Secret Slimming in Paris

I'll catch up properly in a bit, just want to note down food quickly.

I'm having a guilt-free green day!

Breakfast: banana & FFNY with dusting of cinnamon
Lunch: pasta salad (pasta, tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, grated carrots, green beans, mushrooms, peppers, capers, olives (1syn) and mozzarella (HEA1) on a bed of lettuce
Snacks: banana, yoghurts
Dinner: actifried chips (oil=HEB1) beans and a pile of steamed veg
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To be honest Patty I've never tried freezing it before but seeing it in the cupboard was driving me crazy! Yes, I freezed it in spoon sized portions...we'll see how it turns out! In F's country they use peanut butter to make savoury dishes which is why F's Mum sent it over really, not so that I would just eat it by the spoon!

My last appointment went well and although I was looking forward to it being over I now feel as though I've got a big blank space in front of me. I'm sure Clevins will find a way to keep me busy though! I must book the ferry back to England today - I'm sooo excited!

Yesterday was a good if busy day again! One of Fabien's cousins dropped FiL off at ours at midday ish so that we could give him the things we'd bought for him, MiL and SiL (the one who is still in Central African Republic). F left work early so we could drive him to the airport. We spent about 2 hours in the airport as when we got there F and FiL seemed to know just about everyone who was getting on his flight. F always told me how huge his family is and it doesn't help that F calls even distant cousins or friends 'brother'! I then took F to basketball and we got stuck in major traffic. By the time I got Clevins home it was bath & bed time!

I've gone for another green day! I think I'm getting good at them though, at LEAST half my plate was superfree at lunch AND dinner!
Breakfast: orange & yoghurt
Lunch: leftover pasta salad from yesterday and loads of lettuce
Snacks: 16 peanuts (HEB1) yoghurt, frozen fruit salad: raspberries, blueberries & pineapple
Dinner: SW cheese & onion pie (cheese = HEA) with loads of crunchy salad

We've had a pretty relaxed day, we went for a walk this afternoon and I stopped at the fancy supermarket and got celeriac (I don't think I've ever even tasted it before never mind cooked it but it's yummy & versatile according to Jamie Oliver so we'll give it a go), butternut squash light babybels and light Philadelphia.

I've just booked the ferry for our trip back to the UK! I'm sooo excited! A little less excited about the loooong drive I have in front of me but it'll be worth it!
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Sounds like a very busy day indeed! Glad you had a quieter one to catch up :)

And well done on a great Green Day! I've really got in to EE days and I feel like Green is cheating a bit. I never thought I'd say that!!!
I've never had celeriac either, but I can't stand celery, so kinda been avoiding it on purpose. I hate celery so much just touching it to give to the rabbits makes me feel sick! :( There aren't many veggies I don't like! I wanted butternut squash yesterday but Morrison's had run out of the prepared stuff. I refuse to wrestle with a whole butternut squash LOL!

Very exciting about booking your trip home. How long is the drive to the ferry??x
Well done on mastering Green days.

Funnily enough, the only time I ever have celeriac is in France when I buy the tubs of grated celeriac in a sort of mayo dressing. It's lovely, and a totally different texture to celery. I don't think it tastes anything like celery either, although it is from the same family. I only buy prepared BNS too - it's far too hard to deal with, which is the same reason why I don't buy celeriac.

Woo to booking the ferry. Yes, it's a long journey from the south coast up north. Can you break the journey at a Travelodge or similar>
Kelly, can I ask what you do differently on a EE day, being a vegetarian, other than having fewer HEs? I've never seen pre-prepared butternut squash over here but I do have a very good knife!

It'll take us about 3 hours to get to Calais but we're allowing more time as it'll be the school holidays over here, and then 6 hours to get up north but we'll have frequent stops to give Clevins a break too!

We did consider doing it in two legs, Patty, but I think I'd prefer to just get it over with. It should be easier on the way back as my Mum is coming so she can drive some of the way.

Back to red today! I'm struggling with a PB craving, I've defrosted one spoonful but I'd really love another...

Breakfast: yoghurt
Lunch: yummy tuna salad: lettuce, spinach, peppers, red onion, carrots, capers, cherry tomtoes, olives (1syn), boiled egg & tuna mixed with FFNY and chives
Snacks: 1 spoon PB (3 syns), frozen fruit (raspberries, pineapple & blueberries)
Dinner: pork chop, celeriac mash, steamed yellow carrots, orange carrots, green beans & red pepper
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Hey Sophie!
I eat even more superfree on EE days, which is an achievement considering how much I eat anyway lol. And yes, less healthy extra's, so I have to think about my food and not rely on bread and cereal. I'm hardly eating any bread at the moment. It's a pain for me buying bread because I buy the small loaves and my Mum wont eat them, so I can sometimes throw away half a loaf, and I HATE wasting food.

What a long, long drive!! Is some of it at least pretty???

Good luck with the peanut butter cravings. I'm still trying to ignore the tubs in our cupboards ;) x
I lost 2 kgs!! Despite havingsome of Fs pizza on friday night! What a relief!! It's really motivating seeing the scales go down, I hope I can stay fully on track this week.

Happy Easter everyone! xx
Hope everyone has had a good Easter! I've had a busy weekend with F and C but have been good food wise and stuck well within my syns until yesterday evening. The sun was shining yesterday afternoon so we went to a local café for a drink in the Sun and I overdosed on peanuts. It turns out I must have a peanut intolerance as a few hours later I had really bad cramps and diarrhoea and it lasted all night :( . Thinking about it I had a sore tummy after eating the PB last week so I won't be touching it again!

