Riddle me this!

She's cheating - she's googling them
Leah's scared of the competition so she feels lying her way to the top is the answer.. shame on you Leah.. Shame on you

x x
Don't make me full name you!
Full name me?? Leah.. Lying will never get you into heaven..

And i most certainly am not cheating.. *indignent face*

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Ok no cheating on this one because I have to go pick my daughter up so this will be your last one for the next 30 minutes!

[FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,Arial] What word, expression, or name is depicted below?
One foot in the graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave!
[FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,Arial] Correct!

A wee wee man in a red coat.
Staff in my hand, stone in my throat.
What am I?

Ok I'm off now...play nicely!
Thats a very old riddle, rest of it is:

A wee, wee man
in a red, red coat,
staff in hand
and a stone in my throat.
Hanging from a tree
dangling prettily,
I'm a pie in the sky virgin's gloat.
(and the answer is "a cherry")
this one is for Leah!:D

[FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,Arial] Although I'm not an insect, some people found me very difficult to exterminate. They called me something like 'insane priest.' The first half of my name means the same as 'scrape,' & my last three letters are a metal.
Who am I?
[FONT=Verdana,Helvetica,Arial] Read my riddle, I pray. What God never sees, what the king seldom sees, and what we see every day. What is it?[/FONT]