Refocus group - all welcome!

Hi guys, sorry to hear about the bar issues.

Am at my parents now, and have made the decision to eat 3 packs and a protein meal for 3 days as would like to be a little more social over Easter, particularly with my girls around and eagle eyed.

Yesterday was the first day, had 2 shakes, a bar and white fish, an egg and some spinach. All good except I was halfway through squeezing lemon on my fish when I remembered I shouldnt be having it! Hope that doesn't take me out of ketosis.

The real problem is that my mum neglected to mention that she now has a lodger so I didn't bring the kids readybeds and am now sharing a double bed with them. They're delighted, I'm sleepless.

Have also discovered that my sister has put on weight since her split with her boyfriend. She's been trying asda shakes without success. Do I point her in the direction of LL or would that just be rude?
I don't envy you the sleeplessness. I shared a room w my eldest once when she was about four and she loved it but I was knackered!

Not sure re your sister... I would wait and see if she asks you how you've lost weight, then share.

Well, I'm really proud that my bar incident (that sounds really bad, doesn't it?!) didn't lead to more off plan eating. I was sorely tempted last night but stayed strong and am SO proud of myself today. Go me!!
Spangly, congrats to you. I hope you're properly proud of yourself.
Phoenyx, an adult decision is fine re food choices, so good for you. Really hope absentminded lemon has derailed you. Ignore it and just stick to your plan. Hope you manage some sleep over weekend.
Good day to us all.
How's everyone doing? I hope we're not losing people... and everyone's just busy with family Easter stuff. Seems that one or two have been quiet recently.

I'm going to be posting for England today I think as I'm not completely over my mental blip. I haven't caved but boy it's hard! Just cooked lunch for the family and am now sitting down with a coffee. I didn't do my usual big meal - just did something lighter this year. We'll have a belated Easter meal in a month or so's time.

I have to keep telling myself that (a) I can do this and (b) it's worth it. (I sound like a l'Oreal advert.) Gah! Why is the mind such a tricky thing?!! I'm sure I'll get through today but it seems more of an effort. I think I find Exante quite taxing - 'only' having three things a day, despite them being bigger than LL or S & S packs, makes me feel deprived. Mad, eh?!

Hope everyone is doing ok!
Hi Spangly
I'm here and posting for same reason as I often find weekends hard and this one especially so as I'm really a bit stressed.
Well done on staying strong so far. Can you get out at all later and do something not around food? If not just perhaps break the day up into small bits and get thro each bit and congratulate yourself each time.
How about a puzzle or something that will occupy your mind. Don't think I spy will quite do it but any board games you can get family to play with you? Or go look in your wardrobe at something that doesn't quite fit yet but so soon will. Remember this is not for ever.
Shame about Exante have you got loads of them left? Could you split one and have it in 2 bits perhaps using more water with each portion to make it seem more
Good luck
I do have quite a few Exante packs, yes. I bought a bumper pack after Christmas but never really got in the zone... am going to go and sort my wardrobe out for a bit!

Why are you stressed? Are you ok?
I'm around today too, poorly kids means we can't go out and hubby is camped out in front of the football while I get the joys of Ben and holly with my poorly little one!

Well done for resisting temptation, it's amazing how motivating that is, makes you feel pretty powerful when you have always succumbed in the past.

I find total straightforward as the choice is removed, I am worried about maintenance when I can talk myself into having things I shouldn't, I am very good at justifying these things to myself! But, will worry about that MUCH later!

Spanglymum I have sent you a PM as I don't want to upset any one with my reply and I don't want you to read it all if it might upset you and make things worse for you today.
I am trying to read a book a friend lent me called Weight Loss for Food Lovers by Dr George Blair-West as I'm hoping it might help me when I finish LL Total and need to maintain. Haven't got very far yet as other things keep happening. I'll let you know if i think it has any good ideas in it. Maybe someone else has heard of it.
Leesy, so sorry that your little ones are poorly, hope they get a bit better soon and don't pass anything on to you.
Glad you are feeling so positive. Enjoy Ben and Holly, well maybe not.
Spanglymum I have sent you a PM as I don't want to upset any one with my reply and I don't want you to read it all if it might upset you and make things worse for you today.
I am trying to read a book a friend lent me called Weight Loss for Food Lovers by Dr George Blair-West as I'm hoping it might help me when I finish LL Total and need to maintain. Haven't got very far yet as other things keep happening. I'll let you know if i think it has any good ideas in it. Maybe someone else has heard of it.
Leesy, so sorry that your little ones are poorly, hope they get a bit better soon and don't pass anything on to you.
Glad you are feeling so positive. Enjoy Ben and Holly, well maybe not.

