Rude people at SW!

I completely agree with everyone here! However I do wish to point out that slimming world will not allow you to have a target weight that takes you below your healthy BMI (your stats say your BMI will be 18.1), I cannot remember what the limit is but check one of the books you were given with your starter pack as it says it in there or check with your consultant.

Good luck with the weight loss :)
Lol yep I remember how fat I was when I started dieting so my size 8s would be looser lol

OMG the only size 8's that have ever been loose on me are shoes!!!!

This thread got me thinking and I remember many years ago asking someone why they came to an exercise class - it certainly wasn't meant as an insult, it was my jealous way of saying 'you look great, why bother doing this?'. Of course I now know the answer is she looked great because she exercised.

Good for you for nipping it in the bud - you don't have to justify anything to anyone!
My mum is what I would consider lovely and slim she's about 9 stone 4 but she's unhappy with her weight. I completely understand though, she used to be 8 1/2 stone (we're a family of midgets) but has put on weight because she's undergone chemotherapy. Although she's still slim none of her clothes fit now and it's not what she's used to so although I'd love to weigh what she does I completely understand why she wants to lose weight. Whatever size you are if your clothes don't fit or you're just not happy as long as you are healthy why not do something about it :)
DustQueen said:
My mum is what I would consider lovely and slim she's about 9 stone 4 but she's unhappy with her weight. I completely understand though, she used to be 8 1/2 stone (we're a family of midgets) but has put on weight because she's undergone chemotherapy. Although she's still slim none of her clothes fit now and it's not what she's used to so although I'd love to weigh what she does I completely understand why she wants to lose weight. Whatever size you are if your clothes don't fit or you're just not happy as long as you are healthy why not do something about it :)

Very true it's how yo feel and it's not a nice feeling when clothes don fit you don't feel good in yourself everybody's frame is different o if I was 9 st 4 I'd be too slim my ideal weight is 10 st n I'm a size 8-10 in clothes but I have friend who weigh 9 st 4 and are a 10-12 it shouldn't matter what you weigh it's hw you are happy
emmababes said:
I had my first week last week and as I got on the scales I heard a lot of people saying I shouldn't be there. I thought this was so rude especially that they said it loud enough I could hear! I know I'm not fat or overweight - I was 9 stone 10, but I have body image issues and don't feel confident and never have done since I had an operation and piled on the pounds!

I just feel a little upset that people don't put themselves in other peoples shoes.

What do you guys think?

Hi Emma. I totally know what you mean. I started SW at 9st 7lb, I am just under 5ft. I also had all the nasty comments, along with my sister (similar stats), we joined together for support. We are both now maintaining at 8st, and have been since last July. Please don't let them put you off it is soo worth it once you get there. A stone and a half may not seem a lot to loose but on our small frames it's made us feel soo much more confident in ourselfs.

I can see why people thought I might have looked to slim to be there but I felt like I just hid it well with the clothes I wore. at the end of the day I wasnt too bothered about the comments because I knew why I was there. Xxx
Sadly I had this issue when I first started SW 4 years ago and I was a lot slimmer back then!! But I joined because I knew then that I was going to gain weight steadily every week for the rest of my life and I wanted to try and do something to stunt it. I take steroids every day and will do for the rest of my life. Thats why I originally joined SW for medical reasons and people were very rude to me because they could see I was slim and thought I was out of order for joining their group. Needless to say, I left.
I started again a year ago but then found out I was pregnant so stopped.
Im back on the wagon again now but doing it from home.
I wish I hadnt left though. I wish Id just stood up and announced to the group why I was there and stuck with it.
Now i am an awful lot heavier. And unhappier!!

Arraius said:
Sadly I had this issue when I first started SW 4 years ago and I was a lot slimmer back then!! But I joined because I knew then that I was going to gain weight steadily every week for the rest of my life and I wanted to try and do something to stunt it. I take steroids every day and will do for the rest of my life. Thats why I originally joined SW for medical reasons and people were very rude to me because they could see I was slim and thought I was out of order for joining their group. Needless to say, I left.
I started again a year ago but then found out I was pregnant so stopped.
Im back on the wagon again now but doing it from home.
I wish I hadnt left though. I wish Id just stood up and announced to the group why I was there and stuck with it.
Now i am an awful lot heavier. And unhappier!!


Stories like yours make me so mad and sad at the same time. The important thing is that you're taking positive action now and forums like this are fantastic support.

