Refocus group - all welcome!

She said she didn't want to see me using packs as a crutch and said that perhaps if I took weight off more slowly and put hard work in I would appreciate it more. I was a bit surprised, to be honest. I know if I'd spoken to her colleague I would have got a different opinion (her colleague uses packs herself occasionally, either to prepare for big events like Christmas, or to take off "blips" before they become entrenched).

Each to their own, I guess. If it was a year ago I would bow to her judgement, but a year on from reaching goal I know myself psychologically (although sometimes I don't admit stuff to myself that I really know, deep down), and know that it's important to me to be at my goal. Then I find it relatively straightforward to maintain using a low carb approach, which works well for me. Being so much overweight, so suddenly, has been a shock. I put it down in part to being about ten pounds overweight a few weeks back, then attempting Atkins... because I thought I "shouldn't" use packs... then not quite getting into ketosis, but still eating all the yummy Atkins food... and then spiralling out of control and starting back on alcohol, which gave me the munchies, which meant more carbs etc etc... Gaining on Atkins is VERY easy if you don't keep strict control of your carbs!!

Anyway - so here I am. I know this works for me, and why I'm choosing to do it. I see it as a practical thing. I do know what to do to maintain - but losing weight using food is too slow, and I don't want to spend the next six months beating myself up for an Atkins experiment that went horribly wrong. Every day my waistband is tight I feel rubbish. I then want to punish myself.

On the other hand, every time it gets a little bit looser I feel happier. The thought of being able to get back into all my lovely clothes in just a few weeks is really motivating.

I'm learning!
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I'm aiming for a solid 14lb, hopefully more as it will be my first month.

I think returning to packs is a sensible idea. I mean why not do what works, it saves digging yourself further into a hole. I have mucked about with slimming world and calorie counting neither I was in the frame of mind to focus on. Mind you it does seem as if I am a total addict around food, it is easier for me to take food out of the equation than to try and manage it. What a state of affairs!

Day two here we come.
Hi all

I am a big further down the line with my restart, but would love to join you as I am determined to crack it this time.

Before I did lighter life in 2007 I had never been slim. Now I look back and remember how incredible and unstoppable I felt. I couldn't understand why I let things slip, two babies didn't help, but the weight was already going on by the time I fell pregnant so it really isn't the excuse.

I think finally becoming a slim person was so alien to me, plus all my focus was in succeeding in losing the weight, I hadn't fully prepared or even considered seriously how to focus on keeping it off. I had no idea how to eat as a slim person - I had never experienced life that way.

I am hoping this time will be different. The weightloss is amazing, but I am trying to shift my focus and see this stage as a pre-cursor this time. Target is not the end, it will be the beginning of me learning how to live life slim.

I look forward to chatting, venting and ultimately cracking it at last with you all!

Thanks spangly! First day ok, second day going really well so far!! Can't wait to get into ketosis!

My target for April is also 16lbs

Can someone please add me to the list? I'm on my iPad and can't do it!

Thanks x
I had a lot of early nights the first week! And lots of water always helps of course!
I would have a glass of water. Then a pack at your usual time. Then, if still feeling rubbish, half an hour later have a cup of tea. Then if all else fails, go to bed! It's probably carb withdrawal. Hang in there to day four and it will get better!
Clara, I think I'm a food addict too. Just love love love eating, and always have done. My family used to tease me when I was little because I always remembered events by what we'd had to eat. I also remember being laughed at for my round tummy when I was about five or six and being called 'pooh bear', to much hilarity for everyone in the room (apart from me). I wasn't overweight though until my Mum put me on a diet aged 13, because I'd got to nine and a half stone. She was worried I'd end up ten stone and 'a woman should never be in double figures'. Sigh. Just because she and my older sister were dieting (older sister was 18 at the time) I don't think I should have been made to join in!

Aargh. I sound I'm blaming all my failings on my mum, which I know isn't fair of me. But I do think that first diet, that I didn't even want or need to go on, warped my body image and relationship with food for a long time.

Ended up six and a half stone, which given how much I really do love food, tells you how much I missed my sister when she died...

But that's another story. My mum still has a photo of skinny me in her purse because she thinks that's when I looked my best... Irony is, I'd be really happy to get to ten AND A HALF stone, and stay there! Double figures!!
Spangly mum- I know how you feel. My mum was forever on and off diets. She told me that my dad had left her because she was too fat (it was more complex than that but I ws too young to appreciate that). My dad always commented on my weight (once I was wearing a baggy jumper he play-punched me in the belly "to see how fat I was getting"). He was forever commenting on how much like my mum I was, and from all of this i took a very strong message that I had to be thin to be loved, and for my parents to be proud of me, and that food was a reward for those who deserve it. I've been binging and dieting since I was ten. This is partly why I won't comment on my kids weights or tell them I'm going on a diet. They're 6 and 7 so don't really notice that stuff anyway. The do see me exercising and they know mummy needs to do that to stay strong.

Anyway, I jumped off the wagon yesterday. All the voices in my head, you know, "nobody knows you've started this yet", "ex has the kids, you need a break, you deserve to lie in bed eating". Sometimes I feel I'm not getting a proper reward or rest without food treats.

Anyway I'm back on the wagon today, and v glad ive made the decision to join my LL group on Tues. I have issues to work through (duh!) and I need some accountability.

