ProPoints Ruth Is On A Mission! 22.5/50

Its tomorrow :eek:!!!!!!!!

Im normally more organised but had a mad day with gym exams- I also dont get a break where I work even though I work 9 hours :( so its whatever I have!!!

oooh good luck for tommorow then!! :) will keep my fingers crossed for you! that sucks that you don't get proper breaks...if it's like that for everyone and no one complains it is hard to demand a break, i've worked in places like that when i was younger and it's difficult! xx
Trefoil said:
Its tomorrow :eek:!!!!!!!!

Im normally more organised but had a mad day with gym exams- I also dont get a break where I work even though I work 9 hours :( so its whatever I have!!!


Yeah I'm doing it online, I have a bit of a social phobia when I don't know others, can you buy them anywhere else?

No you cant im afraid :( its at meetings only!
I think if you buy one of the starter packs from WW Online they may include a couple of boxes but the pricing is extaucionate!

Thanks Anna! Im a loneworker (leisure attendant in a hotel leisure club) and its lifeguards only that can work down here- its one per shift! :( will definitely start being organised so that Im looking after myself!

Im a bit scared that my losses will slow down, had a coil fitted and been quite unwell with it and even though I did the Race For Life and TONNES of other stuff i lost 0.5lb last week!! 1lb to Silver 7, 3lbs to 5%!!!!

I have the Orange and lemon drops the blackcurrant ones and some others! All scrummy :)

The change in mindset is fab :)

I always want sweet stuff haha!

I need mini kievs in my life haha!

That is rubbish about not being able to eat! Anna has a good idea - snacks :) lol

Good luck for WI tomorrow and well done for exams :) xx
Thanks Carly!

Yep definitely need to get more organised!

Yum Mini Kievs! I could eat them all the time!

Can't remember if I told you all this but the Flabelos power plate is fab! It's really odd but it really works!

Day 27 Food Diary


55g Toasted Teacake with Lf Spread = 6pp
Tea x2 = 0pp
Milk Allowance = 1pp

= 7pp


Wrap = 4pp
Tuna Mayo = 5pp
22g Snack A Jacks = 2pp
WW Cheese and Onion Crinkles = 2pp
Cucumber = 0pp
Jelly = 0pp

= 13pp


Lucozade Orange = 7pp
WW Sweets = 1pp

= 8pp

= 28pp I have been so busy and wasn't actually hungry! Need to make more time to eat!

34 Dailies
11 Weeklies- 38 Used

Activity Points
Walking to work = 1AP
Walking home via town = 3AP
Walk to work and back = 2AP
Walk to work through town and back = 3AP
30 Mins WW DVD = 6AP
Flabelos Power Plate = 3AP
Walk to work & back through town = 3AP
Walk to Drs and back = 2APs
Walk into town and back = 5AP
Walk to work and back = 2AP
Level 2 30 Day Shred = 6AP

36 Earned!

Tomorrow walk to work and back = 2AP
Final Aerobics Assessment = not sure yet!
Walk to meeting and back = 10pp

Glad the power plate is good :) x
It's fab!

Day 1 of Level 2 30 Day Shred completed! Think I've pulled my abductors on the inside of my thigh grr! Might have to use that as an excuse to go in the jacuzzi tomorrow ;)

Jacuzzi :) found level 2 tough but gonna try again tomorrow xx
Wow Ruth how well on the exercise are you doing, that's where I'm gonna be rubbish, I love the gym and swimming but I run a business from home, have 2 kids to look after and hubby works away at the mo, it's pretty frustrating. Will have to get the Wii fit out again!
Well done, do you WI tomorrow? I do and I'm a bit nervous.

Grrrr! Just lost a mahoosive post!!!

Tracy you seem as if you do enough exercise running your business at home and running around after the kids!! The Wii Fit is great- both you and your kids can have fun on it rather than it being boring!!!!

I do WI Tonight at 6:15pm!! Dont worry about WI, you'll be fine :) Let me know how you do!!!

Carly- any excuse for a jacuzzi!!!! Good Luck with the 30 Day Shred Today- are you still hurting??

Yup still in pain in legs :( will five it a go! Good luck for WI xx
Ruth good luck for WI!! Can't wait to hear how you get on xxxxx

Mrs M you sound much like me!!! I work full time (running around in a chip shop) and i have 2 young boys (running around after them) between that and housework I am never done!!! And my OH works shifts and is either at work or in bed for work!! So that's my exercise!! Although I am lucky enough that it seems to be enough for me and the weight is falling off easily enough!! I have ordered a few exercise dvd's off amazon though! Hoping they come soon so i can try that for exercise xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx