Sarah's Slimming World Diary!

Doing well so far today. Last night I had 2 Jaffa cakes to boost my syns - want to make sure I have at least 5 a day as I've heard people say that less than 5 can have a negative effect on the weight loss.

Popped to Tesco today to get some extra bits I need for SW. I'm off to watch the rugby in a bit and then Dave is coming over later for a takeaway and DVD.

Today's plan...

B: yoghurt (1.5)
S: ham
L: leftover leek and potato from last night - love this! (Hexa). Homemade rice pudding.
D: chicken with cashew nuts (8.5), rice
S: 2 x Alpen lights, Curly Wurly (6)

Daily syns: 16/15
Weekly syns: 24/30

The rice puddings as amazing! It's 3oz pudding rice and 500ml no added sugar cream soda. Bring to the boil and then simmer until all liquid is absorbed. Cool, and mix with a vanilla yoghurt. It was so sweet and creamy! Syn free - amazing!
Mmmm glad people are going to try it - everyone should know how good it is!

Yesterday was as to plan. Dave got sweet and sour pork, prawn crackers and prawn toasts. That's what I would usually have but stuck to my chicken with cashew nuts. Didn't touch the crackers or toasts!

My one wa a bit disappointing actually. Not much sauce, and literally half the container was carrots! Had it with boiled rice.

Off for a walk along the beach soon. Felt like things had changed with dave - like we really have gotten to be friends now and it's really natural. We still cuddle more than normal friends would! But, it's definitely working out as friends. We often talk about what will happen when one of us meets someone else and he seems just as keen as me to stay friends and make the new person deal with it! We will see what happens though as it's difficult!

Food today... Not sure! May make a risotto or just more of that leek and potato.
Do you think maybe you need to try and make it just how it would be with a normal friend? I know it's hard to go back to that but it'll make it easier when one of you does meet someone because you wouldn't be able to cuddle and stuff then.
It usually is more like a normal friend really. We don't generally meet up anywhere where we could cuddle! It just so happened that my mum was away last night so we were on the sofa watching a film and had a cuddle. It's not a romantic thing, more of a comfort thing. We are staying in a B and B next weekend because we are going to see Jake Bugg. I bought him the tickets for his birthday a few months ago is it's nice that he is still taking me. We will cuddle them, I'm sure, as it's the environment, but usually we meet for lunch or dinner or a walk or day trip etc. So, generally it's ok... And we could deffo have gone without the cuddles yesterday, but didn't feel the need to.

I think we'll be ok - we are both really honest with each other about how we feel about things so am sure it'll be ok. Both prepared for it to be difficult but think its worth it.

Food today hasn't been planned but think it'll be ok. Just had yoghurts for breakfast, leftover rice for lunch with ham and beetroot and onions. A yoghurt. Dinner will be the leek and potato thing again with some bacon. Will have some WW crisps and a curly wurly for syns.

Went for a nice walk on the beach which stretched my hip out a bit but feeling it now! Getting very frustrated with my hip problems!
I just think it could make that change when one of you meets someone a lot easier for you because otherwise that kind of behaviour will just become habit. I'm sure you know what's best for you though so it'll be alright.
Yeah I knob what you mean... We discussed it yesterday. We said that after the concert, we can't see when we would be in situations where we would be that close from then on, so it shouldn't be a problem. For me, it's definitely just a comfort thing rather than that I need it. Obviously had a really tough Summer, and quote stressed recently with uni, hip etc so it's nice to have that comfort occasionally. We are definitely moving forward... Just slower than other people do. In fact, I rarely see people being friends afterwards and I am just so glad we have been able to.
I have a day off uni today! This is unlikely to happen much this term! Haven't planned food so need to do that. Got a really busy week so am going to try to plan for the whole week.

Today I'm going to attempt to finish an assignment, go to the Post Office and go to the physio. Getting SO frustrated that I can't work out. In still so in the zone with it and even my walk yesterday made my hip worse, so clearly he is right when he says NO exercise!

Today I think I'll have...

B: banana, raspberries, yoghurts
L: leftover leek and potato (HExA)
D: 2 x burgers, roll (HExB), bacon, salad, roasted butternut squash and potato wedges

Syn wise... Will probably have a curly wurly at some point and a Danio yoghurt.
I feel like syns on yoghurts are a waste when there are free ones, my conscience won't let me use them on them!
I know what you mean Caz! But, they are so thick and creamy that I find them a real treat. I have Activia ones which are free in the morning, and use these as a pudding. Love them!

They are stupidly expensive though! I got a few from Tesco earlier but they are 3 for £2. I need to save money but I also think losing weight is more important than that at the moment and at the moment those are a saviour for me!
Had a bit of a change of plan with hexb and a few snacks today. Stupidly had a fizzy lace and a starburst. Doesn't matter too much but bit of a waste! Didn't need the extra cheese either.

B: yoghurts, raspberries
L: leek and potato pie (hexa), yoghurt (2.5), sweet (1)
D: burgers, roll (hexb), salad, beetroots, sweet onions, potato wedges, roast butternut squash, cheese (3), yoghurt (1), sweet (0.5)
S: curly wurly (6)

Daily syns: 14/15
Weekly syns: 52.5/60
Oh god, had such. Long day... I'm so tired! I've just sat down. Left the house at 7:30, lectures from 9-1, library from 1-5, lecture 5-6 and then drove home. Hip kills from all the sitting. Was perfect wit do until about 5. Was starving so went to the shop and they had no fruit! So I got a chocolate bar which was 10 syns. That's fine, within syns. But then needed to drive home at 6 and wouldn't be home til 8 so stopped to get petrol and got a double Milky Way. Felt so tired and weak like I needed it but I really shouldn't have! So that's another 10 syns.

Got home and just gave up. Couldn't be bothered to cook. Was starving, there was no fruit or veg to snack in. Nothing to have cold. So I had a bagel. With low fat spread. But then peanut butter on one half and honey in the other half! Then a bag of hula hoops. Then 2 small choc bars which are 5 syns each. So well over syns now. Bugger!

I'm hoping it'll be ok as it's my first week and those who do the 5:2 diet seem to have up days and down days! Hoping this will speed up my metabolism! Haha... Who am I kidding?!

However... I said no to a cake at costa today. I chose the healthy jacket potato for lunch instead of the fish and chips. I could have been a lot better but also could have been a lot worse!

New day tomorrow. Clearly have learnt that I need to just have some fruit or something in the car as back up, and something cooked ready for when I get in if I have a late end at uni.
Two days to get through before first weigh in. I can do this! Today is a tricky one as I'm staying in a hotel tonight. Got a late finish at uni and an early start tomorrow so treated myself to a hotel!

I'm just writing yesterday off in terms of syns. Not the right way to do it but beat for this week. I think if I tried to make up those syns today and tomorrow ill just struggle having none both days and eat loads!

Having a red day today.

B: banana, 2 x yoghurts, raspberries
L: roll (hexb1), ham, mayo (1), babybel lights (hexa1), crisps (4), yoghurt (1)
D: subway salad, sauces (4), cheese (hexa2), ham, chocolate bar (5).

Should be 15 syns for the day.