Step2 810kcal Rohanya's Diary

I'm still here! Had a few REALLY tired days where all I've managed to do when getting home is fall asleep! :/

Had my second weigh in on Wednesday and lost another 5lbs! One pound off my stone which was a bit of a bummer but that's okay - I'll have it next week after just three weeks! We also did my measurements and if memory serves I've lost 11 or so inches (including 2.5 around my bust (wtf moment right there cause these here bewbies aren't going anywhere just yet!)). I'm so pleased! I think you're right Grover, for us larger humans it'll take a little while to SEE the changes. I'm still not feeling any of my clothes getting looser and I'm certainly a way yet off being able to get into some size 18 vest tops I bought myself. But that's okay, because I'm getting somewhere. I have one of the many apps for logging weights and to get to my current goal weight of about ten-and-a-half I'm already 10% of the way there after just two weeks! I know I've a very long way to go and it will inevitably slow down, but it's such a good start that I'll be feeling the motivation for weeks to come.

Anyway. Into week three now and I've got the bars introduced this week which is definitely making it easier. Trying to have four shakes/smoothies was killing me, I can't cope with that much liquid food so it's sure nice to have a bar a day. Only tried the lemon and choc mint so far but I must say they're nice! Surprisingly hard to eat though, there's a lot of substance crammed into something so normal sized! I swapped my last shake today for a bowl of cold roast chicken (best kind of chicken) which has made me a happy camper this evening and will certainly stop the tummy rumbles better than a shake. I'm also on more tetras this week, they're so easy and my consultant is quite happy for me to increase the number I order and not worry as I'm drinking more than enough to hit my requirements (around 4l a day now!). I'm getting into a rhythm now with what I like and what to have and when. I've become very bland with my choices. Strawberry and vanilla packet shakes, all three tetras, bars and bolognaise only (which I made yesterday with some mushrooms and more spices - steadily working out what to do with it to make it something I might actually LIKE rather than simply be able to eat!).

I also bought a vibration plate this week which I'm hoping will get me toning up as I go until I can hit the gym several stones from now. Also hoping it'll help my weight loss if I do 20 mins a day, but it should certainly help shift some inches! Watch this space.

So yeah, that's me. Good week.
Brilliant result Rohanya! That first stone is a huge milestone. What are you going to get yourself? Make sure you have a little non-food reward: something little but lovely. I've been doing face packs and buying myself new nail varnishes!
The good news is you will SOON be able to see real results: in your clothes, in the mirror and other people will start to comment. And that really keeps you going. But you're absolutely right, those apps that tell you how far you've come are brilliant. Mine is telling me I'm a quarter of the way there already! After only nine weeks!
Keep it up missis, sounds like you're doing amazingly!
Brilliant result Rohanya! That first stone is a huge milestone. What are you going to get yourself? Make sure you have a little non-food reward: something little but lovely. I've been doing face packs and buying myself new nail varnishes!

I'm thinking some pandora charms! My bracelet looks rather sad at the moment but with around 10st to lose I think it'd end up looking lovely and be a reminder of how far I've come when it's filling up!


This one first I think! I <3 cows.

It's either that or I adopt some more guinea pigs... but that could escalate quickly. I already have 31 LOL. Maybe every 5 stone I can trek over to my rescue and adopt another pair :p
Pandora charms perfect! They do some great ones you can secretly smile to yourself about like a little cupcake! Have a cupcake charm because you had no actual cupcakes!
I could definitely justify a new pair of kittens. ..

No, no, step away from the animal shelter website.
Husband says I'm already a crazy cat lady in waiting !
Weigh in #3 tomorrow - where the heck as the last three weeks gone?! I don't think I've lost much at all this week, but if I can get my pound, and therefore my first stone, that'll do me just fine!

Had a lot of hungry days recently, but I'm feeling good! Swapped a couple of my shakes out for step 2 meals this week like chicken and veg or a small salad and that has helped massively. I think from now on I might make sure I have at least one proper meal a week, especially at weekends where I have too much time on my hands and end up wanting to eat a horse!

Fingers crossed for a (small) loss! :D
Lots and lots of luck Rohanya. That stone is in touching distance. I fully expect to see a photo of your rosette (and your new pandora charm?) in tomorrow's post! Xx
One whole pound! But that doesn't matter because I have my star and I can look to order my first charm! I think it'll be the cow one first, bunny next. I really want them to do an official guinea pig one but hey, maybe one day.

To week 4! :D

Woohoo congratulations! It's an awesome feeling you must be so proud of yourself! The Pandora charms are such a lovely idea to keep yourself going :)
Wahoo! -5lbs this week! After my 1 last week I will take 5 quite happily thank you very much. I'm now 19st2 and I'm hoping hoping hoping I'll see my old friend 18 pop up on the scales over the next week!

Chuffed to bits with that. I have funky weigh ins for my next two as my consultant's going away, so Monday will be my next one then the following Thursday. I'm hoping by the Thursday I'll have smashed my stone and a half (I only need two more!).

I have a planned day off on Friday for my birthday. I say day, meal. Then straight back on it with my consultant available to slap me on Monday if I've not gone straight back at it Saturday morning.

Happy days!
Well done! Brilliant progress. Usually a disappointing week is followed by a great one, it's all about staying motivated. Then as you've found, you get the payoff!
Did you get your reward yet? X
Teehee, nope! I can't make my mind up - it's stupid!

Anyhoo. I stayed the same this week, which I'm happy with considering my weigh-in was two days early and two days after my birthday meal. Not weighing in again until next Thursday or Friday now, so fingers crossed for a big one. Down into the 18s would be nice. 18.7 to get to my two stones would be even better but I know it's a longshot!

Got this.
Tiny victory today - I saw 18 on the scales for the first time in about 5 years! It's not there now cause I've got clothes on -giggle- but it was there!

Little thing - big motivation. I want to see 17 in the next six weeks when I go on my holidays knowing I've already got nearly a third of the way there. :)
Have you got a monitor my weight app on your phone? I love mine as it tells me how far I am towards goal (it's recently crept over 30%) woop woop!
Yay!! Had my weigh in on Thursday and another 6.5lbs down! I'm only 2.5 off my 2 stone award now, which I WILL have on wednesday (I hope.)

SO pleased with that, 26lbs down in just 6 weeks and now 18% of the way there (this app is great.)

Wahoo, only gone and got my two stone! Another 3lb down today which I'm so glad for as ive felt bloated and ugh all week!

7 weeks in and a fifth of the way there. I'm so pleased with that!

Onwards!... To Pandora!