Sarah's Pregnancy and Baby Diary

Wonderful weekend so far. It was beautiful weather yesterday so I spent all day in the garden sorting out my veg plants and getting the salad seeds sown. Although I was absolutely worn out by the time I'd finished! However, I'm glad I made the most of my spare time and the weather. Plants are all looking good, can't wait until we can start picking fresh veg :)

I'm sleeping a bit better now. I'm still uncomfortable as I lie on my side and my BBs are still tender and get a bit squished between my arms!

I've been doing some research on eggs as I know of farms that have their chickens vaccinated against salmonella so surely these eggs are okay to eat normally? My research too me to the Lion Eggs website that actually states all of their eggs (about 85% of the UK eggs) follw strcter guidelines including vaccination against salmonella. So one of my questions to the doc on Tuesday will be whether I can eat these eggs normally if Iknow they're safe. Ifnot then it's no biggy. I love scrambled egg anyway, but I do like fried eggs too. Hey, if I'm not allowed a rare steak for another 8 months then I'm going to make sure the gray areas are accurate or not! :)

currently waiting on DH to get himself sorted so that we can go out for a walk around a local park. Need to stetch my legs more. Also starting tomorrow, half hour walks in the afternoon / evening providing I've got the energy! Cough and ickyness have virtually gone so time to get a bit fitter!
Not feeling so good now. We went out to the supermarket earlier. Partway through being there I had a major stabbing pain in my side. That then eased off but by the time we got to the tills I felt a bit lightheaded and dizzyish. Since getting back home it felt like it eased but now I feel off again. I don't feel sick so I'm assuming this isn't morning sickness starting (but you never know). My stomach is gurgling a bit and I'm not sure if I'm hungry or not.

Knowing me it's probably just indigestion! ;)

Got a nice homemade stew bubbling away in the kitchen so hopefully that'll make me feel better :)
Awake at 5am and was up by 5.30 as I was fed up of DH's snoring! I got about 5-6 hours sleep last night but that was all. Am feeling tired now but got some major work to get done. We've got a major system going live this week for a client so testing everything to make sure it's secure. Also had a bug on another site exploited so there's the cleanup for that too.

This time tomorrow I'll be at the doctors waiting to be seen. A bit nervous about what he'll say about my weight, although I don't think DH will let him stress me out over it! I'm going to take my last CB digital test first thing just to remind myself that I'm pregnant (besides the lack of sleep and sore BBs I wouldn't believe it otherwise!) and also to take to the docs and show him it.

Anyway, back to cleaning up a database... (what a thrilling morning!)
Just went to the loo before bed and I'm bleeding. It's very light and i'm just hoping that it's nothing to panic about, but it's scary to see. Suddenly I'm wondering if I jumped the gun making a doctor's appointment, telling my parents etc.

I know I shouldn't stress but now I am. Really can't see me sleeping well tonight. I just hope it's nothing and just a little bit of spotting :(
Feeling a bit more positive this morning. Had no further bleeding. Took my final CB digital test this morning for the doc. A lovely 'Pregnant 3+' on it.

I slept awful last night. Such weird dreams plus stressing everytime I felt a twinge. It's like I was 2 weeks ago when I first found out and was worried it'd go with my period.

I've also realised that nasal congestion can be a side effect of pregnancy. I hope I'm not stuck with it for the whole 9 months! Being shattered and congested together really isn't good, especially when I have friends asking if I'm okay all the time, telling me I look shattered and if I'm stressing over anything. Can't wait to tell them just so they realise!

At least I've not got morning sickness yet!

Time for a bit of brekkie before we go and see the doctor.
Just back from the doctor. Nice bloke, didn't mention my weight at all which put me at ease a lot as that was something I was worried about (I luckily don't look like I weigh as much as I really do).

He went through the whole process, gave me the form I needed to get my midwife appointment booked, and answered the questions I had.

Just got about 4-5 weeks now to wait until I see the midwife.

Feeling full up with cold and pretty shattered so I think work will be limited to what's necessary today and nothing more, plus we've relocated to the lounge as it's warmer in here than the office. Yes I know, the bonus of working from home!
Thanks Kirsty! We'll have to grab a coffee some time! (decaff for me of course :)).

I think I caught a cold off a friend we visited the other week, and with a weakened immune system it's just stuck a bit longer. Either that or it's just my dust allergy kicking in with this ash cloud around. Car is very dusty.

Going to go down to the beach for a walk along the prom. Get some fresh sea air into me and hopefully clear it all out a little! :)
Got about 4 hours sleep last night wide awake from about 2am until 6ish, when my body then decided it wanted to sleep! I think being so blocked up didn't help, plus my indigestion was really bad last night. I'd have gone and got a glass of milk if I wasn't so tired and scared of slipping down the stairs! DH's snoring didn't help either!

