ProPoints SammieAnn's WW Food Diary - Count down to Wedding!!!

Morning ladies!

Cannot wait for Carl to finish work at 12 will go food shoppin and get some food in this house!! Lucas cried as we have no porridge until we go shoppin so he had cheese on toast..
my breakfast was
WW Pita 3pp
butter 1pp
peanut butter 2pp

not as fillin as the porridge so drinkin loads of water to keep me full!

Its only saturday and i am dreading WI on Thursday and i no why? its coz my friend who i go with my mum and dad(who is my step dad so if i say mum and andy thats why but his more t a dad 2 me than my real joke of a dad ever was!!) and Carl all no i only have to lose 0.5lb to lose a stone! but i think every pound u lose is hard!
i am over the moon with the 1lb i lost on thursday i truly am coz its a loss and thats all i want! but i feel if i dnt lose that stone this week im lettin ppl down!
my friend who i go with wants 2 lose 3lb this week so we can get to our first stone together! so theres more pressure there... i love her to bits but our bodies are jus so different.
Another of my friends is doin SW and she has lost the same as what i have lost in 3weeks! i prob sound so silly dnt i? i jus dnt wanna let anyone dwn and feel like there is SO much pressure on me to lose 0.5lb and to others not on a diet they might think well thats easy 2 lose but its not coz one minute to the next i dnt no what my body is doin!
i would love ot lose it i would have my 2nd silver 7 5% and 1st stone but i need to jus relax.. coz i no it will lose it when i lose it!

i dnt no if its coz i am over thinkin thursday but i feel so emtional i dnt no what the hells up i dunno if i am jus having one of those day:needhug:

anyway i'll go give my head a wobble
and i no my mum and andy and carl only want me to lose it coz they no how much i want it so i dnt no if i am puttin all the pressure on my self?x
hey your not letting any one down so don't put the pressure on yourself. everyone will be over the moon no matter what you will lose you have Done so well not too go give over with the pressure coz you will make yourself I'll xxx

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and no matter what were all proud of you xx

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They would hate to know you're putting this much pressure on yourself! You'll lose what you lose, who cares if its not that half pound. If you stick to plan there's no reason not to, but if you don't, then there's always next week. Don't stress yourself out, it could make your body weird! Xxx
Morning hun

I lost quickly in SW but I too put myself I under so much pressure, it was messing with me head. I got to target in 26 weeks and I know that's never gonna happen for me on ww

Everybody would be gutted if they knew you were putting yourself under this much pressure. You cannot compare your weight loss to somebody else, our bodies work in mysterious ways sometimes, look at all the effort I put in the other for 1lb!!!!!

Think about your end goal not the pesky 0.5lb to get a stone... I only need 0.5lb too this week but if it doesn't come off this week I know it will next week

You will be a much slimmer beautiful blushing bride on the 16th aug, just you remember that xx
and healthy coz it's come off slow xx

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I think the only reason in stressing less in ww is because I am really, really enjoying what I'm eating. Yeah I liked what I ate in SW but nothing like ww. I was always thinking and planning meals and thinking, oh I can't have that as I've already had my HEXb etc

Ww is so much more of a natural way of eating so if I can carry on eating chicken kiev chips and beans, scrummy cherry scones, fish and chips, fish cakes, new york bagels, crumpets, chocolate and wine then I will be a happy lady!
Hi ladies
Feel much better than this morning!! Ant ben back from food shoppin long!!

Food today has gone like this SO far..
Pita 3pp
Butter 1pp
Peanute butter 2pp
WW biscuits 2pp

WW crisps 2pp
Freddo 3pp
WW bar 2pp

Dinner (I cnt wait t eat haha)
Morrisons Chicken Kiev 11pp
300g(loads I no but I am starving) SW chips 6pp
2tbsp Sweetcorn 2pp
Green beans 0pp
Mayo 1pp

Crunchie 5pp

Then 2 use my last 2points might have a vodka n diet coke :)

WeightWatchers » Your Party Survival Guide!

Seen this link on facebook Cadbury fingers 1pp.. WIN!! Xxx
I'm so glad you're feeling better :D

I'm jealous of your tea, I said to John that I'd rather have fish and chips or kiev and chips than my curry... I've never realised it before but I'm much for a traditional food kinda girl!

Please can I come round for my tea?!! x
Glad you're feeling better today Hun, I'm sure everyone will be happy fpr you no matter what and we are always here!xx
Had a lovely dinner and had a crunchie :( I'm not guna ave a Vodka so leaving the 2pp as I am 2full t have owt else!!
I haven't drunk that much water today so tomorrow the plan is t drink more water and eat more fruit n veg(now we have some!!)
glad you had a good nite hun xx

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morning ladies..

Anyone see any bonfires last night Our next door neighbour had a big bonfire (we dint no how lucas wud b this yr coz he HATED it last year) so stood in Lucas's bedroom by his window for ages he was a bit unsure of the fireworks to start then loved them! when our neighbour let the bonfire he was amazed and was jus staring at it for ages it really calmed him down!!
i now have hope for tomorrow when we go to our friends....

My chicken kiev last night was amaxing!! for 11pp it was SO worth it!!

Tomorrow as i have said were off to our friends for some fireworks and theyre ovens still broken n not gettin delievered until wednesday... SO she is makin Spag Bol.. now she isnt putting any veg in it coz her husband and carl are anti veg:rolleyes: . So i will take my scales and weigh a lil spag out im think 30g/40g but im panicing about about the mince n sauce how sud i work this out? I am taking a bag of salad to have a mixed salad on the side seeing as no veg will be going into it!

Food for today...ant a clue really!!

not that hungry this morning from my gawjus dinner last night :D
WW bar 2pp

i will update later coz i dnt really no what we are having..

Guna go out later n buy lucas some wellies :) then we can go jump in loads of puddles!!

have a nice day
Chicken kiev has to be one on my fav's! I think I'm old fashioned when it comes to food, I never realised it before I joined ww!

I made s chilli last week and I only used lean mince not extra lean and for 500g it worked out at 25pp. Do provided the sauce is homemade and once you've added the veggies just think how far it will stretch. I had kidney beans in mine so it worked out at 8pp and I had a decent helping

Happy wellibob shopping and I hope Lucas enjoys the bonfire tonight x
i doubt she will make the sauce! im guna take my scales tomorrow and weigh some mince out...and then if she uses a jar i will try work it! its lovely when others cook but working everything out is a pain haha!!
i will feel up on lots of salad though :)

i love stuff like chicken kiev, beef cassaroles, stews things like that! shephards pie as well mmmmm lol!
