ProPoints **Saturday Stunners**

karen82 said:
hi guys can i join your group? i started ww on sat. getting married in july and stupidly ordered a size 10wedding dress when i have always been a 12!!!so the pressure is on. tried counting ckals but didnt lose much do really hoping ww will work. i am 11.6 just now and really hope i can get down to 10.7 4 my wedding and the hen weekend in ibiza :) x

I think you will achieve it if you stick to it definitely. Good luck! :-D
thanks guys! i went to nandos tonight and got a salad instead of spicy chips!! So really hoping lose on sat xx
How's everyone feeling about weigh in tomorrow? I'm hoping for something decent cause I've worked really hard this week. I would be happy with 2lbs off but ideally 3lbs off lol.
Im nervous like every week haha. I feel alot slimmer but havent exercised this week so who knows. Im aiming for a lb! Xx
first week on it so hoping to lose 2/3 pounds. i have stuck to my points but feel like i have ate loads!! fingers crossed x
I'm getting weighed after a 4lb gain last week! So fingers crossed I'm back on it x

My 4lb gain was due to 2 weeks of eating :/ x lol x
Hmmmm I'm not sure how I'll do tomorrow! I don't know why because I've stayed within points and done three lots of exercise again this week but I just have a feeling I'll have a STS or have put weight on! Hmmm...hope not! x
Good luck Stunners xxx
Woooo...2lbs off today! I'm so pleased - thought I might start to plateau so I'm really happy this morning! ?

Good luck to the rest of you! xxx
That's brill Chelley - well done! How much have you lost altogether? x
Lost 5lbs this week. Wooohoo :D
That's brill ... Propoints is brill isn't it...I'm on 6.5lb in 19 days! :)
lost 3lb!! woohoo! had a subway,nandos and a mcds this week(all in my points allowance though)!! love ww! well done to everyone else xx