However, on the plus side, weighed myself this morning and I'm 2lb lighter than I was last week so some of the fluid and bloating must have gone down a bit or my healthy eating is helping. I measure myself on a Friday morning so it'll be interesting to see if there is much difference.

I'm also finding that my BBs are not as sore now. They are still a bit in bed at night and my arms squish them a little sometimes, but I'm not finding them as heavy. Possibly my body is getting used to the weight or the progesterone now.

I'm meeting a friend and her little baby later for a coffee and natter. I'm so tempted to tell her about me but it's not fair to say to people to keep it a strict secret as I don't think it's easy to do sometimes! We kind of had to lie to friends yesterday who asked us if there was any news as they knew we were TTC, but without most the family not knowing it's not fair to tell them!

We've ordered some cards off moonpig that I've altered the text on to basically say 'surprise you're going to be an Auntie and Uncle', which we can fill out and give to DH's sisters and my brother. My brother sent me one when they were expecting my nephew and it's something I've kept. Those will hopefully arrive today so just another 2 weeks and I think we'll hand them out. I'm still worried about jinxing it though. If we give them out and then a couple of weeks later it all goes wrong.

How long do you wait to tell people? Some people tell people straight away, some wait until the scan and the 2nd trimester. Time is dragging on too much! :)
Another 2.30am wake up and then tossing and turning after that. Am so tired today. Still not breathing very well either. Have ruled out a cold as the rest of the symptoms just aren't there (I feel lousy because I'm tired not because of the cold). I'm putting it down to an allergy or the potential side effect of pregnancy (although I've only read about this in one pregnancy book so not sure if it is a side effect or not!).

Been feeling a bit queasy today too but then again I still think it's all linked to being blocked up.

I had a bad dream last night. I dreamt my period had come on very heavy. Can remember it still. Not something I want to happen :(

Our 'surprise' cards came today in the post along with my hospital appointment and some leaflets which gave me something to smile about. The cards are so cute. I wish now I'd added some text inside saying Estimated Due Date, but I can hand write it. I'm still worried about giving them to our family before the scan though. This morning I was reading about ectopic pregnancies and how the symptoms usually show themselves at 6-7 weeks but how it could be as late as 14 weeks (or obviously on a scan). I need to stop reading and worrying about things that haven't happened yet!

Hopefully a couple of days away from the computer and seeing my parents will help!
It's Friday finally! This week has dragged on so much! Been beautiful weather which makes it all the more harder to stay indoors working!

Last night I slept a little better which is good news as I have a 2 hour drive later on to my brother's where we're staying for the night. It's going to be hard not telling him about me, and also not picking my little nephew up when I want to.

Still, it's the weekend, another week of work over and one more week until I have a week off, so I'm hoping the good weather lasts!

Have a good weekend all :)
Well what a wonderful weekend :) We spent Friday night in a semi posh hotel over by Derby, to spend Saturday at my brother's (parents there too). We spent Saturday morning watching my brother and my 10 month old nephew go to his swimming class (which he thoroughly enjoyed, splashing my brother constantly, much to our amusement!), and then whilst the men did some gardening, my Mum and I watched and played with my nephew, who's walking and so full of energy!

We didn't tell my brother about me yesterday, as we're waiting for a few more weeks. I'm not sure whether to wait until after my scan, but that's another month away! DH and I are both far too impatient to wait that long!

Today we were invited out to lunch by friends of ours who own a local restaurant (dangerous friends to have!), so our Sunday lunch was taken care of. Had a lovely walk around the local marine lake by the river Dee afterwards, in the gorgeous sunshine. Definitely something we need to do more often. We've still not started a walking routine which we really need to do. Hopefully this week we can start as work is a bit quieter and then I'm off next week.

Just need to stop be lazy!

Update on symptoms / tweaks and twinges at 7 weeks. BBs are still sore at night. Last night I got 7 hours of sleep, first time in 2-3 weeks! So I think I was just shattered! I'm back to feeling bloated though (although that could be down to all the food we've eaten this weekend).
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Ouch I'm in pain :( I don't think it's pregnancy related as I have suffered from a milder version before, but the top of my left leg / hip is partly numb and if I lean to my right or press on it, it feels like someone is push a pin or two into my leg :( I've had a similar issue in the past but only felt it at night and figured it was the seam of my clothes cutting into a nerve. This came on slighly last night, but over night I woke with pain and it's just got worse today :(

Really not sure what it is. I just hope it goes soon.

At least I've got this evening to look forward to. We're out for dinner with friends (none of which know I'm pregnant so to avoid drinking I'm driving!). Half price tapas for dinner, just a shame I can't have any Sangria!
Last night was great, although I sooo wanted to tell our friends about me! It was a bit hard watching DH and a friend go through a couple of jugs of Sangria in front of me! Especially when DH told me to try a little as it was a different type to the one we usually have. I did tell him off in the car later! I know I can have perhaps a glass but I don't want to risk anything as my weight is doing that anyway.

