Sammy's Journey - this time I WILL do it!

I've got it somewhere - have misplaced it during re-decorating last week :rolleyes:

Ok... i hurt now lol.... I think I spoke too soon
Hot bath and sooooaaaak those muscles

think i am going to have to get this for myself. do you think you will stick with it and do it every day or do you think you will get bored of it? :)
Hehe radox bath coming up

Well its only 20mins a day so I hope so! Im amazed I managed to keep up and get through the whole thing, expected to struggle more then I did.

I think when its a case of finding 20mins spare, its easier to do, its when you have to go the gym and bust a gut for an hour that I struggle.
Couldn't agree more!

Tomorrow I have a spin class 09:30-10:15 (wtf - on a sunday for crying out loud) then a body balance class 11:30-12:30. With a coffee (black) in between

So that's no lie in and a whole morning gone!!

Thats dedication for ya Toots! haha
He he - just managed to wriggle out of spin so just doing balance. I get a lie-in. Woo-hoo

I couldn't do spin, tried it once as a taster session, damn near killed me, was the worst thing I ever tried - you're good to do that!
Woke up this morning feeling ok actually, my left arm aches a bit at the shoulder but other then that I feel fine, i was expecting to ache more!
Yep! Ive been to the horses and mucked out 6 stables, stacked 40 bales of hay and am just home for lunch, then back to the stables to bring them in and feed them all, so I'll do it again tonight before dinner.

Its weird because I was hungry before I did the DVD, when I finished I didnt feel hungry for an hour or so after.
Heres my one month on Exante pics, not really much of a difference but oh well!
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Sammy, there is definitely a difference! Look at your face it is so much slimmer. Keep up the good work. K

Yep..And your stomach and back

Thank you both!

haha I hate that back fat even more then my stomach fat! Very pleased thats starting to go!

I think its a bit less noticable now because to start with it was all coming off my stomach because thats where I carried most my weight and now its coming off more even but I lost 14inches in total this month as well, from chest, waist, hips and both arms and thighs so thats pretty good going!
I can definitely see a difference, well done - look forward to seeing next months
Thanks Eeyore and Katie :)