Thank you Rosie - and sending you lots of hugs - I hope things get better for you today

I'm around, just about to go out - must stick to water and coffee and not be too tempted!!

I hear ya, Spanglymum. That extra bar blip the other day left me with all sorts of crooked thinking and I almost gave in last night, but then managed to resist. Today is going to be even harder with all the food around, but we can do this!!!
For me the problem at the moment is that I'm not craving carbs, sweets and evilness, but protein and salads and it's getting harder and harder to justify to IT (primitive brain) why it's just not a good idea now - been down that road so many times.

I find that splitting the Exante soups is quite easy, but with the porridge it doesn't work quite as well, not sure why.

Have a great afternoon ladies x
Hi Phoenyx, sorry if that came over as 'it's not good in general', which is obviously not true. It's just that at the moment I made a committment to myself to stick to the packs and as I tend to be quite all-or-nothing having even a single meal while I'm on Total can easily lead to 'oh go on, you've ruined it now anyway, might as well have whatever and write the day off'.
It's something I have to work on and find a solution to before I start maintenance again or I'll yo-yo forever.
Having salad and protein is not a bad thing at all - on Exante it's even one of the options: you can either have 3 packs (Total Solution) or 3 packs + protein & keto-friendly veg (Working Solution, which takes the calorie count to about 1000kcal for the day). I went for the second option tonight (ok-ok that bite of risotto wasn't exactly what I would call keto-friendly).

Hope you enjoyed the day - let's get ready for a new week of fat-burning ;)
Morning ladies,
Firstly Rosie, I hope there is land in sight in your sea of troubles. Thinking of you x

Sad to say an Easter lapse has derailed me for a few days. Sneaky bank holiday that it is. I will be facing a re start tomorrow. Can honestly say feel really unwell after the lapse. Let that be a lesson to me. Typical just as I was starting to feel good on the shakes. Hey ho, lesson learnt.

Well done for all you who have toughed it out. Proud of ya.

Enjoy the last day off.
Thanks Clarabow, just waiting for things to happen as they will. Struggled again today and lost (having got thro yesterday, how daft) by eating some tinned fish lunch time. Enough control not to eat the carbs but I so want to. Probably slow down weight loss but heh ho. Still have those lessons to learn.
In a way I'm glad to hear you are feeling really unwell after your lapse if only you can remember this next time you want to lapse, hopefully but of course not always how we let our thinking go.
Come on now back with it and put this behind you.
Caved :(

Need to start again today. Hmm.
Just weighed myself and 1 lb off this week, which isn't bad, considering the massive loss last week and going off road last night. Onwards and downwards!!
Hi spangleymum, well done ! As an average over two weeks your loss is fantastic! Are you safely back on track after last night or still a little wobbly?

I'm home after Easter weekend away, and am feeling pleased that although I ate, I stuck to my plan, protein and veg, one glass of red wine and 2 lattes slipped in but they didn't kick me out of ketosis and as soon as I got home I had a pack and went to bed.

I'm glad I ate, I really wanted to join in with the family, and I'm surprised I avoided a lot of previous eating traps - I can't remember the last time I didn't binge after a trip like this, tiredness, emotion, stress, etc. it really helped that my ll meeting was the next day (today) so any extra eating would def show on the scales. For me, it's good to be held accountable and not be able to think, oh I'm not seeing anyone for a couple of months, no one will notice my blip!
Think I'm back on track... though I did have (unsweetened) soya millk in my cup of tea this morning. Mustn't bend the rules!! Tsk tsk.

Sounds like you're in a good place, Phoenyx. Made some v adult choices there, by the sound of it. I don't have a group until next week: there's one starting next Tuesday which my LLC said I could join.
Well done Spangly for getting back on track
I am just finding if so hard not to eat off plan. Just allowed myself some meat even thou WI soon
Reb child just comes into play, I want, I need, I should have. Just a little bit, bit more etc
Why don't I use adult? I don't know.
Still have managed some days this week so that's good
Keep with it and next Tuesday will soon come round and you'll be lighter when you start.