Sarah's 1st baby pregnancy diary

Ouch, hope you feel better soon.
Glad the scan went well. How exciting you can feel your baby move. I keep hoping I will soon but I am only 14-2 so it will happen soon.
Take care x
Hey Sarah,

Hows the pregancy going ... not heard alot from you for a while ... Can you feel the little babe kicking yet ??!?!? xx
Oooh Hello :wave_cry:
What a slacker I have been!!

Yes everything is going really well.
I'm 27 weeks today (where has the time gone :eek:) and to be honest I'm counting down the days now - I feel 'ready' now!!

Yes I started feeling movements from around 22 weeks - and hubby felt and saw movement just last week which was really sweet. At the moment it's twitches and nudges and little kicks, I'm yet to get to the 'foot or elbow sticking out' phase - think that'll really freak me out.

Had a lovely week away last week - rented a holiday apartment in Tenby. Weather wasn't great but I was quite relieved, I'm struggling in the heat a bit (when we do have any!). Was a lovely relaxing and refreshing week - lots of strolls on the beach and around the shops, and just being at the seaside!!

This week I've started feeling tired again - not all day tiredness, but I've been asleep by 9.30 last two nights and had to drag myself out of bed. Not sure if this is because it's my first week back off holiday and 6am starts aren't agreeing with me... or if it's a pregnancy thing.
Only real niggly symptom is my ankles - my feet and ankles are officially huge! And quite achey too. The only shoes that now fit me are my Sketchers tone-ups so I am living in them rain or shine, and I'm trying to walk as much as possible as that eases them.
I've also been getting a niggly ache in my left hip/bum which I'll speak to my midwife about next Wednesday at my next antenatal.
It's a big one next week too - more blood tests (iron and antibodies I think) plus it'll be the first time she measures my bump... oooh exciting!

I'm on countdown big time in work too - I finish 8 weeks today :eek:
And because I'm being made redundant either during or at the end of my maternity leave, that's forever - I won't be coming back. Very wierd.

Hope everyone is doing ok, I must make sure I'll come on here and update more often rather than just nosing at everyone elses posts!!
Hi Sarah,
Glad your pregnancy is going fast does the time fly! I finished work a couple of weeks ago, just couldn't do it any more. I don't think I'll be going back either its so weird but good at the same time!

My ankles are starting to swell too, the heat is not good for us pregnant ladies! I am trying to walk more instead of taking the car everywhere as I think in a couple of weeks I literally won't be able to walk otherwise!!

Not long to go now :) xx
Don't talk to me about ankles,lol... I be out walking today around town doing chores but I am sure they will kill when I get back so will have to give them a loooooonnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggg soak!!!
Urgh had a terrible nights sleep last night because it was so warm... and I've started to become so uncomfortable in bed. My back aches and my bump is so heavy and just gets in the way. So I'm taking the many pillows approach - 2 under my head, 1 under my bump, and 1 between my legs. Trouble is I fidget and turn so often in bed that it's a pain in the bum moving the pillows everytime.
Oh well it's not forever... and I finish work 7 weeks Friday so at least after that I can just sleep in the day (and how I want to!)
If it gets too much I will be bringing my date forward, but I'm feeling more reluctant to at the mo to keep the money coming in.

Had a lovely weekend - On Saturday the last of our new lounge/dining furniture was delivered from Next (just waiting for the sofas to come from DFS now), and we had a lovely BBQ in the evening.
Then Sunday we spent the day with my SIL and baby niece - including Sunday lunch in the beer garden of our local which was lovely.

Got my 28 week antenatal check up Wednesday, looking forward to that. Apart from the blood tests :jelous:

Karra - you haven't got long left! I envy that you've finished work already... bet it's lovely being at home.
Just a bit of an update - I'm off work at the mo as I've had a problem with my hip. It had been feeling a bit weak for a while then started getting very painful last Wednesday after antenatal (not related!!). Basically feels as though my hip won't go into joint properly and gives me sharp shooting pains. It gets worse the more active I am so rest days are suiting me well.
Went to docs Friday and she said it's probably swollen tendons around my hip. Going to try and make another appointment for this afternoon.

