Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

Oh girls, I am such a rubbish slimmer at the mo. I was doing so well this morning but then the most incredible chocolate cake in the world appeared on the desk next to us and I couldn't resist. I think I need my jaw wired!!!! xxx
I was going to do a fast day today, Lil. I'm just so weak at the moment...I hate it when I'm like this. I do my own head in!!!

Pip - I'm totally with you on that. Dave and I just so easily slip into our naughty ways of a bottle of wine with dinner etc.

It's only Monday can still be a good week! Going down to Tesco now to get a salad-y option :) xxx
I have to confess I didn't yoga this weekend - I felt like I spent most of the weekend either doing housework or drinking wine, but will do double tonight and tomorrow to catch up :)

Well Tesco hadn't had their delivery of salads - so annoying! So I went for a chicken salad sandwich on WM bread and some popcorn. Much better choices than I was making at the end of last week! Total approx 400 cals.

Morning girls!

Just wanted to give you a migraine update - went to the docs this morning and she was absolutely lovely. Lisa, Belle, you were absolutely right about the beta-blockers and I'm giving them a try to see how I get on. Taking a very low dose to start with as I'm still a bit nervous of them, but both the doc and the pharmacist were singing their praises! The pharmacy at Tesco was great too - they are going to give me a call in a week to see how I'm feeling and answer any questions I've got. I thought that was really nice - have never come across that service before!

I'm on a couple of training courses today so trying to fit in food inbetween and it's my parents' anniversary today so we are out for dinner tonight:
B - Belvita yog crunch and a banana
L - Sweet chilli chicken salad with Walkers Baked
D - (Beefeater) - Paprike chicken with jacket spud and salad

Fingers crossed lovely lady that they work and you can get back to living life to the full again without migraine fear!

Just keep trying with food. You'll still never go back to how you once were and you need to remember that xxxx.
Your docs and pharmacy sound lovely, wish they were like that here!
hope the beta blockers work for you and you start to feel yourself again.
Have a nice day training!
You girls are so awesome. Feeling super happy and positive after this morning - had a good chat to my boss too and she is being lovely, so that's a big weight off too.

I have SO much to catch up on diary wise! Will try and have a read a bit later xxxx
Hey lovely, really pleased to hear it went well with the Drs and hope that your meds help like they think they will.

You do so amazingly well with your calorie counting and a few yummy treats. I'm sure you can recover from this morning and if not then damage limitation with dins and tomorrow is another day :) xxx