Rainbow is leaving SW again! x

well done you are doing so well!? may i ask a silly question what is the difference between the cambridge diet and LL... i hear they both have great losses...

thanks, i think the difference is that with LL you get councilling and with CD you dont, the other difference is the price, CD is cheaper cos you dont get the group councilling session x
Hey laurie, have just seen that you've put in your stats that your goal date is asap and then CD, when are you planning on going CD? and whys thats hun? x
Yes that's quite confusing! CD is something you do when you are bigger not when you are closer to goal
thats what I thought Taz. Whats everyone doing today? we've been to the cemetry to take flowers to Vinces uncles grave (thats bout 3/4 of an hour away) and then went and took some to my grandads grave, thats local. Now we're home Vince is deccorating!! love it - Im supposed to be srting stuff out, want it ultra tidy for the valuation on fri, but as we're generally tidy thers not a great deal to do xxx
it was really pi**ing it down this morning but now the sky is blue and the sun is shining. we started with a lazy day - dan's got UFC on the xbox360...borrrrrrrrring!!! ...hoping to play golf a bit later, so that'll burn at least 1500 calories and i might go swimming this evening :)
our swimmings pools not open today cos its bank hol! vince is currently on his xbox, gawd knows how the paintings gone, ive not ventured up! X
i didn't do anything in the end. drove to the golf course - dan was being a knob so i drove straight back home again without getting out of the car. had a massive row, i cried lots and went to sleep for most of the evening :( ....wish i was a lesbian!!!
oh men, arent they idiots, I fell out with Vince last night too... and I cried! only a few stray tears though. It was basically to do with him talking to his m&d on the phone and them saying they will move back down to England (from Scotland) which I know they wont (not yet anyway) and I think they're gettin his hopes up, cos they've said it before! so he was mean to me - well not mean per say, more disagreeing with me, in retrospect Im not sure why I cried actually! prob tired! x
yer, we made up bout 10 mins after i think! i think it could be that Im more emotional at the moment (not eating must play havoc with your hormones?) hows everyone? i'm writing reports today aaaggggggghhhhhhhh x
Just worked out my start bmi and my now bmi and i was very obese, now im just obese! still terrible, but getting better, cant wait to be overweight! x
thanks gem, i'm finding it fine, really easy at the moment, hope it carries on like this! got WI tomoro night cant wait x
yer thats the thing isnt it, the big losses spur you on x
thanks weemo, knowing everyone here is behind me makes a huge difference x
just got this an an e-mail...

is is a specially formulated diet designed to help WOMEN cope with the stress that builds during the day

1 Grapefruit
1 slice wholemeal toast
1 cup skimmed milk

1 small portion lean, steamed chicken with a cup of spinach
1 cup herbal tea

1 biscuit

The rest of the biscuits from the packet
1 tub of Gino Ginelli ice cream with chocolate topping

4 bottles of wine (red or white)
2 loaves garlic bread
1 family size Supreme pizza
3 chocolate bars

1 whole cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)

'stressed' spelled backwards is 'desserts'

Send this to four women and you will lose two kilograms

Send this to all the women you know (or ever knew) and you will lose 10 kgs

IF you delete this message you will gain 10 kgs

Finally, here's some advice for you:

Dr. Neil proclaimed the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started.......

So I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn't finished; and, before
leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonay , a bole of Baileys, a butle of Kehuha, a pockage of biscuits , the mainder of bot Prozic and Valum scriptins, the res of the Chesescke, some saltins an a bax a cholates..

Yu haf no idr who gud I fel.
That was so funny!