My antenatal appointment went well - although my bump is measuring pretty big so I guess they'll keep an eye on that.
Oh and I weighed myself Saturday and I've put on a whopping 2stone 1lb. Never mind!!

Anyway with my hip feeling as it does I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself at the moment and can't wait for the next twelve weeks to be over. I'm also thinking of moving my maternity leave forward, meaning I'd finish work at 31 weeks, take some hols then start my maternity at 34 weeks, but will make that decision next week probably

On the plus side I'm feeling the baby move all the time now which is lovely, and hubby feels it all the time now too. Just can't wait to meet the little monkey now!
I have one of those long body pillows to sleep has really helped my painful hips. It was only £12 off Ebay. After Bubs has come along they are then ideal to use as breast feeding pillows...I totally recommend them. x x
Hi, how is your hip now? Hope the time off work helped. How is the pregnancy going? X

Sorry for terrible delay at updating this!!

My hips still really bad and I've been having a lot of pain on the left side of my groin too. My MW referred me to physio which was last week. Physio diagnosed SPD and gave me 2 different support belts as well as some exercises and everyday tips to help. She also recommended an exercise ball so hubby picked me one up last week and it's fab! Just bouncing around on it really eases the aches. Although my hip is still really painful if I'm out and about, sleeping is sooo much easier and less painful.

Ive finished work now - the pain of getting in as well as how tired I was feeling meant i'd just had enough, and I'm so pleased I did. I can really slow down and sleep when I need to.

Everything else is going well, my grandparents have bought us a Moses basket, and I'm buying a barely used cotbed and mattress off my friend for £70 which I'm having in a couple of weeks.

My job today is to make my hospital bag list and start getting some bits together as well as figuring out what I've got to buy.

Baby is a real wriggler now - big strong movements as there is less room in there now! My tummy seems to be constantly growing and after getting away with minimal stretchmarks, in the last week a vast collection have appeared all round my bellybutton. On the plus side since finishing work I actually have ankles again yay!! My feet have almost shrunk back to pre-pregnancy size so that's definitely a plus!

Hope everyone else is getting on ok x
That is great you finished work, enjoy the rest! Not too long now. My sisters hip is killing her, she is 28 weeks, I must tell her about the ball - thanks.
The physio said the best exercise is an aquanatal class, but at the mo I just can't justify the cost of:
A maternity swimming cossie
The bus to our nearest pool
The class cost

But it might suit your sister!
She also said avoid all impact exercise so short regular walks are best. HTH

BTW the ball I got was an Argos value one - only £5 with a pump. It's quite small though so might not suit your sister if she's tall. Ok for me as I'm short!
A bit belated... but here's my birth story of baby Isabella, born on Monday 10th October at 11.19am

Well my due date of 30th September came and went without much excitement. I'd had a late scan the day before my due date as my MW was worried the baby hadn't descended enough. Everything was fine and weight was estimated 7lb 1, give or take 11oz either side. I also had 2 sweeps which did nothing!

I had also been receiving daily or bi-daily check ups towards my due date as my blood pressure had been steadily creeping higher and higher, as well as a couple of times when protein had been detected in my urine.

So I was booked in to be induced on the 12th October. however on the previous Sunday I happened to mention to the MW that the baby's movements had been less frequent. Not by much, in fact I was half convinced I was imagining it. Anyway she insisted I went in to get checked out.

So I took my bag with me in case they kept me in, and my MIL took us to the hospital.

Once we arrived, I was checked over - my BP was lower than it had been in a long time (surprisingly!) but they connected me up to a CTG monitor to track any contractions, and to track the baby's heartbeat.

I was connected up to this machine, on a really uncomfortable bed for over an hour (sore bum!!) as the MW looking after me was a bit concerned about the readings - Bella's heartrate kept dipping at odd intervals and they weren't sure whether it was because the machine kept losing connection, or what. So she sought a second opinion from one of the consultants, who said as I was 40+9 anyway, to induce me then.
So they gave me the gel, and I started having regular contractions with some mild back pain straight away,

Now at this point I must point out that we did get some special treatment as my MIL works in the labour ward so we were kind of VIPs in there - lucky us!
So we were moved to a private room (perk no.1), but unfortunately someone more high risk needed the room, so I was moved onto the ward. I was still connected up to the CTG every so often, and my back pains started to get a bit more intense, but I enjoyed watching the machine show my contractions whenever I did get tightenings!
Luckily around 8pm ish when partners are supposed to leave, I managed to get another private room, and they sneaked James in so he could stay with me overnight! Although he did probably have the worst nights sleep of his life!