Bad nights sleep again, although I'm less congested which is better, just this hip pain/numbness which will hopefully ease off soon. This morning I woke to feel very bloated. By about 10am I wasn't sure if I felt sick, bloated or hungry, however I've eaten, and I feel both bloated and sick so not sure if this is morning sickness kicking in.

Feeling really tired and worn out now. Concentration is out the window too. I may have a lunchtime nap and then hopefully be a bit more productive this afternoon!
I ended up feeling sick all day yesterday right up to going to bed. Today I'm feeling a lot better and just managed a small bowl of cereal and still feeling okay, so possibly it was just my body's reaction to overindulging the night before.

We're going to take it easy now and just eat light simple meals, although when I told DH that ginger biscuits would possibly help me he liked the idea of those as he adores them!

Next week we're off into Liverpool and I'm going to find myself a swimming costume so that I can join in the aquanatal class at the local pool, plus possibly get some swimming in too. I seem to have already put 7lbs on in about 3 weeks! I know a lot of this is bloat and fluid but I'm worried that I'll put even more on before I see the MW in about 5 weeks!

So I'm going to work out a little fitness plan to target my arms, upper back, legs and backside. Hopefully I can reduce/tone those areas and lose a little weight in the process :)
It's the weekend again (and a long one at that!) and I'm at (virtually) 7 weeks. It's been another long week, not helped with the sickness. I'm assuming it's morning sickness although I'm still dubious on that!

Tuesday I felt sick all day right up until going to bed. I also felt extremely bloated which didn't help. Wednesday I felt a very mild sickness until the evening, I made up a batch of vegetable soup and the smell of it turned my stomach over and over. Despite this, when I blended it down and tasted it, it was fine! But the smell continued to waft in from the kitchen and I went to bed feeling sick again. Yesterday I felt fine most of the day until I had dinner in the evening (which wasn't great to be honest) and I felt sick after that.

Maybe it's going to become an evening thing? I'm keeping a note of the sickness just to see if there is a pattern.

I weighed and measured myself this morning and my bloating has gone down a little, plus I slept much better last night, getting a straight 6 hours. I'm cooking my favourite for dinner tonight so it'll be interesting to see how I feel after it.

I'm still torn over telling people next week about us. As much as I want to, I'm still scared about something going wrong. My second period would be due sometime during the week which I believe is when it's a higher chance of MC. I know, don't worry about something that hasn't happened.

Still, it's the weekend, I have next week off, let's hope the weather is good and the sickness stays away :D
i am very lucky and didnt suffer morning sickness with either pregnancy. but i have read alot that the ''morning'' part of morning sickness is a myth and is generally all day sickness and feeling sick in the evenings is much more common.

6 hours isnt much sleep so probably not helping!! could you fit some daytime naps in somewhere if work allows?

have you considered going for an early private scan? you should be able to see the hearbeat at this stage which drastically reduces the probability of mc and might make you feel more relaxed?

good luck keeping down your yummy favourite dinner
Thanks Amy. To be honest 6 hours is the longest I've had in about 3 weeks. Since just before finding out I was pregnant I've not slept probably at all. I take the occasional nap if I need to (I work at home so am v. lucky I can stop if I need to).

Yeah I know 'morning' sickness isn't restricted to the morning. I just thought/read (somewhere, maybe, possibly!) that it was more common to have it in the morning on waking up, but everyone's different so could be my evening sickness.

Although I've also lost my appetite, thinking about most foods makes my stomach churn and my passion for food has gone on holiday! Maybe this is the diet I've needed?! :D

I've thought about an early scan but I'm sure the hospital gets plenty of people phoning up panicking and asking for one. I'm not suffering with any bleeding, only minor little twinges now and then, and just doing my best to relax and wait. 4 weeks should hopefully go by quickly. Plus, if they couldn't find the heartbeat for any reason (I've read that there is the potential that they just can't find it even though the baby is fine) it would probably stress me out like mad! Ignorance is bliss I guess. Just assume everything is fine :)
How on earth have I missed all this Sarah????

I knew you were trying but didn't know you were already pregnant!!! Congratulations, i'm so, so pleased for you :bestwishes:

Don't know how you've managed not to tell everyone though! lol
Thanks Sarah! I think about a week after I told you we were trying, I discovered I was pregnant! Didn't quite expect it to happen so quickly but chuffed all the same :D

Not telling people is quite hard, but it's also quite special as it's just our little secret (besides my parents knowing!) at the moment. We've decided to wait until after the scan now, just to make sure everything is ok and I'll relax a bit more then too! :)