Really struggling


Woman on a mission!
as per the title - im really having a bad time of sticking to the plan. I start the day well and all hell breaks loose once I have left work and get home. I just cant seem to make myself 'stick' with the plan - even though i know it works and I have lost so far.
Anyone have any words of wisdom / advice / or just a general kick up the behind for me?
Its really getting me down, i have come so far and am so scared that if i dont get a grip soon I will put it all back on again.
I cant seem to listen to myself - all i hear is the naughty side of me saying to go for the bad stuff!!
anyone else had this - what did you do?
thanks for listening x
We all get challenges like this at some stage in the healthy eating process, be it by routines which we can break or just naughty cravings.

My suggestion to you if your snacking is have some free foods to hand to munch on yoghurts for a sweet tooth, crab sticks for red or EE days, sliced fruit or veg that way its there to grab if you need it.

As i said in another post and as someone once said to me on here 'if your not hungry for free food your not really hungry' i like to think of this for whenever i want a chocolate bar or bag of crisps because im 'hungry' whereas if i was truely hungry i'll just as happily eat a plum :)

Also your hunger signal is the same as your thirst signal so try having a glass of water when your hungry if in 20 minutes your not hungry anymore it was that :)

Look around for low syn naughtiness that way you fully utilise your syns for your 'naughty' cravings

For the emotional side of things i have my mini challenges, dates im aiming for and weightlosses each week in my signature - this spurs me on. Also the picture on the fridge of the thinner you, or a dress you'd like to wear is always an insentive to eat the better things and remind yourself why you want to change your lifestyle.

Try to look back into why you started and what made you decide to start this journey, it should help you to refocus.

Hope this helps

I put biscuits & other syned snacks out of sight & reach, not difficult when only 5ft 2in:D But even though subconsiously I know they're there I don't reach for them.

Try planning your tea, either prepare day before or put something is a slow cooker ready to eat when you get in.

Think about what it is that triggers the downfall. Is it a certain time of night, I find at 9pm I want my supper, so I always make sure I have a hexa&b left so I can have cheese & ryvita. Or if you feel yourself wanting to eat the wrong thing go out, go for a shower, just do something else whereby you can't eat :)

You can do this, just think how well you do during the day. And what you have acheived so far, Good Luck x
What is your down fall? Is there a specific thing you always turn to?

I agree with pesty re the pic on the fridge/dress you want to wear. I have a tiny pair of shorts hung up where I can see them and I find they help me not to pick (not that i'm ever wearing them out of the house - I have pants bigger than the shorts!)