Rhyannasmum Juddds off those last few pounds.


Full Member

I've lost 4 stone this year on Lighterlife. :D A couple of months ago I finished LL and started low carbing as I have PCOS. :( I love eating low carb and I'm maintaining my 4 stone weight loss, but I'd like to lose another few pounds and so far all that's happened is I just keep going up and down between 9.12 and 10 stone. :rolleyes:

So I've decided I'm going to give juddding a go to see if I can shake my metabolism up a bit and get rid of those last few pesky pounds.

I'm training for a 10k race in September so will do most of my running on UDs. Gym days will be DDs.

As I'm near my goal weight DDs will be 800 cals and UDs will be 2000. I shall stick to low carb principles and log my foods on MFP.

Im a habitual daily weigher so I'll weigh each morning and my declared weight loss each week will be the average of those weigh ins.

Started yesterday with a DD as I was horrified to see the scales said 10.0.5 yesterday morning and I've set 10 stone as my maximum upper weight limit. No exercise yesterday. I was a bit hungry, but had a busy day so didn't notice too much. Vastly relieved to see scales say 9.12.5 this morning, which shows there was some water weight.

UD today. So far had a slice of toast and 3 eggs scrambled with butter and cream for breakfast. Just off for my run now which is hill training today! Heaven help me!
Hiya :)

Well done on your weight loss and on the running - I'm new here here too, jst one week in, but loving it :)

Susie x
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

I'm coming toward the end of my first UD. Works out at 1748 cals and 40g of carbs.

I feel absolutely stuffed and am already looking forward to my DD tomorrow.

Struggling a bit at the minute to have faith and believe that I can eat like this half the week and still lose weight.
Hey and welcome :)
Well done on ur loss!!! I've just lost 4 stone this year too :D

I have found it hard that this diet could work lol ad after abit of trial and error and juggling round it is, lost 2lb my first week and 2lb on my second.

Good luck in ur juddd journey xxx

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Thanks for the welcome Stef. Any hints and tips for me that you could share after juggling around with Juddd for yourself?

After yesterday's first UD my scales were up 1.5lbs to 10 stone this morning. Tbh I expected the figure to be higher.

DD today. I am planning on using my surplus LL stocks and Atkins products for my DDs.

Im not working today, the kids are at school and dh is at work later, so after I've done some chores around the house I'll toddle off down to the gym for a couple of hours. I don't do cardio at the gym, except for a 5 minute warm up. I get my cardio on my run days. I strength train at the gym to try and replace some of the muscle I lost on LL and I usually do a few lengths of the pool for toning.

This evening we've got a meeting at the High School that my daughters starting at in September, so that'll keep me occupied and my mind off food.

Have a good day everyone.
Hi Rhyannasmum,

Hope your DD goes well. Having been on VLCD'S you shouldn't find it too bad. I have packets of sliced meat, they're usually around 120 cals & as they're protein they keep the hunger at bay.

My daughter started secondary school last year, it's a busy time sorting out uniform, etc. I can't believe she only has three weeks left of her first year, it has flown.

WB x
Thanks for the encouragement WB.

DD today came in at 808 cals and 31g carbs. Not a very down DD in comparision to some of you, but best I can manage for now. I hope to get my DDs lower as I get into the swing of JUDDD.

Exercise wise I did an hour and a half at the gym combining strength work with high intensity interval training and I walked the dog this afternoon for an hour.

Feeling rather empty now, but the good thing is that I know tomorrow I can fuel up again on my UD. I've been puzzling today on how I can get my cals up on UDs without eating too many carbs. I think nuts will be a good option, high cal, good fat, but low carb.
I know at first DD days are supposed to be 500 cals, but I'm thinking of upping mine to 700 because I'm struggling on 500. According to his site you can lose weight still, just not as much.

Not that I'm recommending it because I haven't tried it, but more to say you should be proud of what you've achieved today.
I know DD's are hard, but if you really try to persevere for the first 2 weeks to get in to it and then the doc says you can play with the intakes

17 lost : 50 to goal
Thanks Phoenyx. The site says I can have as much as 800 on a DD. obviously you're supposed to do the 2 week induction on 500 first. I was wondering if because I've only a few pounds to lose and I don't mind how long it takes ( as long as the trend is downwards) plus the amount of exercise I do, if I could get away with higher DDs? Don't know, but I'll see how this week goes.

I'm using up my LL foodpacks and Atkins bars on DDs. Once they're gone, if necessary, I can eat conventional low cal food on the DDs and push the cals lower.

Im just feeling my way into this at the moment.
If you don't mind slow loses I'd play with the calculator until you find a % that suits you. I really think that juddd allows itself to a woe. Think jo seen on some USA sites that people who have been doing it long term are now able to get away with only doing one dd a week

17 lost : 50 to goal
Personally, I'm a great believer in the experiment of one - see if it works and if it doesn't, stop doing it.

I'm going to be honest here, I've been doing this for about six weeks (with a 2 week break), and I've not managed more than 2 down days a week. The third one stresses me out. But I've lost weight every week I've juddded and my average calorie intake over the week is about 1200 a day, so its still working. I'm thinking I might try and do the 3 days, but at a higher calorie level.

as I say, personal experiment of one. Many people on here have lots of success doing it exactly by the book, and of course that's what you should aim for. But others give up because it's too hard or not right for them. I'd rather adapt it than give up.

But I'm no juddd expert so a big health warning on this post! I'm not a doctor and I'm relatively new at this so feel free to ignore me!
Hi to you to roosnanny.

So second UD today. Got lots of yummy food planned. Scales were down to 9.12.25 this morning so it looks like this Juddd thing might work for me.

Will be going for a run later and also a walk to the supermarket to stock up on some high cal, low carb foods.

Tomorrow I need to have an ID, as Thursday needs to be a DD, as on Friday I need an UD as I'm meeting friends for lunch. Phew. I think that makes sense. Have I got that right? Is that how it works? And my ID should be normal weight loss cal level? Which is about 1300 for me. Are there other permutations of how I could do this to get my UD on the right day?
Second UD done and feeling very full again. 1748 cals and 47g carbs.

Did a 40 min run (more of a jog, I was slow today) and gave the dog an hours walk.

Got an ID planned for tomorrow.

Im loving this forum. People are so friendly and nice which is a bit of a culture shock after some forums I've been on.