Sorry about the waffle - i didnt know i had all that in me! Hope everyone's ok!
Hi to all
i am also a food addict. ican eat when i am not hungery. My problem is i never know when to stop i dont seem to have the full signal. Maybe i do and choose to ignore it . I have had weight problems since i was 18 ,always on diet or another. I have tried every diet going in the lst 12months and got no were, its always the same 2lb off 1lb on sts thats wyh i have come back to ths packs. Like you spangly once i start felling better it makes me more determined. Not sure how to add myself to the April callenge but would like to lose 14lb.
Morning ladies,
Oh yes definite food addiction here. I mean it is a medication for so many things, it calms, it's company, it cheers you up, it's a celebration, it's a commiseration, it's entertainment .... oh and the list can go on. Eating when hungry ... what a strange concept! Stopping when full equally as alien!

The first diet I was put on was in primary school. Must have been about 8 or nine. Yes I was a bit pudgy but when I look back on school photos that is the last time I looked "normal". Weight went up approximately a stone a year from there.

Families play a huge part in starting the weight issues rolling, but speaking personally I have done the rest of the work in gaining and maintaining my weight as an adult.

Day three for me today, holding on in there.

Have a good day ladies xx
I've been lurking on this thread for a couple of days and decided to come out of the shadows. I did LL for 7 months last year and lost 7 stone. Felt at the top of the world, did RTM, used the tools I had been given during the CBT sessions and maintained for several months. I did not feel deprived at all, didn't miss eating sweets (my big big weakness pre-LL and, as it turns out, even post-LL), but since the end of December something changed and I slowly but surely fell off the wagon. I’ve been desperately trying to get back on it and have managed a few times, but all that willpower and resolve that made me stick to Total for all that time without lapsing once seem to have gone.

I fooled myself into thinking that it was 'only a few pounds – and it was initially - that I'd nip it in the bud, but every time I tried I ended up failing and adding another little gain. I've been resisting the idea of going back on packs, wanting to get the weight off by reducing my calories and by low-carbing, but I have had so many false starts at this point that I just need to do it, or I'll find myself back where I was in 2010. Even though I could see the difference after putting 8/9/10 lbs. back on, it's only in the last couple of weeks that I almost don't recognise myself or, better yet, that I see signs of the old me (the one who was ashamed of walking on the street or would cram herself against the window on the bus, so as not to be 'the fatty taking up half of the seat next to her').

I won’t weigh myself until I’m at least a couple of weeks in (last time I did was about 10 days ago and I was 20lbs or so up from my goal weight), as seeing an even higher number now would probably make me run to the nearest corner shop and buy a pack of biscuits. Spanglymum, I am so with you on the ‘sod it’ mentality. Instead of kicking my a*se into gear, seeing a gain immediately makes me want to give it up, as ‘I’ve messed it all up anyway’.

So today is day 1 for me...again. Went to spinning class, had a porridge pack, 2 L of water and two coffees so far and feeling good (that won’t last haha). Hope the keto fairy comes soon.

Have a great afternoon ladies!
Hi there, bluesunflower! More the merrier! How are you finding day 1? Looks like there are a few of us with really similar issues, which is so comforting and supportive. I find my husband really doesn't get it (although I have to say he's been brilliant).

I've been finding it ok during the day but now it's getting to the evening it's getting more difficult. I feel a seriously early night coming on (again!). Just don't want to cave and spoil it - but crikey, it's difficult at times. I know it's all in my mind, but I do wish my mind would butt out and leave me to get on with it! Just cooked dinner for hubby and my daughters and sitting here by the computer while they eat up. Feeling strong enough now that I could probably go and have my pack with them... just was seriously wobbling a minute ago so thought I'd better absent myself from the situation!

Really angry with myself for having to do this again, but at the same time so relieved I made the choice to do it rather than waiting any longer feeling terrible.

How's everyone getting on?
And here we all are - do feel free to amend if I've got anything wrong!

Spanglymum 14lb (0 lost, 14 to go)
Phoenyx 16lb (0 lost, 16 to go)
Clarabow 14lb (0 lost, 14 to go)
leesy (target tbc!)
Lindsay988 16lb (0 lost, 16 to go)
Jess123 14lb (0 lost, 14 to go)
Bluesunflower (target tbc!)
Thanks Spanglymum!! Day 1 is going well, a bit of a rumbly stomach, so I think it'll be an early night for me as well. Why are evenings so hard? That's my 'danger zone' as well. The first time around on Total I'd keep 2 packs and a bar to have every night and while it might not have been the best approach, I really think it helped me stick to it for all those months. Really made me realise that I was eating for a million reasons, but none of them was actual physical hunger.

Having this thread is really comforting; we all seem to be in the same boat, so we can support each other and keep each other accountable.

Btw, serious kudos for being strong enough to cook for hubby & daughter. That must be hard, especially the first few days before ketosis kicks in.
Thanks for doing the list of targets Spangly, much appreciated.

Welcome in from the lurk Blue.
Well day 4 for me. Day three wasn't perfect but no major carb incidents and the wine did not flow. A miracle for me on a weekend lately to be honest. Some reports to write today, so a day in front of the computer, keep me out of mischief anyway.

Sounds as if you are an all or nothing girl Blue, 7 stone with not a blip. Can be hard to get back in the zone. Even if there is a false start, ( which there won't be) you will be further down the path of stripping the carbs out and getting into ketosis sooner.

Onwards and downwards ladies ,, have a great day x

Thanks for adding me, have updated my target. Have weigh in this morning and having had a cheeky scale hop it's not looking great. Perhaps something to do with the constant period I seem to be having ... Joy! (sorry if tmi!)

Spanglymum 14lb (0 lost, 14 to go)
Phoenyx 16lb (0 lost, 16 to go)
Clarabow 14lb (0 lost, 14 to go)
Leesy 18lb (0 lost 18 to go))
Lindsay988 16lb (0 lost, 16 to go)
Jess123 14lb (0 lost, 14 to go)
Bluesunflower (target tbc!)