.. Ruby's Diary ..

I love Good Sausage ;-) x Especially if it involves a Roll ;-) x
Linda does cracking veggie sausage rolls ;) .. Unless u mean a sausage butty?! X
Linda does cracking veggie sausage rolls ;) .. Unless u mean a sausage butty?! X

I just like a Sausage! Any shape or form lol x
starting to feel left out!!!!!!
as im not a veggie!!!!
& i hate peanut butter!!!!!
booooooo :(
but love wearing skinny jeans! :)
Linda does cracking veggie sausage rolls ;) .. Unless u mean a sausage butty?! X

I have a LF roll recipe... Soak a piece of bread in egg, wrap it round a quorn sausage, bake in the oven. U cud maybe just use the egg whites & ww bread to bring the points down not sure what that'd be like :)
starting to feel left out!!!!!!
as im not a veggie!!!!
& i hate peanut butter!!!!!
booooooo :(
but love wearing skinny jeans! :)

You'll have to start your own crew Shez ;-) x

I have a LF roll recipe... Soak a piece of bread in egg, wrap it round a quorn sausage, bake in the oven. U cud maybe just use the egg whites & ww bread to bring the points down not sure what that'd be like :)

Maybe it's nicer than it sounds ;-) x
omg serena!
cant actually believe ur leaving me out n makin me find my own crew!

You could always covert and turn veggie and eat PB ;-) x
Hahaha it is well nicer than it sounds it's a SW recipe I use for packed lunches much lower points than real sausage rolls :)

I might have to give it a try! I do love the SW Quiche Recipe! X
Good Morning Ruby :) My Veggie Skinny Jeans Wearing Sausage Eating KKC PB Friend! Ahoy! X