Ready to make a change!!!

Doh! smacks head :eek: silly me....its next sat 25th so your right Dee.... havin a senior moment there

Hee hee, a senior moment, very good!! :D
I didn't even know they were going back either weekend so thanks girls or I'd have been a bit red-faced getting to work an hour late!!
Have a nice weekend's to St. Paddy!
Weigh in a day early as i have a night off plan tonight!!!!

-2lb which considering Fondue-gate last week!!!! Is good lol....

So that means I have hit my SIX STONE OFF!!!!

Woo hoo!!!! Today I am a happy girl!!!!!
Deezer said:
Weigh in a day early as i have a night off plan tonight!!!!

-2lb which considering Fondue-gate last week!!!! Is good lol....

So that means I have hit my SIX STONE OFF!!!!

Woo hoo!!!! Today I am a happy girl!!!!!

Well done you. That is amazing. Enjoy your evening x
GOing to remain on plan till tea time... bit of a carby tea..... a couple of vodkas and back at it tomorrow!!!

My love of the porridge makes it so much easier to get back on plan lol...

Deezer said:
16lb more And I've lost 100lb!!!!

How did I carry that around?????

My poor heart and bones!!!!

Whooooooohoooo dee you are a star! Honestly an amazing inspiration! You should be so unbelievably proud of yourself. I know what you mean though if there was a sack in front of me weighing 100lbs I could never pick it up! And that's what we carried every day... You have done an amazing job your heart and bones will be living you hun and you look awesome! keep it up! Xxx
Absolutely amazing night out last night!!! Stuck to vodka, lime and soda.....

It was very good for the old confidence!! Plenty of lovely comments on people I've not seen for a good while!!!

Plus for the first time in a very long time.... I like pics of myself!!!!

Will post later!!! Lol...

Back at it today!!!

: )

Some pics....

From this.... (This pic was my inspiration to start!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!)


This was last night!!! -6 Stone!!!!


*Happy face!*

This weeks target is 4lb.... then i am bang on 2 stone off goal!!!!

*Crosses fingers*

Deezer said:
Some pics....

From this.... (This pic was my inspiration to start!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!)

This was last night!!! -6 Stone!!!!

*Happy face!*

This weeks target is 4lb.... then i am bang on 2 stone off goal!!!!

*Crosses fingers*


You look awesome hun just seen those pics on fb!! You will smash 4lbs this week!! Xxx
Wow you look fantastic hun xxxx

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You look great. How's yr skin doing? My arms are very floppy but elsewhere (belly, body, thighs & calves doing really well).

Many many congrats

Amazing well done!!! Truly inspirational :)
I've got to start doing sit ups! My middle is really distressing me at the moment xx
Some pics....

From this.... (This pic was my inspiration to start!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!)


This was last night!!! -6 Stone!!!!


*Happy face!*

This weeks target is 4lb.... then i am bang on 2 stone off goal!!!!

*Crosses fingers*

Dee.... you look amazing babes.... well done you!! I MUST do something very similar, and also stick the pics on my fridge too.. before and after to keep me from picking!!!
I`ve got an awful one of me in my Pj`s, so when i`m nearer to my goal I`m getting another one taken in my Pj`s to compare diff..... I love your blonde hair btw.... whats you natural colour? But that shade of blonde looks lovely on you...:D:D XX

I`ve got some majorly floppy bits.... bingo wings, jelly wobble tummy lol.... and boobys that are shrivelled and hanging low.... :sigh:.... BUT I`d rather have this than be 19 stones 8 lb`s EVER AGAIN!! and if I never get rid of the saggy bits they are a reminder of how I abused my body for toooo long... and a reminder of how much strain my heart lungs etc etc etc were under same as Dee says how did our bodies cope??:confused::confused:
Smothering cream on after every bath or shower, trying to get back to the gym and swimming again after a 3 week break due to illness etc..... so I know that will help....But it does bother me though, be fibbing if I said it wasnt! hey ho.... thats life :cool:
Dee.... you look amazing babes.... well done you!! I MUST do something very similar, and also stick the pics on my fridge too.. before and after to keep me from picking!!!
I`ve got an awful one of me in my Pj`s, so when i`m nearer to my goal I`m getting another one taken in my Pj`s to compare diff..... I love your blonde hair btw.... whats you natural colour? But that shade of blonde looks lovely on you...:D:D XX

Natural colour????? Whats that??? Hahaaa!!!

I'm like a mousy blonde hun!!!

I loved my hair this blonde but used to do it myself and trashed my hair... so i cut it real short and went dark to give it a break!!!

I am now a hairdresser only girl!!!

