Rude Awakening

Ok pregnancy scare over, the blood tests came back negative so here I am back again at restart! The only blip is my sister in law is coming over at the weekend and it will be the first time we have met. She wants to take us to London, see a show, treat us to a nice meal.......... my OH is begging me to have a "day off" so i have agreed that i will just have chicken and veg. But I am feeling so resentful as i am so motivated this time. I guess though in the long term one blip wont matter i just have to look at the overall result and not just this weeks weigh in!
So 2 points of water down so far and one lovely choc tetra and feeeeeeeeeeeeling goooooooooooooood!
2 shakes and 6 pints of water down and starting to get headachey. This is the part I hate!! Will be a bath after a corrie and an early night for me!! I had to go and see my Occ Health at work today, one of the things that came up was about my weight, if I gain anymore I may not be able to continue in my job. I told her i was starting this and although she was initially skepitcal she came round. I am back to see her in 4 weeks so I now definately have to do this for four weeks or I am going to look like a right fool!!!
You can do it my lovely, hang in there. Take it a day at a time if you have to and just imagine looking at the scales every morning and seeing them go down. (Thats assuming you are an every day weigher like me lol!) xx
They can let you go from your job because of your weight? Really??? OMG, that's really scary! :eek:

Yes it is!! What job do you do hun?
I work for the police as police community support officer supervisor, and although i dont get out on patrol much, and am actually on restricted duties at the moment, it is within my job description to get out on foot with my team. However, stress caused by my job is one of the reasons i have piled so much weight on over the last 18 months, its a bit of a vicious circle really!
Hi Sleepybird, yes i am also a serial weigher and there was a 2lb drop this morning woo!!!
Just glugging down my first pint of the day after i had the most lovely deep sleep last night, the first for a while!
Right day 2 nearly done!! I had a bit of a threatend wobble this afternoon, work is a bit stressy for me and i just know that a snickers bar would make me feel so much better!! I am not one of these people who feel guilty about eating food, I like it, I love it in fact!! but i know that i have to be strong and i dont want to let anyone down, least of all myself, so a pint of water and one choc tetra pack later i was back on track. Just having my yummy chicken and mushroom soup, which tastes just like cup a soup, its lovely just shame i cant have the croutons to put in it! Is it any wonder i am 15+stone????
Hope everyone else is still going strong
Day 3, OMG i woke up with the worst headache this morning, I men i was in real pain! I hadnt slept at all well last night and at one point had found myself in the kitchen with the fridge open debating with myself whether to just give, accept I am fat and eat that Creme egg that was staring at me. But no i didnt succumb and went back to bed and must have fell asleep pretty mush straight away. This morning though I did have to think to myself is this really worth it??? but so far sticking with it, just enjoying my choc tetra now and a pint of water before i go into work. The paracetamol seem to be working but i really dont want that headache back today. I was thinking maybe ai was a bit dehydrated as i only managed 4 pints yesterday? Oh well can only keep trying! I havechanged my target weight though, am now only wanting to get to 12.7 and from them on I will probably switch to a food based diet as I will probably haev to go back out on foot patrol and I will need the energy.
I am a failed dieter - until i did this diet becuase i know it works and have seen it works as well.

I think at 15 11 you are hardly grotesque lovely - i was nearly 18 stone at on point and believe me that is disgusting - if you stick at this diet you will see results pretty fast.

Take paracetomol for your headache as i found day 3 a bit of a killer and shut the fridge and ignore that creme egg or get your oh to eat it!

I only drink the 4 pints a day as its all i can manage, its tea the rest of the day.
I'm on day 3 too. Didn't sleep last night and have a terrible headache. Am going to view it as the worst I will feel for a long time and remember how bad I've felt all those times because of being overweight.

Reading the forums can help us overcome the bad bits because so many other people have got through it and come out the other side.

Keep going.........
I know how you feel; you can do it! Think of the motivation you will gain when you see a huge loss at the beginning, that is more than enough to make me want to try it xx
Thanks for all your support again! I have so far made it through the rest of day 3 ok, have staved off the headache and managed to get down 2 litres so far! I remember lots of people say day 3 is the worst so if i can get through today hopefully i will be able to stick at it for a few weeks!
How are you feeling today? My headache is a lot better and I'm not feeling nearly as hungry or shakey.....I'm hoping that the worst is now over