Quick question ...


Says it as it is!!!
I have a virus.....And I have had one shake and about 7 pints of water today up to now...only thing is i am finding i cant keep em down.... any suggestions..i dont want to have my other 2 shakes if they are just going to end up in the loo..sorry tmi xx
Don't feel like my body has kept anything it needs today :cry:
oh my....

Oh nic, that sounds really bad.... xox

Guess the best thing to do is keep drinking water until you can hold it down, and take half a shake to see how it goes.

If you make a whole shake it would probably be too much for u to drink in 15 mins...

Really hope u feel better... if ur not better tomorrow morning u might need to go and see a doctor xoxox
Thanks hun...i have been having half a a time and sipping water...fingers crossed it will go away ..i have my weigh in tomorrow...but wont beable to drive there if i carry on :(
oh my.... i couldnt drive to my weigh in yesterday - got my friend to drive xox oh i really hope u feel better soon xoxo
Sorry to hear you aren't well babe. No point in making yourself ill by trying to force them down. As J ulz says, keep sipping the water. Hope you feel better soon
split them, drink them slower, if the water is staying down then dilute them down further. And go to the docs if no better xxx
Get well soon nic, i would split em and drink slower ,
ok guys, thank you xxxxx...looks like i'll be at the quacks tomorrow :( can you take immoduim on LT ....i know it can help with the sickness, as well as the other end
are we allowed carbonated water? I normally swear by lemonade as it settles the tummy but obviously not allowed that...if not just stick to sips of water, half a day without your shakes won't hurt but do go to the Dr tom if it continues xx