Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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I love reading your food diary!! It's like a foreign language to me right now - all those little numbers! Looks like you are doing well! :)


cheers Janey, give urself a week and you'll be away :D

Mornin hun,i found i put on weight when i had the injection,it was nice & convenient with no periods but the weight crept on slowly but surely:(,came off it in the end as couldnt be doing with feeling a chubbster!

Enjoy your shopping trip,i bought a sneaky jumper yest after promising no more clothes:eek:! x

i promised myself xmas shopping only.. dont ever believe me if i promise! :p

:wavey:Have a lovely time shopping - is this just a reccie to see whats out there or are you actually going with a list?

I want to go Christmas shopping now:p but work won't let me:cry:

nope, done most of it today - few bits to get still though :)

Chilli sounds yum, it's been mentioned on here a few times this week, really fancy it now.

Have a lovely time shopping hun


cheers Claire, ended up with fish and chips instead.. no 5 bean chilli left :p

Hope you had a great day shopping and spent loads :)


you know i did :p

Ooh shopping sounds good to me hope you've had fun x

cheers hun, had a fab time :D

yeah,what did ya buy ?

WELL.. i bought a pink tshirt with yoda in shades on for my friend (Mens Chunk DJ Yoda at scotts | scotts online uk), a blue polo for my dad (too big, gunna have to take it back) a second Wii handset and nunchuk + Wii Play for Dad and Di as a joint present, then i bought the new Diesel male fragrance - Only the Brave for Matty, then i bought a lush pair of New Look black courts (Patent Bow Court Shoe - Courts - New Look) for my step mum, a present for Jax which i cant post cause she'll read it :p, Just Pink Next fragrance for my step sis Sazzles, ummmm.. some xmas cards.. few halloween lollies for my little angels on friday and think thats about it?

then for myself, a black and white mela loves london top from New Look (not on the site) a gorgeous pair of tan heels with gold studs (sale - tenner :D, also not on site :()

..oh and then i got Mummy D to buy me the La Senza bra of the week + matching undies for my xmas box (LaSenza.co.uk - Bras - Satin Air Zebra)

and my sisters bought me the new nightie i want in royal blue for my xmas box :D (LaSenza.co.uk - Nightwear - Lace Halter Dazzling Blue) however it was only £15 in the shop :p

then i eyed up some new silks which i am going to UBER-HINT to Matty to buy me :D

(LaSenza.co.uk - Bras - Ruched Silk Lace) they look loads nicer in RL - pic does them no justice.

oh and i bought the AS ICT Revision guide but thats not exciting :p

so anyway.. food for today:

B - apple and blueberry oatsosimple (3)
L - wethy's fish, chips and peas w/ tartare sauce (13)
T - salmon fillet (4.5) mixed vegetables (1)

total: 21.5 points. probs not totally accurate as this fish was MASSIVE.. but you never know.. have walked around loads at least :)

ALSO, i have a little furry visitor until friday.. he is currently resting his fuzzy little wrinkles in his bed waiting for Matty to come in :)

love my Lennykins :D
will take plenty :)

just wanted to post to say i made up my own soup recipe today and it turned out really nice - have learned i need to take the skins off my roasted peppers but otherwise it was really tasty :)

Roasted tomato and pepper soup (makes 2 big bowlfuls)

1 large onion
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
6 decent size tomatoes
2 garlic cloves, crushed
500ml stock (made up with 1 vegetable stock cube and water)

chop the tomato and peppers, spray with frylight, sprinkle with oregano and roast in oven until soft.

fry the onions and garlic in frylight until soft. Deseed the tomatoes and add them and the peppers to the pot, add a bit of basil and the stock and simmer for 10-15 minutes, then blend until smooth.

Somewhere in there gunna have to deskin the peppers so will have to find out how you do that :p
I think if you grill or roast them ,then put them in a plstic bag they sweat a bit and just lift off, so i've heard but can never be bothered!!
Yep thats what you do either pop in oven of if got gas can hold in flame (using a fork please), skin then peels off easily. Don't like peppers myself so some time since I did this

Proud of your Xmas shopping you're well on track

Morning rach..
Have you won the lottery :D

Just had a look at the underwear those bras are really nice....

I havent really thought about xmas shopping yet...spose i shud do really..LOL
have a good day x
Morning Rach

Sounds like a good shopping day - shops do seem to be getting much much busier now so me thinks that others are xmas shopping to.

