Scary.... funny turn!! Help!


has lying hips
Well I just had what I think might be commonly called a "funny turn".

Getting out of my bath it felt like all the blood rushed to my head - but not the same as when you suddenly get dizzy.. a bit different. Anyway, I kept thinking I was going to pass out and had to keep getting down on the floor because I was scared. Also I felt very nauseous like I was going to throw up.

I'm ok now, although still a little bit wobbly.

Anyone got any idea what's going on?

My BP is normally fine (although I have had episodes of high BP in the past), but last reading it was very normal (lower reading 76 I think).

It was a bit scary to be honest. I'm supposed to be going out soon and I'm a bit scared in case it happens again. :(
Hi if you feel ok now stand up and see if you get dizzy, It could be that you have been in the bath for a while and your body temperature has gone a little high and when you got out it was a little confused.. That happens sometimes. If you have suffered from high bp then you know the wrning signs headache etc, If this feeling doesn't go away then I recommend giving your gp a call just to make sure- I don't know what diet your on but if its a vlcd it can sometimes be a side effect- i've been dizzy on and off all day and I know its because I havn't taken enough water today. I'm sorry to be so vague but I don't have enough info to be precise. I guess someone will have answered you by now and my apologies if i've repeated anything. I hope you feel better and you have a good night. Please let us know your ok later.
I'm on LL.

I've never experienced anything like this before to be honest. My BP has largely been normal so I've never experienced any symptons related to blood pressure. I have heard that dizziness can be a sympton of low blood pressure so maybe my BP went a bit low or something?
YEs I'm fine. I little bit anxious.. but basically ok. I might give my counsellor a call though for reassurance.

Thanks for all your replies. It was just wierd unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I have had a pretty major problem with panic attacks in the past - but this was completely different! :confused:
Hi hun

I had a couple of episodes of this during this diet but only just after too much exercising - like going to aerobics three days consecutively!!

I felt sooo sick, light headed etc - and completely craved sugar - in fact one night i had to send my sis out in her pyjamas to get me a bottle of lucozade!! And it made all the difference!! Felt better instantly!
Hi hun

I had a couple of episodes of this during this diet but only just after too much exercising - like going to aerobics three days consecutively!!

I felt sooo sick, light headed etc - and completely craved sugar - in fact one night i had to send my sis out in her pyjamas to get me a bottle of lucozade!! And it made all the difference!! Felt better instantly!

I would have thought that but I've done the opposite of my usual routine (cycling and swimming etc) and spent the last 3 days on my backside on the bed watching TV (apart from badminton last night)! I've just been berating myself for being such a lazy beeeeatch!! :D
I have those kind of funny turns about 2 out of 7 mornings since being on LL and discussed it with my GP. he said it was my body getting used to lower blood pressure and lower blood sugars but not to worry. I have to get out of bed really slowly...and of course I forget, leap out and go dizzy ! Hot baths are notorious for pushing up your blood pressure so maybe it was that. Hope your ok now.
I reckon it is that Magic! Very strange feeling.... horrible - I was butt naked on all fours on the floor in the bathroom trying not to throw up and having this horrific image of being found wet, clammy and naked on the floor of the bathroom by one of my lodgers.... :eek:
I had this too a few months ago. I was at a salon getting a manicure and pedicure and they had my hands and feet wrapped up, and under heat... well I started to feel very funny - dizzy and sick, and apparently I turned white, and then fainted briefly. They fed me some lucozade and i was ok within 5 or 10 minutes. I was really worried too as I have never fainted before, but it hasn't happened again since, so I'm sure it's just one of those things. It seems that heat is the common theme, so maybe it was the combination of hot bath and cool shower as some others have said.
Hope you feel better soon x