scales not moving :(

It's not Minimins you need to avoid. It's the scales. You clearly arent someone who can ignore the daily results. Do yourself a favour PLEASE and put them away
How big we're those people who lost 8 pounds in week one? Etc.

Ever watch the Biggest Loser? Sure someone who has over 8 stone to lose will drop a lot fast. That stored fat also holds water.

You are pretty close to a healthy weight (unless you are not very tall at all) and the weight WILL come off more slowly.

You need fewer calories to maintain at the weight you are, you burn fewer calories moving the body weight you have about, and as you approach your healthy weight range your body will go into "survival mode" and become very efficient.

Drink your water VERY cold. That and Iced GREEN tea will boost your metabolism.

If you decide to exercise - make it interval type training and do it as early as possible in the day so you benefit from the increased metabolic boost.

Also gets enough sleep and try to destress as a lack of sleep and stress are things can lead to weight gain.

AND STOP SCALE HOPPING. Pick a morning - mine's Monday - and weigh at the same time, in the same clothes on the same scale. A lot of people go weigh at a BOOTS. Moving a scale can through if out of calibration. You are better off using one at a pharmacy, gym of doctors office.
How big we're those people who lost 8 pounds in week one? Etc.

Ever watch the Biggest Loser? Sure someone who has over 8 stone to lose will drop a lot fast. That stored fat also holds water.

You are pretty close to a healthy weight (unless you are not very tall at all) and the weight WILL come off more slowly.

You need fewer calories to maintain at the weight you are, you burn fewer calories moving the body weight you have about, and as you approach your healthy weight range your body will go into "survival mode" and become very efficient.

Drink your water VERY cold. That and Iced GREEN tea will boost your metabolism.

If you decide to exercise - make it interval type training and do it as early as possible in the day so you benefit from the increased metabolic boost.

Also gets enough sleep and try to destress as a lack of sleep and stress are things can lead to weight gain.

AND STOP SCALE HOPPING. Pick a morning - mine's Monday - and weigh at the same time, in the same clothes on the same scale. A lot of people go weigh at a BOOTS. Moving a scale can through if out of calibration. You are better off using one at a pharmacy, gym of doctors office.

That's really useful advice MinnieMel. Especially about ice-cold water, iced green tea and interval training. Thank you cos I'm going to give these a try. Not a fan of green tea though. It's definitely harder to shed when you are closer to what your body perceives as its "normal" tickers tell my story :)
Thanks, i don't want to sound mad, but ive smashed my scales as ive tried hiding them but find them, and i cant ignore them :(

I'm not going to buy more (like i planned) but im going to go to boots to weigh in x

ive never had green tea, ill try it.
I mix my green 50/50 with sugar free lemonade. Citric acid has never affected my weight loss and the lemon really curbs my appetite.
Iced green tea would go down really well right about now. Added green tea bags to my shopping list, thanks for the idea
You are welcomed. :)
nicnak100777 said:
Oh liking the tip of the cold water, I always drink mine at room temperature, will be trying that this week :)

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If I drink it ice cold I will have to consume it on the loo as it goes strait through!! Lol, maybe too much info there!

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All this drinking and therefore trips to the loo are great for me as its a long walk through my office to get there, means i am racking up lots of steps every time. odd way to get more walking into my day i know but when youre stuck at a desk for 9 hours a day every little helps!
I copied this from Surfhunny's diary and thought I'd share it with you.

Well I found something that I've had saved on my phone for times exactly like this, I've read it again and it makes me feel a bit better:

Fat cells are resilient, stubborn little creatures that do not want to give up their actual cell volume. Over a period of weeks, maybe months of "proper dieting", each of your fat cells may have actually lost a good percentage of the actual fat contained in those cells. But the fat cells themselves, stubborn little guys, replace that lost fat with water to retain their size. That is, instead of shrinking to match the reduced amount of fat in the cell, they stay the same size! Result - you weigh the same, look the same, maybe even gained some scale weight, even though you have actually lost some serious fat.

The good news is that this water replacement is temporary. It's a defensive measure to keep your body from changing too rapidly. It allows the fat cell to counter the rapid change in cell composition, allowing for a slow, gradual reduction in cell size. The problem is, most people are frustrated with their apparent lack of success, assume they have lost nothing, and stop dieting.
However, if you give those fat cells some time, and ignore the scale weight fluctuations, your real weight/shape will slowly begin to show. The moral of the story - be patient! Your body is changing even if the number on the scale isn't.

A priority of the human body is survival. Anything that threatens its survival results in the cascade of events to maintain the previous status quo. Water fluctuations are one way the body does this. Brain tells body to produce and release that vasopressin antidiuretic hormone....more water is retained, and no weight loss noticed. Fat loss is still occuring, because ketosis is firmly established and appetite supression is in effect...but water retention is hiding that continuing fat loss. The body is preventing dehydration with this mechanism, and that's a *good* thing.
From the perspective of the scale, it can be discouraging. Which is why the mantra: Water retention masks fat loss (repeated frequently to oneself ) is helpful. Water retention will mask ongoing fat-loss for as long as the body retains the water. We can combat this by drinking more water.

So don't use the scale as an excuse to undermine your progress. Even when the scale is in a stall, fat loss can be occuring.
Starlight said:
Wed really be as well just pouring it straight down the loo to be honest. Cut out the middleman lol

I'm feeling guilty about all trees sacrificed for my loo roll!!!
that is a really motivating bit of info Mel, thank you for sharing. stubborn little blighters those fat cells arent they?!
MinnieMel, you've made my day, and maybe even my week...