Secret Eaters

I was feeling slightly guilty about eating a choc phillie pot!!!!

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I've never seen it - must have a look!
I'm catching up on it on 40D now, what shocks me is I had a bad weekend as I was away and just ate what I wanted, I thought I'd been really bad but I wasn't half as bad as what these are on a day to day basis.
I love this show.
I went to my first sw class last night (just wanted to get the books etc) and brought two friends with me. Before we went in to class one of the friends said she didn't understand why she isn't losing weight as she eats healthily. I went on a wild raving rant about how super this show is especially showing hidden calories etc. she changed her tune sharpish!
I love this show! I've been watching every week and their reactions always amaze me. I love how someone always claims that they aren't eating enough...I mean seriously, without meaning to be harsh, you don't get to that size by not eating enough!
I love this show! I've been watching every week and their reactions always amaze me. I love how someone always claims that they aren't eating enough...I mean seriously, without meaning to be harsh, you don't get to that size by not eating enough!

I do agree with you but in some cases I do think this is the case. My dad for example will go the whole day without eating then have a meal at night and supper, maybe a biscuit or a cake if mum has been up the town & he is overweight but it is all in the belly - typical man style, chicken legs and a belly!!!! Dont get me wrong there will be some days when he may have a couple of rolls through the day if he is not busy but majority of time it is evening meals only!! I have tried to get him to at least eat something in the morning but he wont prepare anything for himself as he is up and out!!!!

In the case of the people in the show it is clearly a denial thing. The girl in this weeks show clearly had denial problems if she went to McDs ate everything then got a take away for dinner and then hid everything from her OH, this is clearly someone who needed this programme!!! Good luck to them all as they seemed really shocked by the outcome!
Some people genuinely don't understand though. Like the lady with the Mayo.
I know people who will have a Greggs sausage roll thinking its healthier than a burger from McDs, when actually it can be worse.
Then there's the calories in a Latte and muffin .... Astronomical! You can't 'be honest with yourself' if you don't know these things.
Shirleen said:
Some people genuinely don't understand though. Like the lady with the Mayo.
I know people who will have a Greggs sausage roll thinking its healthier than a burger from McDs, when actually it can be worse.
Then there's the calories in a Latte and muffin .... Astronomical! You can't 'be honest with yourself' if you don't know these things.

Yes I agree with that and I know people who genuinely are confused about what is healthy...including myself (although have a better understanding since starting SW). But I fail to see how someone who eats that much chocolate (the mum) or that much McDonalds (the daughter) can say they are healthy. Must be denial which is quite sad really but I suppose that's the idea of the programme and it's nice to see them turn it around