Sams Diary - Back on SS

3 stone in 60 days is very good.

I am hoping to have 3 stone off by Halloween :innocent0001:

Love Mini xxx

Your photos look fantastic matey.

You must be quite rightly dead chuffed at your progress.

Day 67

Morning all. Here are my latest progress pics on the diet.

So now you all know what I look like! Thanks for the lovely comments I have had so far. It is great for me to be able to see how far Ive come, and yet the pictures have strengthened my resolve as I can see how far I still have to go, and I can see what can be achieved with two months hard work.

I have done SS again the last two days after my struggles last week. Although I love 790, I think the act of eating is making me want to eat more and this is something I know I am going to have to deal with, but I dont think Im ready for it yet.

I am going for a trial at my local gym on tuesday. Its very posh and expensive but right on the doorstep and they have some special offers on so I am going to see what they are offering. I used to go to a gym which is about 4 miles away, which is perfectly adequate but I am forever making excuses not to go. This local gym is in walking distance and I will be able to go in the mornings when Zoe starts nursery in September.

Ooh, I almost forgot. I went shopping for size 16 jeans yesterday! Im going to wear them today with a size 16 shirt dress thingy. I did try on several size 16's yesterday and not all of them fit, so I cant say Im a true size 16 yet, but Im nearly there!

Right then. Thats about it for today I think. Have a good day everyone.
Pics are fantastic Sam, you look inspiration to us


Well done!:)

Hiya Sam!! it's sooo very good to put a face to the dieter! you are gorgeous! and i'm so amazed at how (for lack of a better word) neater you look after 3st loss! ((if you know what i mean)). i'm so inspired to take the brave step of progress pics now that i have lost 3 stone as well. dont know if i can post them however, we'll see...i'l surprise ya.

but back to you, star of the show! its great to hear that you have dabbled back into the world of SS. you know last night i was thinking of firing up the laptop again and posting a suggestion about your 790/eating/SS dilema...i was thinking that maybe since you couldnt do 100% SS, perhaps you could do SS & 790 in a week..kinda like SW and red/green days. maybe make the commitment when you wake up that morning? this is only a suggestion IF you feel you are still having problems. But somehow i think you are getting right back on track.
i'm so very proud of how far you've come!

now, how about a few more mini goals to fill the gap from now til xmas, eh? i'm going to work on that now...

again well done!!
Hi Sam

I've just read through your whole diary and you've come on an amazing journey - the highs and lows are incredible on this diet but your steel determination is an inspiration to us all.

You're so clear thinking which is fantastic because food is such an emotional tool for so many of us... I think when we have these little blips, no-one could put their finger on why they did it, it's definitely emotional rather than physical...

Your photographs are amazing - you do look lovely having dropped nearly 3 st and I think it's so important to monitor how you're looking - you really do have to become selfobsessed when on this diet because it's so hard but the results come thick and fast, they can keep you motivated if you recognise and acknowledge them..

Well Done... look forward to reading your diary now more regularly and good luck with your next mini goal for your birthday...

H xxx
You look fantastic Sam, well done :clap:
Day 69

I have neglected my diary a bit for the last couple of days. Only because I havent really had anything interesting to say lol

I have done 10 weeks on this diet as of tomorrow. I never ever thought I could achieve something like that. I am confident for a good result tomorrow as well as I have been angelic on the diet this week, did a few days 790 at the start of the week as I thought that was what I wanted, but then reverted back to SS as its the only way I can stay focused and determined.

The sun is shining here today for the first time in ages so Im going to go out and get some fresh air in a bit and let the kids run off some of their energy.

Im still hoping to get to 14stone by my birthday although it is fast approaching (3 weeks today) but with my new found determination I think I can do it.

Thats it for now. Hope everyone has a great day today.
hiya hun. if anyone is guilty of diary neglect, its me! i havent posted much on mine either. and for the same reasons..nothing much to write about that hasnt already been said, really.

on a happy note,
so pleased you have re-focused your mind and body back into SS.!!!
Wow Sam, what an amazing difference 3 stone makes!
You've done super,Well done
Day 70.

10 weeks done. A pat on the back for me for coming so far. Im getting weighed this morning and have been good all week so fingers crossed for a good result.

I noticed last night when I had a shower that I shed loads of hair, and I mean loads. THat worried me a bit and is something I need to keep an eye on.

We've got to move house. We are in rented accomodation at the moment and the landlord has decided to put the house up for sale. We went to view a property last night which we quite liked and we've got another one to see this afternoon. I hate moving, its such an upheaval, but the kids think its a big adventure.

Right then. Be back later with WI results.