Say something about the person above you

Is discovering his new slim self and banishing the old fat guy within :D
^^^ Has great taste in pants!!

B x
Is lovely and caring, and super motivated. And my inspiration for doing this diet.
ah boo posted at the same time as Beki!
Needs to put his scales away. Now.

Bossy? don't know what you mean?!
Is more than 2/3 of the way to her target goal!!
can nearly fit in her size
14 jeans!
daisy x
Is going to go to her friends 40th birthday and will be bring a bar along lol

Louale x
^ is week behind me! ;-)

(went to my mates last weekend, and yes took my bar with me, well remembered!)
daisy x
has a "relaxed" my mood today :)
Is going to an interview today good luck
Is going to Mexico in just over a month, lucky thang!