Rooibos/Redbush tea - Is it safe to drink?

Sexy For Xmas!

Water, water, water!
Hey, I finally started today! But, I love this tea.

It settles my tummy when I'm hungry, it has no caffeine and no tannin.

I have 2-3 cups a day (black, no milk/sugar/etc), I'd hate to give it up.

Is it ketosis safe? Thanks! :)
I drink pints and pints of it, lovely stuff :)
I love it too, had it all the way through my S&S journey. I like it in a huge mug with a peppermint tea bag too. Like a tea cocktail :D
I'm going to have to pick some of this up!
Ever since I did Cambridge six years ago that's been the only tea I drink, I never went back to "normal" tea with milk in it & I love my Rooibos - so drink away & enjoy.

may try the peppermint cocktail as not fussed with peppermint on it's own