Sammy's Journey - this time I WILL do it!

Thank you Eeyore! Havent been doing too great for the last week but its a new week, so hopefully I can get the weight shifting again :)
Goodluck with this week hun, I too have had 3 slips (2 kfc's and a chinese) ha ha its just soooo hard!!

Roll on this week of getting back on track

It is but for me it isnt food, its drink! I eat because I know Im going to drink so don't want to be ill. Im a bit angry with myself for allowing myself to slip up so much in one week, I could have been 3lbs closer to target if I had of just stopped myself and I didnt even enjoy the food, I havent eaten properly for 5 months so I felt sick, my stomach hurt... enjoyed the drink though... little too much haha
My "new" work trousers which fitted me 4 weeks ago when I bought them...
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hahaha! I think you need some more new ones Sammy! This diet gets a tad expensive doesn't it! Well done though, it's worth it isn't it :D
Oh wow hun, thats fab, keep up the good work

Hehe I think Im gonna put darts in the back so they fit me a bit longer! They already hang really bad around my bum and legs though so not sure how it will look
Well I think Im back on track, my third day of being 100%.

Im also going to order the 30 day shred dvd when I get paid... watch my lardy arse vanish! haha
Took my measurements today, I've measured chest, waist, hips, arms and thighs and ive lost 14 inches!

Another day of 100% its getting easier again but... got another date tomorrow night... its so so soooo hard to not eat or drink when your on a date... i dont wanna look like a right boring moo but I dont want to mess up my diet :(
Will someone please give me a kick up the bum.....

I took a peek on the scales yesterday morning... 5lbs down... went out last night with the intentions of being good... I somehow ended up eating a Nandos and getting totally legless... weighed in this morning... gained 3lbs from yesterday.... ARGHHHH so so sooooooo angry with myself, so this week Ive only lost 2lbs now.

I think Im just starting to get fed up of missing out on everything, everytime my mates go out its to eat or to the pub and for the past nearly 6 months... Ive not gone so Ive become really distant from most my friends, to the point they have stopped asking me out. Also because I went through a major break up a few months back, Im now having men ask me out and dates always seem to involve eating or drinking... Im a believer that there is no point doing this diet if your not going to stick to it so I really need to get back in the "zone"
Oh but good news is... Im over the half way mark now! Lost more then I still have to lose!
Well done at being over half way :)

I'll kick your butt if you kick mine. I have been so lazy recently!

Finding work tough at the moment as everyone seems be bringing in food. I guess its just that time of year.

Hope you have a good weekend :)
Wow,that's fantastic - well done

Sammy I will kick you up the bum!

You will never get to target if you keep going out and stuffing fatty food and drinking gallons of alcohol! :eek:

You can however still have a social life and stay within reasonable limits. With Nando's if you just had chicken and salad with some spirit and zero cal mixer that wouldn't be so bad as the full works with loads of booze. I find that when I am on the diet the alcohol is far more powerful anyway so you don't need to drink as much to get the effect! :p

Dates could involve cinema or theatre, or go clubbing and dance the calories away instead of putting them in. A single friend of mine seriously did put her life on hold for several months while doing Exante, she stopped dating as it was too tricky, and when she went to weddings etc she seriously had her shake! But she got to goal ;)

I have been out with friends for 'lunch' and just had coffee and my bar and I've had mates round for meals and eaten the protein and veg but left the carbs.

You CAN do this, your life doesn't have to revolve around food in order to have a social life. The weight gain is probably due to the salt in the food causing the alcohol fluid to be retained. If you are strict the next few days and drink loads of water it should come back off. I read it somewhere in the Dukan Diet book, alcohol and salty food big no no while in ketosis.

Stay strong Sammy, as you say you are over halfway there but it's no time for complacency! ;)
Well said, Susie!

Sammy - I know you asked for a kick but I really would have been a hypocrite :eek:

Good luck, you can do this - head down and finish the game

Thanks all... the thing is when im in the "zone" thats it, nothing gets through, I dont want to eat, dont even feel tempted but once that mark is over stepped... Im possessed!

Thank you for the kick up the bum, most needed! I dont want to be fat anymore, I dont want to feel like I dont deserve the best in life just because Im over weight, Im fed up of constantly making a joke of myself because I want to get in there first before someone else can comment on how I look, I dont want to never be able to take a compliment because I think people are either taking the pee or saying it out of pity or how I keep every man I meet at a distance because I dont truly believe any bloke could like me looking the way I do.

100% so far today AND my 30 day shred DVD turned up!! Good ol Amazon, sent me an email saying it would be here by the 24th but its here already... FEEL THE BUUUUURNNNNNN!!!!!!! Im gonna be a lean mean non alcohol drinking slimming machine!.... just after I finish this fag......

I was a bit worried over trying the 30 day shred because its pretty tough but after speaking to other people doing it while on TFR diets, they are coping fine so Im going to give it a go. Took my measurements thursday night and will measure each week while Im doing this because I think my weight loss might slow to start with... but hey the DVD does say you can lose up to 20lbs in 30days... so you never know!

Fag smoked... sports bra at the ready... oh blimey... here we go... this is going to hurt....
Yeah, I pmsl too!!

Is it the Jillian Michaels one?

Yeah! Just finished and actually... it wasnt too bad! I can bare that for 20mins each day if it helps!