roosnanny wombles back :-)

delish bert says :D
oh what a beautiful morning,oh what a beautiful day.......
egg and bacon for breakfasttttttttt,every things going my way..
going to read through all my notifications....might be a while lol
you lot can chat for England,i blink and there's another 20 pages.
Bacon and eggs for bfast everyday - agree that makes me smile too:)
gosh i'm having an urge....i so want a roast leg of lamb,
i've got a couple of necks in the fridge how do i cook them please?
i slow cooked it over veggies for the OH
could hardly bring myself to eat it though,which is strange for me
don't think i'll but this cut again,even though i had
cooked it perfectly. :(
Neck not my favourite but it does depend on the cooking. Our preference is marinated and roasted - if you google jamie oliver morrocan lamb we do something like that:D
thanks for the heads up on the JO kate
i just don't think i'll buy them again.
yo Alpy :D

my wii fit has arrived:)
looking forward to hulhooping:D
dinner was pants as i over cooked it
made my own mozzarella stuffed meatballs with celeriac
chips,however due to circumstances beyond my control
it all dried out,and the salt pot churned out more salt than
was humanly needed
if i was 5 i sooooooooo would have had a tantrum however
i would look rather silly at my age,so ate a little and tiped melted
garlic butter over the boulders and well yeah.......
so now i'm watching triple D at all the nice foodies that the people
over the pond are eating,i love this programme.:D

Sorry the meatballs didn't work out as planned, sounds like my cooking - I usually just cross my fingers and pray that what ends up on the plate is edible :D
wow bouncing i got bouncing balls :D morning spud.

ha gosh how dry were they,although i went back to the left over ones,and while playing my new addictive game of 4 elements
i polished them off with another pint of water.
what a beautiful day,shame i'm going to have to sit in pizza hut later,and no i'm not joking or looking forward to it,no,not
at all :(
hmmmm fire belly froggies making funky noises,must be the sunshine cough cough,making hay while the sun shines comes to mind. :eek:
you have like mazes to go through(this is going to be hard to explain in words lol ) and it's a match the colours in blocks
game,to let the liquid through to the end of each section,and it's timed.and mini spot the differences.
i got it off the app store,not sure if its on as well,and now they've bought out 4 elements ll :D
that's what kept me up and eating meatballs lol
it's addictive,and my times ran out last night
on the trial run,the game is 4.99 to buy...........
Afternoon! How are you getting on with the wii fit? Haven't been on mine for ages - think it will be just the right way to spend this drizzly afternoon.
hay there :D
not attacked it yet,weekend i don't get much time to myself
exercising during the day is the best times,so next week,
looking forward to it.:D
Evening Lainey... I'm lost in the game chat!! Lol xx