Read all about it ~ Westhills

I love that sexy pose you strike in your picture! Well done Ann. You are a complete star. Looking forward to seeing you in March.

Love G. xxx
Doh! it is March! Looking forward to seeing you in two weeks!
Will you be eating CC or are you on SS??
I would like to go somewhere nice for a meal early evening, but Shaza who I will be sharing with, is on SS. How many of us will be eating ordinary food???
Ann x

I'll be eating in Birmingham too, Ann - and very much look forward to seeing you again.

Oh - and absolutely DO go for the follow-up stories! You deserve all the recognition you can get in my opinion :)

Lots of love
I just managed to get and read your story, it's so fab that you are going to be out there showing people that it can be done and inspiring people to have a go and stick at it. you may feel just normal, but to us you are our inspiration and the further you can spread your success the better for all those out there who want to change their lives!