Anyway the pains got progresively worse through the night, I had a show at some point and at around 4am they got really bad. taking my breath away and radiating in my lower back, pelvis and top of my thighs.

At this point I'd had no pain relief, and was begging the MW to do something, so she suggested a shower and we were taken to the labour ward around 6am.

I found the gas and air did nothing apart from give me a 'drunk' feeling after each contraction, so I opted for an epidural - which was AMAZING. No pain, yet I was fully awake and aware of the whole experience.

I didn't plan on having an epidural, as I wanted quite a mobile birth, but due to being induced and the blips on the CTG, I basically had to be strapped to the bed with a drip, BP monitor, and Bella had a scalp monitor attached inside me to accurately monitor her heart rate. So because I was immobile, the epidural was the best solution for me.

Shortly before 11.00, the MW had called the doctor in for a second opinion. There were still frequent blips in Bella's heartrate where it would drop really low - they were concerned she was either pulling on the cord, or that it was perhaps wrapped round her neck. So the doctor basically said we needed to get her out quick, so we were fearing having to have a c section, but when the doctor examined me, I'd managed to go from 3cm to fully dilated in just 2 hours! Everyone was shocked, but thought it was probably due to my body relaxing after having the epidural.

So at that point I started to push - very strange as I couldn't actually feel the contractions so the MW had to tell me when to push. And less than 20 mins later the doctor delivered Bella via ventouse following a tear and an episiotomy. It ended up Bella had the cord wrapped round her neck twice and her arm once, which was why her heartrate kept dropping.

She only weighed 6lb 4 which took us all by surprise! But she was absolutely perfect! Although we were all in such awe (and shock at the speed of delivery) that we nearly forgot to ask whether she was a boy or girl!!

She was cleaned up, James cut the cord, and she was placed on my chest for skin to skin time. We were completely in awe - both of us bawled our eyes out when she was born, and I didn't feel scared or overwhelmed by motherhood, I just slipped into it really easily.

Less than 2 hours later I was up and about and I'll be honest I felt amazing - on top of the world. I think I'd felt so rough during pregnancy that as soon as Bella was born, all my pregnancy ailments seemed to disappear. My hips felt better, my carpal tunnel syndrome cleared up within a couple of days, the tiredness eased. It was amazing, as if my body said 'right, enough messing around, you've got a baby to look after now'.

This makes me really thankful that I didn't have a section as I know this wouldn't have been the case. It's funny too how everyone who saw me once she was born, even though I was having a lot less sleep commented 'wow you look better than you did when you were pregnant'. Thanks! Obviously I looked rough as hell and nobody told me!!

We stayed in hospital for 2 nights, luckily I had a private room, but to be honest although it was lovely as quieter and I had my own bathroom etc, it was quite lonely, I guess on the ward at least you've got other mums to talk to when visitors have to go home. I hated that James couldn't stay - I know there's no unlimited pot of NHS money, but I really think hospitals should do more to offer for partners to stay with their wives and girlfriends after their child is born, it should be a time for the whole family. But that's another story!!

One thing I will say is never ever hold on to your birth plan as your be all and end all. I don't think anything in my birth plan was followed, but I was always open when I was writing it, and once Bella was born, none of it really mattered at all.

The other thing I will say, is if you have any worries, or if anything changes - tell your midwife straight away. I honestly thought I'd imagined Bella's movements changing, but thank god I said something and went in when I did, as who knows what the situation would have been like waiting a further 3 days. Also just to add to the 'what if's', when I was discharged on the Wednesday evening, the postnatal ward was completely full and all inductions had been postponed, so I wouldn't have been able to be induced as planned anyway, adding even more days on to Bella being born. I try not to think about that though as I just scare myself.

If anyone else is pregnant for the first time, and has any questions, no matter how gruesome, please PM me, I am happy to share my experiences, warts and all!!
Awww a lovely birth story! Congrats on your beautiful daughter!
Congratulations. Glad all was well in the end.
Take care x