Red day disaster


Full Member
**** spoiler, if you dont like poo talk dont read below lol ****

So We had a red day on Saturday(im usually a green day girl) and im still suffering the consequences. We went to a brazilian steak house and luckily got the seats next to the grill so i watch all the meat being prepped and cooked so i could decide what I wanted, but since sat ive been able to go to the loo properly,i feel like ive done a million sit ups and i'm bloated so bad and cant sleep properly, ive tried coffee,senokot, exercise, you name it and still very little has happened, its my weigh in day tomorrow and im dreading it, Ive been 100% every day including the day at the steak house, used all my syns, cut off any fat and used my HEBS for small amount of potatoes

Im just feeling so cr@ppy ...literally...just needed to vent:(
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I havent ,thanks for the tip ,that might be the next course of action
I hate when that happens. I was eating Tangerines last week and after eating 4 in one day, they had the opposite effect than they should. I couldn't go the loo for 5 days xD Right over my weigh in too, i STS which was annoying xD