Quacking away at my weight!!

lol No i am ok today but everytime i cant eat it i want it! so for example for me its cheese twists and pretzels form lidl!! lol all i can think about sometimes when i know i shouldnt!! lol I am doing ok and back on track so will stay away
I feel like that in Aldi the milky button by the till! The Lidle near me has a healthy till thought it was a good idea its just all nuts an seeds by the the till have you seen it?!
Yeah I see the healthy till and i raise you walking past the instore bakery on your way to the till!!! lol
Ended up going out for tea last night but was good and had chicken breast no sauce and rice! rock n roll!
Also went to costco and found my FAVOURITE snacks that i havent had for so long!! they are called Florida's natural fruit snack nuggets and they are Amaze balls and only 40 cals per bag Highly reccommend them as far as I know Costco are the only ones who sell them but £4 for like a hundred packs!!

Guess what snacks involve today! 2 packs fruit nuggets, mash pot, plum, apple!! Shakes for brekkie and lunch and then weightwatchers meal with extra veg and one more snack later.
Weigh in day is Monday now and feel better for being healthy over 4 days rather than eating what i want! so it is working some how! THe only downside at the moment is i am having physio on my feet as have tendon problems so cant exercise :( No netball either which is killing me!!
Had a lovely family based weekend!
Stuck to plan on Saturday and then had a roast dinner yesterday and salad for tea so not too bad and not too over calories!
Back to normal today, Superdrug bargains arrived so have lots of lovely chocolate shakes.
Buying lots of fruit at the moment so shopping bills seem to be a bit more expensive than usual!
ANd on the good note it was weigh in today and I am down to 17stone 7 lbs so 6lbs lost last week!! hurrah, nearly back to my lowest point so far and should get there soon adn can start counting more pounds off!!

Wil update signature etc
Have agood day y'all!
Good day yesterday with total in plan and then not so good today as had normal lunch instead of shake and a kitkat this afternoon!! Forgot to buy salad for tea so will just have my ww meal and get back kn it properly tomorrow again!
17 10 up 3 pounds! 2 nights out with a shear heap of crap food and alcohol will kill the rest if the week if you are not exercising! Back to netball this week three training sessions should help! Halloween party on Friday but I have at least one night out each week from now until I go to oz so will have to factor in an extra gym session somewhere!!!!
All going ok this week!
Got a free trial of WW for 3 months thru Quidco etc so am signed up to that and see if its a bit easier Am tracking everything and wquite like the idea of weekly points as wella s daily normal ones!!
Have also stayed off the scales this week as was getting obsessive with them!
GUess who's back? Back again? Ducky's back! Here it ends!!
18stone 9 lbs! Serious kick up the rear given and all set for a fab week of motivating diet and exercise! I have done this before and I can do it again! I will be taerget weight by the end of the year and I will enjoy doing it!
SF Shake this morning, Banana, Pepermint tea.
Lunch is a WW chicken noodle soup made up to double the liquid (fills you up!!)
Shake mid afternoon.
Have an apple, snack a jacks and also a pack of fridge raiders for snacks and then WW meals in the fridge- A*da have them for £1.20 odd at the moment with good long dates. I find the fridge ones fill me up more than the frozen ones.
My plan is to exercise every day- Monday- Netball Tuesday (soon will be netball but gym at the moment) Wednesday Netball Thursday gym Friday Gym Saturday swim, sauna and steam room and SUnday walk the dog for a loooonnngggg time !
no excuses, no reasons as to why I cant, just get on and do it! Stop the whinging!
I stopped smoking 2 years ago today after being on around 25 a day so I can do this weight thing and I will!!!!!!!
Good luck all restarters

your profile says you are on lipotrim but you are eating real food!!!

we are both starting at about the same time and about the same weight, i am trying to stick to lipotrim 100% for 12 weeks but i am only at day 5!!!! A sneaky look at the scales is boosting my resolve at the moment.

well done on starting 2014 with a new target.

Sorry havent updated my profile! Tried lipotrim but wasnt for me!!
Back on calorie counting with Slim fast as well
So yesterday was fine had my shakes and snacks and then a treat at night of a lindt peanut butter ball- OMG they are divine!! Netball for 2 hours last night and a cup of tea to go to bed with!
Shake and banana this morning and some physio on my dodgy legs and feet! More stretches and manouveres to do!!
Got my gym stuff with me and will go about 3pm i think -the joys of flexible working!
Snacks today are fridge raiders, banana, snack ajacks, ww soup, an apple and as much peppermint tea as i can consume!!!

Hope you are all having a great day
Had a change of plan yesterday and went for a swim instead. Am doing 20 laps of 25m in 30 mins and am looking to build up to double that over time. Gym this afternoon with lots of bike work to strengthen this stupid leg!!
SHake for brekkie banana, apple, ww soup and snackajacks for snacks.
Had a ww meal for tea with loads of rocket and spinach and cherry toms YUM!!
Got a meal for tonight as well just not sure which one yet!!
Didnt post yesterday as was soooo busy!!
Drove to Dundee for meetigns all day, kept totally on plan when normally several bags of c*ap would have been eaten on the journey!! Didnt drink enough water though and had head ahce- Went for a swim on way home and then met pals for coffee and had skinny chocolate cold from Starbucks which is about 200 cals however didnt have my afgternoon shake so it all balanced out! and was very yummy. Could have had tea or pepperminth tea but fancied a treat!!
Had my ww meal when i got home and watched some tv!
Got my gym kit for today and picking my neice up after work for a sleepover. Family coming over for take away so need to choose carefully!
SHould be a good day
So Friday night I had fish and chips!!
I went to the gym and did an hour extra yesterday! Out for lunch today and had a light option in prezzo which was only 488 cals! 2 mini pizzas and a salad and was very yummy!
I also went to th gym this morning and that was day 6 of full on exercise and i am loving it!!
I am travelling with work from tomorrow and need to try and book in to a gym for Sunday monday and tuesday so to keep up my exercise regime if not I will be walking in the cold!!
So will report in probably tuesday maybe before but hope everyones weigh in is good this week!
I have had a couple of cheats but hoping to lose a couple of pounds to start the year :)
Slightly off plan on Sunday but not too bad!!
Lost 4lbs in my first week back on so happy with that!
Back on to it this morning with a vengance and just need to find a swim or gym today whilst working away as going home tomorrow instead so will get a swim and netball intomorrow!
Got my soup and shake for lunch with me and an Apple and some popcorn for snacks!
Had a couple of cheeky chocolates but nothing major! away to the gym and then netballa nd have been on plan all day!
So today is game day! Netball game tonight so i always work off a lot of cals!
Managed a quick gym session on legs yesterday before coaching juniors on the evening.
Ate well and stuck to plan.
Today I had a shake and banana for brekkie, Special K choc biscuit moment for snack and then ww soup and sush for lunch instead of a shake.
got apple and grapes for more snacks later and then will have ww meal for tea before game and salad when i get home if still hungry!
have been so good and then last night had a mini icecream binge- woops!!
Oh well still I have exercised every day- swimming yesterday and then will gym today.
I cheeky srtepped on the scales this morning though and they show a pound on from last week ! I know i was bad over the weekend and then yesterday as well so will have to be super good until Monday or Sunday depending when I weigh in!!