Don't forget though, that what's on the scales does not completely define any of us. We all have qualities and achievements in our lives that we should remember and value; striving for a healthier body is only one aspect. Good luck x
Thankyou so much for your kind reply Caronorm :) This forum really is a fantastic support. I really cant believe I had never come across it before until yesterday. Its amazing! I already feel so much more positive and like im not alone

Feck them, they have their own problems..
You know what weight you would be happy at so just go for that..:)

Good luck
It's just so sad that because people look at other people and judge them as thin that they think they should be happy. I don't think anyone is ever happy with their body and there's always a reason why, instead of just assuming things they should make an effort to get to know us and see we are all human! X
I absolutely agree with you about people always having something that bothers them. I know myself that me being fat is just one of the things about myself that I hate. If I was beautifully thin I know I would be focussing on one of the many other things instead!! Xx

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Emma I have got to say many many congratulations at doing the sensible and intelligent thing and taking control of your weight gain now instead of later, or much later. Like a few people have said already its so easy to not do that and then end up at nearly 18 stone like I was.

Who knows what those people who made the comments were thinking, that's their business, and you losing weight is your business. What is most important is that you don't feel good at the weight you are so you are doing something about it now. You should be applauded for that, well done!
There's quite a few slimmer members in our group (my mum is one of them) and everyone is still very supportive. The only time I have ever questioned why someone has joined is the week I joined a 14 year old girl joined with her mum. Both were very slim, the girl was wearing a cropped tshirt showing her tummy she was that slim and I just thought it was very irresponsible of her mum to be taking her to a slimming club when she clearly didn't need it. I'm actually surprised they were allowed to join.
There's quite a few slimmer members in our group (my mum is one of them) and everyone is still very supportive. The only time I have ever questioned why someone has joined is the week I joined a 14 year old girl joined with her mum. Both were very slim, the girl was wearing a cropped tshirt showing her tummy she was that slim and I just thought it was very irresponsible of her mum to be taking her to a slimming club when she clearly didn't need it. I'm actually surprised they were allowed to join.

Perhaps her mum took her along so that she could follow the plan and learn to eat more healthily; just because she is slim does not mean she has a healthy diet.
What we all need to remember is that Slimming World is based on the healthy BMI idea and a healthy BMI isn't just one weight it is a whole range.

For example for my height a healthy weight for me is anywhere from 9st 11lb to 13st 2lb, a range of 3st 5lb. Slimming World don't kick you out the door when you hit the top of your range, it's a personal choice where you would like to be in that range. I joined this year at technically a healthy weight and I am slimmer than some members, not as slim as others, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that for me I am not comfortable at this weight.

You don't need to be massively overweight to struggle losing weight. Whether you have 5lbs to lose or 500 weight loss is hard, I know that I can't do it at home on my own, I need the support of a group and the accountability to someone other than myself to achieve.

I would say that whilst those people should have kept their thoughts to themselves I doubt they had any malicious intentions behind them. Everyone I have met through slimming world has been nothing but supportive and understanding. As you continue to attend your group and make friends you will (hopefully) soon forget about the comments and have great successes!
I completely agree with everyone here! However I do wish to point out that slimming world will not allow you to have a target weight that takes you below your healthy BMI (your stats say your BMI will be 18.1), I cannot remember what the limit is but check one of the books you were given with your starter pack as it says it in there or check with your consultant.

Good luck with the weight loss :)

BIB I was going to say the same thing. ;)

I'm another who would have thought it, but not said it out loud. However, I hadn't considered that SW would ever be used by someone who's never had a weight problem, so I've learned something from reading the posts on this thread. It does make sense to nip a problem in the bud, but it makes even more sense for an adult to learn what healthy eating actually is early on in life. It's all very well being told to eat our 5 a day and read the labels on food, but that's a long way from being a healthy eater.

It is definitely a change though, because I've been on SW on and off for a very long time and a slim person joined any of my classes once in a blue moon. More often than not, it was something like someone wanting to lose that stubborn stone or half stone before a special event.

There could be a blacker side in that young women are looking for ways to get stick thin and be too underweight, so I hope consultants are actively watching for this as a trend. For some people who are desperate to be an unhealthy thin, it could be all too easy for them to learn how to exist on SW free foods. If we are honest, classes are full of emotional eaters and SW is about getting control of your eating.

That all said, what would bug me much more than a slim person joining SW, is if that person's contributions to class showed that they couldn't identify with anyone else's struggle. Then that little red devil sitting on my shoulder would be buzzing!

I've been in the humiliating position of going to WW with my Mum yonks ago and she was turned away because she didn't have enough weight to lose. I think there used to be a half stone rule or something like that - it was before BMI days! She was really coming to support me, but did have a bit of a tummy and could have lost half a stone and looked great. The consultant told her to focus in exercising to tone up her tummy. I didn't last long at class on my own.