should have gained about 1 stone so far...not weighed in a few weeks.

Love my new belly, but i do think it looks more like a fat belly than a pregnant belly. It's getting there. I need it bigger as I have a lovely maternity dress I'm desperate to wear :)

Lasagne and garlic bread for tea with a olive and feta salad.
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Dinner sounds absolutely gorgeous. I shall be round in about an hour and half!

Is the sickness quantity of food related? I know my friend who had a baby recently found she had to have much smaller portions than usual or else she felt really sick as things got further along.
Food was delicious!!

It could be....I have a strange mentality with food and almost always eat everything on my plate even when I'm full. I do get very full and after my evening meal since being pregnant and I don't have any snacks at all afterwards. Which is why I feel sick some mornings, sick as I'm hungry. But it's an issue I have never had before as I'm usually always hungry. Maybe I need a smaller evening meal and a snack at about 8/9.
My brother found out he was type 1 diabetic age 25, the doctors were amazed he was type 1. He has a bad lifestyle and eats crap. My sister is a healthy vegetarian who eats extremely well but drinks a lot. She has just been diagnosed a month ago as diabetic type 1 aged 25. Both of them have to take insulin.
My youngest brother thought he'd get tested age 23 and......he just found out he is also type 1 but only minor. He is healthy and fit and puts us all to shame.

So I've been tested in the past and I'm fine. But now I'm wondering how?

Anyway because they are all diabetic I have to have a gestational diabetes test on Friday. As some women with a family history of diabetes can develop diabetes for the duration of their pregnancy.This is how my day goes on Friday.

Thursday night - stop eating at 6pm
Friday morning - 10am (16 hours later) have blood taken
Then drink an energy drink
Wait around for 2 hours (still can't eat)
Then have another blood test.

Then it's 12ish....I'm finding food instantly as I will be starving after 18 hours

Waste 3/4hours

4oclock- Scan :) yay yay yay so excited but scared
I imagine I will be seen at about 5.30.
P.S I did a test 6 weeks ago and my results came back normal. But they are making me do another due to family history. If this comes back normal I need another in June. They seem certain I will get it....hopefully I won't. It doesn't harm the baby, the baby won't get diabetes. It just means I have to take insulin. So fingers crossed.
Hi hun sorry havent been around much!!

Maternity clothes..h&m do some. When I was pregnant with lucas five years ago I brought loads from dorthory perkins asda ect but everywhere is on line now!! I have a got a few leggins jeans a couple of tops but some of my bigger tops are ok at the minute!!
Im 21 weeks now I had my sex scan last monday we found out were havin a girl :D.. the scan wasnt brulliant she was laid on her tummy so she cud see the heart but needed a chest view also she was either shakin her head or hand was in front of get mouth so couldbt see her lips! Booked in again friday jus gone and she was curled up haha but after walkin up n dwn stairs she moved her hearts fine but sglhe was jus suckin her thumb by the looks so again couldnt see her lips they have said no further scans needed as ill b havin growth scans at 28 and 34 weeks!!
I have had a gtt test I have had one but have to have another due to my weight..I had too with lucas but was fine! U sure its six u cnt eat from?! I jus checked both my letters say 8! It is a long time make sure u take a mag or book! Thankfully I got talkin to someone else havin it done!
How u feelin? Im doin ok my sickness is still there..but over half way lol

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Morning! Thanks Hun...yup checked and it's 6!! I'm starving already, my morning sickness came back last week. I rang midwife yesterday and told her I don't think I can get to 12 without eating as the only think that keeps the sickness away is food. So keeping that fizzy orange drink (it was a bit warm last time) down will be hard. She said try my hardest not to eat but I can have certain food if I'm desperate and they will record it in my form.

I found some maternity clothes in the end. None in the shops. I did an online shop and found newlook great for price/styles/leg lengths.

Hoping to keep the sex a surprise I think but we keep changing our minds. Congrats on the girl!!! When we go shopping we are both more drawn to boy things. But we really don't have a clue.

I'll head over to your diary later (probably in my 2 hour wait) and have a catch up.

I'm soooooo EXCiTED for my scan. I've been up since 4.30 thinking about it. It feels like Christmas but with a few nerves.
Yeh the drink is awful!!!! Have u taken some food with u? My sickness went ar about 16 weeks n came bk at 18 and I still have it now :(. I loved buyin all lucas his boy stuff u can get some real stylish stuff eapecially now his 4 goin on 14 lol!

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All done!! Sat in M&S cafe at hospital having a hot chocolate and a cheese toastie. I need this before I drive as I will actually faint. Then heading to town to meet my friend and I will probably get some more food lol! Scan at 4 eeeeek

I was sick inbetween the 2 blood tests. It was closer to the end and I was only sick a tiny amount. Mainly water. So the nurse said it shouldn't effect my result.
U did well to last, esp with the sickness lurking over u, hope it comes back normal! Have u weighed since starting back? U just eating normally rather than sticking to pp or sf?

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I think I've gained about 12-14lbs but I don't weigh each week so I dunno when I gained the bulk of it. Feel it on my chest and belly. I'm 2 cup sizes bigger. Someone at work asked if I had a boob job, I had to explain I was 20 weeks pregnant lol. All normal pregnancy weight. I'm healthy eating but having what my body craves. Stopped tracking food though as whatever I plan I don't actually want. It's pointless. This diary has turned into a big of a pregnancy diary for me. Don't mind too much if no one reads it. It's nice to vent at times
I think I've gained about 12-14lbs but I don't weigh each week so I dunno when I gained the bulk of it. Feel it on my chest and belly. I'm 2 cup sizes bigger. Someone at work asked if I had a boob job, I had to explain I was 20 weeks pregnant lol. All normal pregnancy weight. I'm healthy eating but having what my body craves. Stopped tracking food though as whatever I plan I don't actually want. It's pointless. This diary has turned into a big of a pregnancy diary for me. Don't mind too much if no one reads it. It's nice to vent at times

I dnt put food on mine, mines jus a diary at the min lol!!
Hope scan goes ok at 4 excitin xxx

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Well thats about right to gain that amount at this point, least u know when u give birth u wont have a tonne of weight to loose!

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ARGHHHH! It was amazing.
I saw lips, eyes, nose, arms, legs, fingers, toes, spine, EVERYTHING
Heart and brain was normal and she said my baby was a poser. The lady doing the scan was fantastic and talked us through everything. Saw the bladder, stomach, kidneys. Amazing.

Anyway....I read my book before hand so I knew what to expect and it had photos. I only skimmed past the gender pics. Male was obvious, female 3 thin white lines. We said we didn't want to know the sex. When she was checking thigh bone length and couldn't get the measurement and had to go underneath the bum. I saw 3 white lines, only briefly and said to Neil 'I know the sex' he said how, I didn't see anything. I said 'it was in my book and I saw it' she said do you want me to check, then we both said okay. She asked me what I thought....I said 'it's a girl...i saw the photo in my book' and she said 'congratulations your having a girl'

Anyway Neil was so proud, if we was alone I think he may have cried. I'm a bit shocked I spotted the gender but if she didn't check I would have been certain it was a girl. So....we are having a tomboy yay!! :)
Meet Harriet
Currently doing some sort of dancing or acrobatics but sitting still for a photo here.