Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

Aw how cute is Jess! We all need a Jess! She's right though! Hope you make it through the day! Wish I liked jelly! Would be so handy!! x

I know - Jess is awesome. All you girls are, you always know the right things to say :)

I love jelly - especially with low cal ice cream. I'm guessing it's a texture thing for you? How about those WW fake Angel Delight whip things? They're nice, athough they would use up a HEXA.


Haha thank you! I am just being honest though. Not always great at taking me own advice however :) Everyone is lovely on here xxxx.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh! Such a frustrating day today! Haven't got anything ticked off my to do list! Can't wait to get the heck outta here tonight and home for cuddles with my man! xx
Thanks so much for recommending Quorn. I've been eating it all week in both mince and chicken style varieties...loving it!
Mmm love those little Choc Philly mini tubs, they've stopped selling them in my local Sainsbury's though... boooooo! :( (I would buy the big tubs but I don't think I can be trusted with one once it's open!!) :D x
Still hating my scales this morning as they are STILL 1lb up from WI with just a few more days to go! I really thought I was gonna get the 9s but it's looking unlikely. Ho hum!

Working from home in my onesie today in an effort to get some stuff ticked off my to-do list without being interrupted. Sadly all I've done so far is answer emails and my Blackberry so nothing much productive done yet. But it's still early!

One of my best friends works from home on Friday's too so she's coming over for lunch - looking forward to that. I'm gonna need a break! Also have a carpet fitter coming to measure up as we're having new carpets before we put our house on the market. Going to look at a new one tomorrow so can't wait for that!

Not sure what we're having for dinner tonight so it could be a green or EE day...we'll have to see!

B - Muller Light and a banana
L - Jacket potato with beans and HEXA cheddar with salad (well toms and cucumber...the fridge is bit bare!!)
Snackage - TBC but definitely including a 5-syn Cadbury's Caramel Bunny!

Happy Friday's everyone! xx
Happy Friday Sarah - jel of the onesie! I need to get my hands on a good one but I'm so short that I'm terrified they're all going to be too long on me!

Hope you're feeling a lot better and ignore the scales - it's proven that when you're sick you don't lose as much as your body's fighting to hold on to all it's got! Just stay on plan and the scales will ADORE you next week! x
Haha i look like a teletubby in my onesie. The mum in law (unofficially) got me one and it was big then but now its huuuuuge. I really need to get a new one ;) xxxx
I'm sold on the onesies at last too! Got myself a lovely one from M&S :D x
Just done a lidl run with the boy to stock up on comfort food for a rainy weekend.

Made a green day curry tonight and looking forward to my caramel bunny later.

Tomorrow we've got leek and pea risotto for dinner and then Dave's doing a sw roast on Sunday. Bliss!!

Thank heavens it's the weekend! I'm totally cream crackered!!xx

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Me too I'm looking forward to my two days off. I went straight to tesco after work and realised when I got there that I didn't have any money, turns out I forgot my handbag in work! I'm so stupid. I'm going to have to go in in the morning so no bedtime reading either as my Kindle is in it too grrr!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend though xx
Me too I'm looking forward to my two days off. I went straight to tesco after work and realised when I got there that I didn't have any money, turns out I forgot my handbag in work! I'm so stupid. I'm going to have to go in in the morning so no bedtime reading either as my Kindle is in it too grrr!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend though xx

Oh no! What a nightmare! At least you can rescue it tomorrow :) xx

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Oh no, what are they saying hun? xx
Still on plan but had a busy day!

B - Alpen light at hairdressers
L - carrot & corriander soup with 3 crispbread and scraping light Philly
D - leek and pea risotto with Parmesan
Snacks - glass of prosecco (4), caramel bunny (5)

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