I'm having a stodgy green day today to hopefully get rid of it!

I started couch 2 5k again yesterday and felt really awesome! I don't know how easy it will be to keep up with it with having C to think about (I can't run with him so need to go before F goes to work) so we'll see.

Breakfast: sweet rice & bananas
Lunch: chips, beans & egg
I'm really struggling! I can't seem to get my head in the game. I've just eaten far too many raisins which are full of sugar and now I feel sick. Why do I do this??! I wonder if I'll ever get my groove back...
Ooh - I'm not sure whether or not that's good news about the peanuts. if you see what I mean! Well done on getting back to the running; that's quite an achievement.

I'm sorry you're struggling today. We all have days like that when nothing seems to satisfy and I can go on eating even though I'm feeling sick. It can be a relief to get to bedtime on days like that. Is the weather nice enough for you to go out for a walk with Clevins? That might be just the distraction you need. Good luck.
Hey Sophie!
Glad to hear you had a lovely Easter :)

A shame about the peanuts :( Hope your tummy is a bit better today! Oh and I can think of much worse things to overeat than raisins! I know dried fruit isn't great on SW or for sugar, but better than cake/chocolate/cheese/etc... So don't be too hard on yourself! I struggle a lot with the measly portion of dried fruit on SW because I love it. But I do find getting the little snack boxes of raisins everywhere makes for kids really handy, they're usually 14g so 2 syns :)
Hi ladies!

Patty, it is definitely a good thing for the peanuts! I won't be tempted by the PB any more!

I have figured out though why I've been feeling so funny over the last few days, a bit snacky and moody and a bit self hating - the TOTM came this morning, for the first time in a year! I feel like I can be a bit kinder on myself now that I've figured out the reason for wanting sugary/comfort foods.

Yesterday was a bit of a write off, my main meals were really good but I snacked on the raisins...and then a mini rocher....and then went and bought a cake from the patisserie...

On the plus side Clevins & I did so lots of walking yesterday (well I did the walking, Clevins slept), we had a 2 hour walk in the morning and did another hour in the afternoon which is when I cracked for the cake!

I'll try and be better today with the snacks but I am going out for brunch with a friend so I don't know how things will turn out!
Hi ladies!

Patty, it is definitely a good thing for the peanuts! I won't be tempted by the PB any more!

I have figured out though why I've been feeling so funny over the last few days, a bit snacky and moody and a bit self hating - the TOTM came this morning, for the first time in a year! I feel like I can be a bit kinder on myself now that I've figured out the reason for wanting sugary/comfort foods.

Yesterday was a bit of a write off, my main meals were really good but I snacked on the raisins...and then a mini rocher....and then went and bought a cake from the patisserie...

On the plus side Clevins & I did so lots of walking yesterday (well I did the walking, Clevins slept), we had a 2 hour walk in the morning and did another hour in the afternoon which is when I cracked for the cake!

I'll try and be better today with the snacks but I am going out for brunch with a friend so I don't know how things will turn out!

Hey Hun

I just wanted to thank you for your little 'prod' on my diary, it has got me up and running again - so thank you :thankyouthankyou:

Sophie, I think you are being a little hard on yourself - don't write yesterday off, I bet if you counted the syns out, it wasn't that much - plus like Cheeky said, at least it was dried fruit and not bad stuff. Just be good today and keep your syns low and then you should balance yourself out. Plus that 2 hour walk must have helped.

You are doing really well so far, 5kg in two weeks is fantastic!

Hehe I love how you walk and Clevins sleeps! Enjoy it while you can, it wont be long before he's running rings round you ;)

It makes me laugh when I'm out with the dogs and you see people carrying dogs or have them in buggies or bags. They have legs!! LOL!

Hope you have a nice brunch today :) I bet having a period is very very odd after it been gone for a year? Hope it's not too bad.xx
I've gone off the rails! I've lost my mojo! I've been eating loads of rubbish and I can't stop myself! I don't know what's wrong with me, it's like I don't even care how fat I am and I hate myself for it :cry:
I've gone off the rails! I've lost my mojo! I've been eating loads of rubbish and I can't stop myself! I don't know what's wrong with me, it's like I don't even care how fat I am and I hate myself for it :cry:

:hug99:eek:h Sophie, please don't beat yourself up. We all go off the rails, we just need to pick ourselves up and get ourselves back on the wagon. Take everyday as a new start. Tell yourself that today you will eat well and healthy. Try not to think of it as losing weight, more just looking after your health.

You can stop yourself - I promise you can. You need to be bright and alert for Clevins and he doesn't want to see his mummy sad - weight is just a number, but happiness and health is so important.

You can start afresh today, have your cry, then wipe those tears and figure out a little mini food plan just for today - tell me what your food plan is. I will tell you mine.

I had the biggest banana in the world about 5 mins ago :eek: it was 9 inches at least and completely straight! Then I might go to the gym for a mini workout, then I am going to have scrambled egg and smoked salmon, I am not sure about lunch but dinner is Roast beef with loads of veg gravy and yorkshire.

Come on my lovely dont lose hope, you did so well you know you can do this!

Tell me what you are going to do - dont quit on me pleeeeaaaaseeee!

Ah Sophie ((hugs)). I echo what CB has just said. I don't think any of us get to target without going of the rails - and more than once. We are constantly being tempted, so is it surprising than we sometimes crack? And sometimes - very often, in my case - stopping once we've started can be harder than not starting in the first place.

You've made a start on getting back on plan by coming on Minis again. Just aim to make your next meal SW friendly and see how that goes. Xxx