Relationship rant (hopefully the last)

he was 2 days away from marrying the mouse he left this tigress for

Wishing you some of Sue's tiger spirit today (this evening?) Tinytootz.
Well, i didn't think he could get any lower! I get a phone call today, one of my love birds (which i had to leave with him) was unwell. I asked if i could see it, he said no. I carried on making the christening cake for tomorrow. Get a phone call about 6:30 telling me the bird has died. I asked if i could go round, he said no. I asked why, he said he was busy. So i carry on with the cake through tears. Another call. What do i want to do with the bird. So i said i didn't know, and i would contact him. 10 minutes later, i get another call. He's outside my house (i wasn't there) with the bird in a box, wanting me to bury it! The very reason i could't go and see MY bird was because she was there. To say im fuming is an understatement. I didn't think he could stoop any lower. His response was 'sorry, what do you want me to do about it now?'. So im now trying to work, prepare for the christening tomorrow (and he will be there) and i'm overflowing with hatred and upset. Ive never come across another human being who is so heartless as to not let their ex girlfriend see HER dying bird because his current s**t is there. ARGH!
Chin up lady, I think you are doing wonderfully! You are entitled to be upset and full of hatred, his actions have been selfish and hurtful!

Take comfort in knowing that what goes around comes around and the universe will make sure he gets his!

I have had a disastrous string of relationships in the past but the day I gave up hope was the day I met my fiance. You are obviously destined for someone better than him and you'll find him.

May your bird rest in peace and the christening not be too stressful
Hi hun, just a quick note to say I'm going through the same kind of thing at the moment too..... it makes me so angry that the man I loved unconditionally could turn into such an arse? Argh.

Hope the christening goes ok today x
How are you today ?????

I hope the christening was a great success and that the cake was enjoyed by everyone,

Your ex's actions just confirm that you have had the luckiest escape anyone could have.

Turn the page....... tomorrow is another chapter,

hugs xxxxxxx
:) The cake was a disaster, but funny anyway. Thankfully, i wasn't responsible for the baking, so not my fault! It was an ok day, there was a bit of an atmosphere, but that can't really be helped. The mother of the child's mother seemed to feel sorry for me, she kept holding my hand and filling my glass! I seem to have this effect on mothers, perhaps it comes from looking about 12 at the grand old age of 26! But otherwise, it went ok. He tried to upset me before we went, talking to me about the bird and guff like that. But i managed to ignore him, and I was complimented several times on my frock! I hope this rant thread of mine is finally dead :) have had a lucky escape from reading all this.

Your ex seems to be a nasty bag of washing that will be rotting up someones life all his days. Be thankful of not being with him, as he would have dragged you down. He also seemed heartless and useless regarding birdgate.

I wish you well in finding someone new when you are ready too - i split up with a long term partner in my 20's and had a great single life and then met my fiance. Life works out well for the nice hearted people, so keep smiling xxx