Question regarding joining and then changing group


Full Member
Hi, I have been looking forward to joining a particular SW group next week(Tuesday) but now I have to take my dad to the hospital on that day and have also just found out that I have a hospital appointment the following Tuesday, I am gutted as I had at last made my mind up the time was right and now it seems everything is against me joining! Would it be ok to join another group (on a different day of the week but which is not as convenient for me) for a couple of weeks and then to change over to the group I really want to attend, I really dont want to wait another two weeks!! Is this easy to do? or at all possible?
Yes, to both. Either you could tell your current consultant you will not be there for next 2 weeks and then weigh at another group (no money issues). Or you could tell your consultant and have two weeks hol (not get charged but not get weighed)
OR if you think Tuesdays are always going to be busy you can swap groups permanently but make sure you inform your current consultant.
I chnaged groups after a few months due to moving house and was no hassle.
As long as you have you card and pay, other consultants have no problem with weighing you and all the details get stored so wherever you go the next week is in the know!
Hope that helps x
Yeah as said that would be no problem - you have to strike while the iron is hot and if you are mentally in the right place to join just now then don't wait a fortnight. I think out of courtesy i would just be completely honest with the consultant of the group you join, explain the circumstances and let her know that you will be transferring to the other group in a couple of weeks time. That way you don't have to feel like you are doing something underhand or feel guilty and she will not waste time trying to follow up with you to find you are not attending her group any more. Good luck!
As a consultant I would agree with the previous post. As long as you are upfront and explain you will be moving over to another group in a couple of weeks there should be no problem :)