Step 1 Sole Source + Saturday night out :-(


Full Member
Hey there.

I've been on sole source + for a week now, I have lost about 7lb so feeling really positive. I'm going out tonight for a bday party and was just wondering what I can drink. I'm not too bothered about drinking alcohol, but I'm wondering what soft drinks will be ok, and if spirits such as vodka or gin will affect my loss. Not sure if I'm ketotic yet, although I understand the risks of drinking in ketosis. However just want to have one or two just be sociable really.
Drinking alcohol in ketosis would be a really stupid thing to do. So stupid that it could kill you. Please don't do it. If you HAVE to drink you HAVE to come right out of ketosis first. This diet is about making sacrifices and deciding how much you want to succeed.
Completely agree. One of the best nights of my life recently... Over 6st lighter, full of energy, danced like a nutter at a gig, made new friends, loved every second of it... And all I drank was water :D
Hehehe - have water and pretend it's vodka! :D I saw an awesome piccy the other day that said, if you feel left out when your friends smoke and you don't, bring sparklers to social gatherings so you can ask for a light! :D Same principal, hehehe xD Be safe and have fun :D and well done so far! :D
Haha thanks :). When I said about being sociable I just meant as an alternative to explain to my unsupportuve friends why I'm not drinking....I figured just to stick to coke zero and pretend it's got vodka in :)

Thanks for all your advice. I would like to make clear I would only ever drink two maximum alc drinks if I felt when out. As I said I am aware of the dangers of drinking in ketosis (I'm a medical professional) and Also aware of how much alc would need to be taken to impact on the body when in a ketotic state. It was more just a wondering of how it could impact on my weight loss....which obviously Is not a priority when considering putting your body at risk, but I would never drink enough to pose a risk. Hope everyone has a nice weekend :) x
Even 2 drinks can make you really ill. Weve had so many people on minis who were going to have just one drink etc and have either ended up really ill or had the most horrific hangover. One person argued for days and basically said no shed be fine. Came back very sheepishly and admitted to being completely ill on the night and she couldn't get out of bed for over 24 hours. All the reading in the world isn't going to tell you how YOUR body will react its not an exact science