I only have a couple bits left to get - wrapped all the rest on weekend & gave to mum to take home with her ready for xmas as I won't see them now till xmas day.

Mum wants a CD & I already have a cashmere jumper for her & dad - well he's a problem really. Prob be smelies/voucher & scratchcards - he's pretty lucky so would prob get a win off them.

Have a great day x
cheers all for the peppers hints :D Fitz i've not wrapped em yet, thatll be a xmas eve job LOL :p

had Lenny out this morning for about 45 minutes.. much harder to get out of bed early when its cold! :p had some bible men round at the door earlier but couldnt let them in cause Lenny was grouching (thank you Lenny, thank you!) .. the men were lovely and i stood and talked to them for ages but I really dont understand much thats in the bible and then they gave me a book and said "read the chapter about what REALLY happens when you die" and i was welling up thinking "i dont wanna know!" LOL :p

not got anything exciting planned today now :( gotta run across to Prudhoe to pick up a parcel for Matty, then i have spinning later and i'll have to take Lenny out.. but other than that.. nothing.

food for today:

B - 4 dark rye ryvita (2) 30g philadelphia light (1) cucumber (0)
L - 1/2jar ww korma sauce (2) onions, mushrooms, peppers (0) 40g bulgar wheat (2)
T - 1/2pk quorn chicken style pieces (2.5) 1/2pk blue dragon chow mein sauce (1) beansprouts, carrot, savoy cabbage, peppers, onions, water chestnuts, mushrooms (0) 60g brown rice (3)
S - thorntons white chocolate ghost lolly (3)

total: 16.5 points for now :)
Hey what a good shopping trip you had, sounds like a fun day to
With the peppers I've seen them pop them in the gas flames of the bob to get the skins off if that's any help ?

I'm going to have to get myself some oat so simple now that winters coming lol sounds yummy x
theyre on offer in sainsburys atm - 2 for £3 :) worth it! :D
Hey Rach, the shopping trip sounds amazing!! I even want the yoda shirt for myself! :D hehe i'll have to go and check out La senza tomorrow too! Gorgeous underwear! Hope spinning goes well tonight! :) xxx
i'm not going to spinning now, i can't be a*sed :p

i know i should, but ive walked Lenny today so have earned at least 2.5AP and I just want to chill out with Matty tonight as i'm going away tomorrow for the weekend to Jax's :)

food for today has changed ever so slightly:

B - 4 ryvita (2), 30g philadelphia light (1) cucumber (0)
L - 60g bulgar wheat (3) 1/2jar ww korma sauce (2) mixed veg (1)
T - 1/2pk chow mein sauce (1) beansprouts, mushrooms, water chestnuts, peppers, onions, savoy cabbage (0) 1/2pk sainsburys rice noodles (2.5)
S - thorntons white chocolate ghost lolly (3) 2 satsumas (0.5) vanilla mullerlight copy (1.5) alpen light bar (1)

total: 18.5 points

lots of carbs today but i've been craving comfort foods so would rather have something filling like that than another chocolate lolly (which is staring at me, but belongs to Matty :p)

ended up with rice noodles AND bulgar wheat cooked as i had a sleepy moment and forgot id just chucked loadsa noodles in my wok, so bulgar wheats on the menu for tomorrow haha :) x
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cor do i know how you feel. We are going away too, i have to go out in a while to deliver some avon, then send Ian to asda. then its sofa time with a bottle of vino ( complimens of Tracey). Who cars that i've done no packing-i cant be 'rsed ,can do it in the morning-Have a lovely weekend !!!
Have good evening with Matty. Not long until you see Jax and family, give her my best wishes and make sure you have a great time.

Enjoy your evening with Matty:p
Have a lovely time with Jax & co:D
Hope you avoided that choccy lolly;)
hope you had a nice evening
have a great weekend x
cheers all :D well some of you know already but i started my day off with a visit from the police - some a-hole parked over my drive so we couldnt get off the drive!

Police ended up coming out and joyrolling the car (car was OPEN?! with brand new cd player in it!) across the road, alarms wailing so we could pull car out.. then they gave car a ticket :p

worried (ridiculously and most likely unnecessarily) someone will set house on fire while Lenny is there! :(

..had him out at 5:30 this morning.. i am KNACKERED! :p

however i am still very excited about seeing Jax and my little angelicas later :) x
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