Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

Thanks Caz. Actually decided to WI in a day early in the end as we're having issues with our bathroom at the mo and there will most likely be a plumber ripping it apart tomorrow so no room for me and my scales! lol.

2lbs off this week and I'm absolutely delighted!

How was your weekend? xx
2lb great stuff!! Weekend was lovely thanks, OH was away at Download so had house to myself but had a works summer party on Saturday and I slightly over indulged on the hogroast, ramroast, meringue nests and cheese board but I saved all my hexa's, hexb's and syns so I don't think it was too bad....I managed a 3/4lb loss even after my hagen daaz binge so really pleased with that!

How was your weekend? xx
Did the OH enjoy Download? A few of my friends came back early because their cars were sinking so deep into the mud! The AA had to come and rescue them!

Works parties are always challenging when you're trying to be good, but sounds like you made good choices so I'm sure it won't hold you back.

Our Saturday was lovely - went to the South of England Show where we spent the morning looking at lovely craft bits, jewellery, yummy food (I was very good though, only sampled HEXA cheese and brought steak for dinner on Saturday evening!) and garden stuff. Yesterday was a bit of a nightmare - we seem to have a blockage in our plumbing so OH and Dad spent the day ripping the bathroom apart and climbing down manholes trying to find the cause of the problem! Which sadly, they couldn't so think we've got a plumber coming tomorrow to cause even more chaos! All good fun though! lol xx
Just been sat in a very long boring meeting and got thinking about syns - I keep a tally on my desk of how many I've had each day and it seems that I get my best losses when I keep them under 60 a week (so around 8 per day). That's what I'm going to aim for this week and see how I get on. If I carry on as I am, I should hit my 1 stone in time for my work trip to Jo'burg, which will be fab!
He loved it and managed to avoid the car park as we have a friend that lives locally thank goodness, I saw some terrible pictures of the mud!

Your Saturday sounds lovely, It's so nice to get out and do something a bit different :)

Plumbing drama does not sound fun, I'm straight on the phone to my dad if anything like that happens!

Could be on to something with your syns, let me know if it works. I rarely go over 10 a day on average but feeling a bit down today so might have some sneaky chocolate later....

Ps. Congrats on that loss, clearly shredding was holding you back!! xx
Plumbing drama definitely not fun and still ongoing. Got the OH and the Daddy on the case though so sure they'll sort it soon!

Did you have a little choccie fix last night? Sometimes they're definitely needed! I had a few little Cadbury's caramel bunnies left from Easter, and at 5 syns, they're ideal! Just run out of them so got some Freddos instead.

I was pretty synful yesterday - had about 12 - but that's pretty unusual for me unless we're out for dinner or whatever. Mind you, I made 5 syn garlic bread but didn't eat it all as I was too full (to OH's delight!) so he finished it off so I suppose it was probably around the 10 mark, which isn't bad. Having a Fab lolly in front of the TV last night was rather lovely - hadn't had one for years! Definitely worth 4.5 syns!

So today:
B - Muller Light with strawberries
L - couscous, leftover tomato, onion and herb salad with spinach tossed through and some dry fried bacon (cooked too much for carbonara last night!), Alpen Light (1/2 HEXB)
D - Chicken, spinach and sweet potato curry with wholegrain rice
Snacks - banana, 17g Alpen Light (1/2 HEXB), 2 pink wafers (4 syns), 28g extra strong cheddar with a breadstick (2 syns) - YUM!!! (HEXA)
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Not really, been having a milky bar with my lunch every day at work and that generally keeps the cravings at bay and I had a square of my hidden galaxy stash but for 1 syn per square it's just not worth it really!!

Hope your bathroom gets sorted soon, our shower leaked a while ago and we had no vinyl down for 6 weeks only bare concrete and it was hell as the cats kept getting stuck under the shower cubicle, monkies!! Lol xx
Yeah we've got the bath side panel just sort of wedged against the bath at the moment and the cat is obsessed with getting in there! A few years back when my Dad came round to do some work, she got in behind the bath panel and he screwed it back on before he realised she was in there! He had to unscrew it all again to get her out but she wasn't fussed at all - I think she wanted to stay in there because it was warm and dark. They're such funny creatures, aren't they!

