Sarah's Ramblings.... 2011!

Ahh yeah that would explain it! I'm on a pill that kinda puts my periods out really, sometimes I have one, sometimes I don't but if I do, it's not a proper one. Over the weekend I was so angry at everything! Took nothing to put me in a mood. Didn't know why at the time, but then a couple of days ago it was like ahh I see... I've NEVER been a PMT person at all. I've always got off lightly, no mood swings, no pain etc. I think I bottled up all the PMT from before for last weekend! Everything annoyed me. Felt like crying at next to nothing. Completely blew up at my mum because she'd put my chicken in the freezer when I wanted to use it that night and so couldn't. Couldn't pick another dinner. Had to apologise to my mum and struggled to not burst into tears whilst I did it! Now isn't a good time for PMT, I've got enough going on in my head without making it worse!! Hope it passes and you feel human again soon!
Ooh I meant to ask you, I'm trying to get as many resources, materials etc. prepared for next year as possible. I may not use them all but I figure if I can get stuff together now, making anything I need to, it'll hopefully save me time when actually I won't have very much time! Any things you'd really recommend?
Hopefully it won't last long! Mine was very light and lasted only a couple of days, so hopefully yours will go away soon!
Aww :( Got a hot water bottle?
No chocolate, just a hot water bottle and an hour in bed!!!!
I am so lucky, I am on the depot injection and haven't had a period for 8 years. The nurse recently asked me if I wanted to change my contraception and I nearly cried!!! I couldn't cope with a period after 8 years of nothing. :)
God my stomach is killing me!

I've downloaded the Zumba DVD and really want to don't but I just want to curl up in a ball!

No plans today other than working tonight. Getting very fed up as I have to drive 20 mins to work and the past two nights I have been sent home after two hours as there are no customers! I need the money so badly so getting paid for 2 hours when I've signed up for four is by fair, plus because my car is off the road, I had to wait 1.5 hours for a lift last night so I'm just wasting my nights!
This day is getting worse by the second!

Hungry but nothing healthy in for breakfast. Usually buy my own but have no money so just going to have to make do with small amounts of unhealthy stuff from now on!

Tried to do zumba but had to stop because my tummy is killing me. Going to go for a walk with my friend, hopefully that'll help, but I then have to go to work which I'm really not up for!

Then I smashed a little glass bowl that my aunt gave me. Then stood on a bit of glass and now my foot won't stop bleeding!!!

Grrrrrr! I am going for a walk and will make up for the no breakfast with a PMT curing chocolate bar!!
Ok so I had a night out last night and I got woken up by my dearest father calling me at 8:30 (thanks dad!!) so I'm on minimins (naturally) and still a litttleeee tipsy so this might not make sense. ;)

I don't know your boyfriend, but I can understand where he's coming from. Properly meeting your girlfriends family is a big step. I'm not saying that he's not ready for it, but maybe it's just too much of a stress for him just now. Of course HIS want not to meet your family shouldn't outweigh YOUR want for him to spend the day with him, especially since it's your birthday. So he's being pretty selfish in that regard. I could hark on about you talking to him about it, but I'm sure you've already done that.
I think he best thing to do here is accept that he's not going to go, after all is there any point in him going if he's going to hate it? but assure him that you're very, very unhappy about it and hopefully by the time your birthday rolls round he'll have a change of heart :) xx
Ohh lovely, what did you have to eat?
You cant forget the diet coke! That sounds lovely my dear :) I would of had to of had a dessert. If there was chocolate cake on the menu I would need to of said YES PLEASE :D
Omnomnomnom! I haven't had chocolate in 2 months... forget what it tastes like!
I had a chocolate magnum today. Was lushhhhhhh but have used up my entire MFP saturate fat allowance on it haha
Ooh that raises the eternal 'shovel it down or nibble it slowly' question!!! Hard to pick but in a TOTM emergency it's best to nibble it an hope it lasts all shift!!!!

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