Sassy's Diary


New Member
Isn't it amazing how photos of a special occasion; you know the type, the ones you can't avoid, seem to have such an impact that even though you have known for a long time you needed to change, now becomes the time.

Well for me it was pictures of my sisters wedding, and the fact that despite having my bridesmaid dress 6 months in advance, I still failed to fit into it, (in fact I got bigger) and had to go buy another dress that didnt match.

So here I am.

A year ago I was my ideal weight and loving it. I could waltz into clothes shops and buy what I wanted and they always had my size, and it always looked good. I had confidence and loved being around people and out and about.

Now I have almost become recluse and I am fed up of hearing my excuses and justifying it.


Friday was my turning point, so I weighed myself


All weekend I have been so good. I have stopped drinking coke, it is my biggest vice and I was easily slugging down 2 litres of it a day, sometimes more. I know I will be grouchy, moody and have headaches till I get it out of my system but it has to be done. That is 800+ cals a day I dont need.

After the weekend of no coke, much smaller meals and no junk food I have already dropped 2lbs which is great. The weight always falls off to begin with and then gets tough.

My plan is to stick to small, frequent, healthy meals. I am also planning to start walking.

I used to walk 12 km a day and now I walk 0!!!

There is a great 8.5km walk from my house right round in a big circle that I have to start doing. Once the kids are back at school next week I will try to do it everyday. :eek:
Very proud of myself yesterday.

Soup for lunch and a very small portion of spaghetti bolognase for dinner.

I also had a bag of crisps in the evening but they were only 75cals and considering what I would normally pile in that is going great.

I have stuck to just drinking 7UP Free or tea so no coke at all which I am over the moon about.

I have decided that my first goal will be to get to 70kg by first week of October, that will be tough going but no reason why I can't if i try hard enough.