Ooh I haven't had a Milky Bar for years! That might have to be a new addition to my treat box. At the moment it's just Freddos and pink wafers - I think I need more variety! Was looking at the syns list last night and Nice biscuits, Lincolns and Malted Milks are all 2 syns and perfect for tea dunking, in my book! I do like to curl up in the evening with my Kindle, a nice cup of tea and a little treat! xx
Ooh scales this morning are looking good for tomorrow's WI! And I'm wearing a skirt I haven't worn for nearly a year and it does up comfortably again. Whoop whoop!

I was asked yesterday to be a bridesmaid for one of my best friends in March next year so that's another massive bit of motivation to get down to a size 12 dress! Don't think I'll ever be a size 10 but I'll be more than happy as a svelte size 12!

Hi hun, I have the same problem I will never be a perfect 10 and im at target lol
Well done for getting to target my lovely! That's amazing!

I know being 'big boned' is a cliché, but I honestly thing my hips and ribcage are too big to fit into a size 10!

As long as I'm a proper size 12 (i.e. I can go into most shops and a 12 will fit!), I'll be more than happy. 10 stone will take me to that, so my target is just under to give me a bit of flexibility!

The wedding is in March so now all I've got to do is work out when I can go for my first fitting - I don't want it to be too soon or I'll be a 14 and I definitely WON'T be wearing a 14 in March next year! xx
Driving to Leicester with work tomorrow (very long day of watching one of our magazines go on press - lots of waiting around and no doubt lots of temptation!) so being extra organised with my food to make sure I stay comfortably on the wagon!

B - Muller Light with strawberries
L - rice salad with 2 Quorn sausages (2 syns), carrots, peas, cauliflower and broccoli plus extra low fat mayo and whole grain mustard (1.5 syns)
D - no idea what time I'll get home so it'll probably be anything I can quickly nibble on - might get OH to do me a little tasting plate of crudites (cucumber, carrots and peppers) with my HEXA of extra strong cheddar and 2 breadsticks (4 syns)
Snacks - Alpen Light (1/2 HEXB, 15g Bran Flakes (1/2 HEXB), Banana
B - Rubarb Muller Light with strawberries, 15g Bran Flakes (1/2 HEXB)
L - crudites (peppers, cucumber, carrots), 2 breadsticks (4 syns), 1 Babybel Light (1/3 HEXA)
D - jacket potato with spicy baked beans and 2/3 HEXA worth of extra strong cheddar, side salad
Snacks - banana, Alpen light (1/2 HEXB), pink wafer (2 syns)
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Hope the work thing wasn't too bad! I'm really craving some strong cheddar after reading your diary lol.

Had a really stressful couple of days, one of my cats got attacked by a stray (for the second time) and is covered in puncture holes from the bites so had to whisk him off to the vets for pain killers and antibiotic jabs and then my car failed it's MOT yesterday which including the full service it had is going to cost £1000 to fix - ahhhhh!!

But OH passed his last accountancy exam today so some good news for a change.....
Oh what a nightmare! I can sympathise with the random stress - we had someone round to check our drain problems this morning and £350 later we now know we have roots growing into the drains underneath the house £1500 worth of work apparently. We should be able to get it back on the insurance, but we've already got an open claim for the fire so it's going to be hassle!

Must be one of those weeks, mustn't it! Hope your kitty is ok, poor thing. I bet he's feeling sorry for himself :(

Congrats to hubby though, that's great news! My OH is training to be an IFA so I know the feeling!

We got some amazing cheese last weekend at the Show, so I've been using it as some of my HEXA's this week - it's so strong it just crumbles when you cut it - amazing! Got a pickled onion one too which will make amazing cheese on toast. Might make it on Saturday with my HEXA and HEXB! Om nom nom!

Oh no the bad luck really is with us this year, my department at work have had so much bad news this year between us I swear 2012 is cursed!!

Kitty is feeling much better thanks but it will probably happen again because they just don't stick up for themselves. Him and his brother weigh 12kg combined but they're such scardy cats!!

I love cheese, It's my biggest weakness after chocolate.

Hope your house problems get sorted soon hun xx
Today's nosh:

B - Muller Light with strawberries, 15g bran flakes (1/2 HEXB)
L - small jacket spud with HEXA cheese, plus salad with extra light mayo (1 syn)
D - chicken curry (onions, peppers, mushrooms) with dhal (spinach), little bit of rice and a Tesco Light Choices naan (7.5 syns) - sadly they didn't have any WW ones!
Snacks - banana, Alpen Light (1/2 HEXB)
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Out for brekkie this morning but stayed on plan :) poached eggs, baked beans, grilled bacon (fat removed) and wholemeal toast (hexb) with a cup of black earl grey. Perfect start to the weekend.