Sarah's simply filling diary. ......


Gold Member
hi everyone.

iv been doing weight watchers for some time now and just before xmas I lost nearly 1 and half stone. lots of things happened around that time including moving home so my head just wasn't in and I put 1 stone back on. I was doing ww on my own but didn't get anywhere with it so re joined group. its been a slow start but finally started to lose weight but this week had a gain. im so fed up with yo yo ing with this.

I was finding I wasn't healthy and eating my points in junk so iv decided to take the simply filling plan and make a new diary to hopefully get this weight off.

I have had my 49pp this weekend which is a bad start as I get weighed on a Thursday but 4 days of clean eating will hopefully show on the scales.

Please feel free to follow just to make sure im doing this correct would be lovely and anu meal ideas.

Thanks xxx
i weigh in thursdays too, feel free to read my diary to get ideas, ive had more in losses on sf than when i was on pro points, i use a smaller breakfast plate to eat off of & drink lots of water, stop eating when ur satisfied not full up and you should be ok x
i weigh in thursdays too, feel free to read my diary to get ideas, ive had more in losses on sf than when i was on pro points, i use a smaller breakfast plate to eat off of & drink lots of water, stop eating when ur satisfied not full up and you should be ok x

hi welcome ill have a look for you. good thing for me I cannot eat when im full anyway so hoping this is an advantage x
Following you here like a creepy stalker, waiting for you to eat snails hihihi

x Lostris
ewwww it's so random I think lol thanks xx
what lol x
Well said the snail thing instead of following hihi. :) Ah well. You going to do SF this week or still reading up and may do later? I really should try SF, but I am a bit nervous about change....
Well said the snail thing instead of following hihi. :) Ah well. You going to do SF this week or still reading up and may do later? I really should try SF, but I am a bit nervous about change....

I done it Friday and yesterday until last night friends come rouns and I had takeout. so was gonna be good today went to the gym and I was ravenous so ended up having kfc then choc went off the wagon today but back on it tomorrow. You should do it .....its not gonna hurt chic x
ive posted the kfc recipe on here and its yummy have you tried it ? when i have a take out i have a large chicken shish with chilli sauce and just count the pitta as 4 pp and still seem to lose weight ;)
ive posted the kfc recipe on here and its yummy have you tried it ? when i have a take out i have a large chicken shish with chilli sauce and just count the pitta as 4 pp and still seem to lose weight ;)

ohhh no ill have a look. well I had a sneaky weigh in and I'm up 2lb gutted so looking forward to "clean" eating x
oh well 2lb isn't too bad, new start and all that, if i can do it anyone can lol x
lol thanks hun all I can do is try xx
have you got the food lists etc ?
yea I got in in a journal. I can look at it alk the day and get stuck on a meal buy as soon as someone mentions what I can have im like ahhh x
arh thats good then, all the weight watchers bread (except naans) are free like wraps etc but i make my own wraps as alot cheaper and nicer but its nice to be able to have bread etc without counting it, i dont eat alot of bread but it's nice to have the option isnt it. my dinners can be a bit samey but the food i have is what i like but like you if other ppl put up a meal i havent thought of ur like ooh i'll have that for a change, tbh i dont feel like im dieting but i did when i was on pro points as there was a point when (you reached ur points total) that u think oh i cant eat anymore whereas i think sf takes that away as you can still have something else if you want it & it sort of has the opposite effect that you dont want anything else hahahaha x
arh thats good then, all the weight watchers bread (except naans) are free like wraps etc but i make my own wraps as alot cheaper and nicer but its nice to be able to have bread etc without counting it, i dont eat alot of bread but it's nice to have the option isnt it. my dinners can be a bit samey but the food i have is what i like but like you if other ppl put up a meal i havent thought of ur like ooh i'll have that for a change, tbh i dont feel like im dieting but i did when i was on pro points as there was a point when (you reached ur points total) that u think oh i cant eat anymore whereas i think sf takes that away as you can still have something else if you want it & it sort of has the opposite effect that you dont want anything else hahahaha x

its a bit like sw but different isn't it. I was making wrong choices on pp by having chocolate and crisps. im currently doing a weight training programme to tone up so I need bigger meals and healthier not just a micro meal so it feels like a better choice. my partner is a personal trainer too so that helps a bit. so im gonna replace my crisps with nuts and I know if its not on my list I cannot have it. its just getting in a different mind set I suppose x
my plan for tomorrow is

B either crumpets or porridge
L ham and egg sandwich
D salmon and sweet potato and salad

banana and strawberries
still doesn't seem a lot to eat tho x
yeah it is a bit like slimming world but without having to eat a 1/3rd plate od superfree food and you can have bread !, i lost 3 stone on sw on green & red days but soon as i got to target i put it back on and it was so hard eating out, didnt like the other day where u cld have both (forgot its name) .

i try and use all my weeklies as you need a treat every day or so to stop u going mental lol and i think you get better losses using them too, anyway good luck for tomorrow, ur meals sound good to me, i always have porrige as its filling and i like it , think soup lunch not sure about dinner yet, night x